The Confucius statue cements ties between Beijing and Canberra, 10 years after the signing of a sister-city relationship. (ABC News)
The Confucius statue cements ties between Beijing and Canberra, 10 years after the signing of a sister-city relationship. (ABC News)
By Craig Allen Updated Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:29am AEST
The great Chinese thinker now stands larger-than-life, carved in limestone, guarding Woolley Street in Dickson - Canberra's small-scale version of Chinatown. Direct from Qufu - the birthplace of Confucius - the statue is something of a birthday present from Canberra's Chinese community to celebrate 10 years since the signing of a sister-city agreement between the capital and China's equivalent. Chinese ambassador Zhang Junsai attracted a large Chinese media throng as he drew parallels between the ancient philosopher and his country's relationship with Australia. "(Confucius) emphasised the importance of love, benevolence in handling social relations, and calls for social harmony," Mr Zhang said. "His thinking has been deeply embedded in Chinese virtues of being inclusive and peaceloving."
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