have been living in both countries.
--消費水平,everything is much more expensive, such as Chinese food,
restaurant, appliances, house, car
--醫療,you may need to pay more for medication as it is co-pay in US
--上學(兒子三歲),similar for primary & high school, but much cheaper for university
--人的友好程度,much nicer
--退休生活,為將來未雨綢繆,would be similar for someone with 401k in US and with super in AU
--工作機會(我需要找工作。我是醫療技術人員): I still consider it would be easier in US while the unemplyment rate is in history low at the moment
--自然環境,much better, I would consider it is the best! when I went to US 10 years ago, my supervisor said nowhere better than Sydney
--開車,(和美國反方向?)it won't be a problem, you'll be okay in a few days.
some difference in house: you can claim tax deduction for the interest from the house you are living and it is not the case here;while you can claim tax deduction for the interest from an investment house and it is not the case in US. house price here is much higher than US.