您是對的,老貓應該說清楚,上麵回答指的是 WARN Act.

For bankruptcy cases commenced on or after April 20, 2005, section 507(a)(3) entitles the employee to third priority status for back pay claims up to $10,000. If the employee wants priority status for back pay in excess of $10,000, the employee must seek priority status as an administrative claim under sections 507(a)(1) and 503(b) of the Code.

當然老貓需要承認,破產法,老貓是真的不熟悉,所以再說一次,謝謝您的指正,同時歡迎您常常來這裡看看是否有任何問題您可以提供意見. 您的意見對於許多朋友應該會有相當的幫助.
