Dec qtr Year to Dec qtr
Sydney -1.0 pct -2.7 pct
Melbourne -1.6 pct -6.1 pct
Bri*****ane -1.3 pct -6.7 pct
Adelaide -1.6 pct -6.4 pct
Perth 0.5 pct -4.9 pct
Hobart 0.8 pct -4.0 pct
Darwin -1.4 pct -5.4 pct
Canberra 0.7 pct -2.6 pct
Dec qtr Year to Dec qtr
Sydney -1.0 pct -2.7 pct
Melbourne -1.6 pct -6.1 pct
Bri*****ane -1.3 pct -6.7 pct
Adelaide -1.6 pct -6.4 pct
Perth 0.5 pct -4.9 pct
Hobart 0.8 pct -4.0 pct
Darwin -1.4 pct -5.4 pct
Canberra 0.7 pct -2.6 pct
• 房價暴跌到哪裏去了? -挨踢閑人- ♂ (25 bytes) () 01/31/2012 postreply 17:17:59
• 不知道這是怎麽統計的,墨爾本的房價感覺一直在漲,買房人很多 -austraveller- ♂ (0 bytes) () 01/31/2012 postreply 18:49:12
• 憑感覺買房?? -null_pointer- ♂ (355 bytes) () 01/31/2012 postreply 21:54:57
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