據BBC新聞, 介於 70% 到 80% 之間的希臘人反對這個叫勤儉節約計劃(the austerity plan).
Greeks oppose the austerity plan。但我認為他們抗議的原因not that there should be no austerity package, but there should be no this particular austerity package. The current proposal was fundamentally flawed:
- taxes on those earning the minimum wage,
- current unemployment reach to more than 16%.這基礎上進一步消減雇員,失業率還會進一步上升。
They should increase the tax of those with higher incomes, starting from the MPs themselves. Why should they cut the pensions and other welfare payments given that so many people are unemployed and they may need these benefits to survive?
所以,關鍵問題是,他們現在這個austerity plan不fair。所以引發了大規模的抗議。窮人已經沒多少活路了,default不default,對他們沒有什麽太大的不同。鑒於此,希臘的政府才沒有多少說服力,來讓百姓支持他們。即便是這次的計劃暫獲議會通過,希臘的政局也不好說。另一次申貸也很快就來臨,因為沒有生產,就沒有入賬。沒有入賬,咋勒肚皮也沒用。