中國小孩 - 請靠邊站

今天悉尼晨報頭版頭條:精英中學的秘密武器 - 95%的學生乃移民之後 文章指出:精英中學成了亞裔中學了,中國小孩尤其多,很大原因是這些小孩來自於重視教育的亞裔家庭。 Monash大學的Bob說這非常的不公平。言下之意是中國小孩,不管你學習有多麽刻苦,成績有多麽高,請靠邊站,因為你等是人口的少數,也應該是精英中學的少數,這才符合公平的標準。精英中學不能實行優勝劣汰製,應該按種族的人口比例,規劃入學。應該實行麵試製,看看長相,擇優入學,皮膚不白少進,錄取與否與考分脫鉤。 如果將來大學有這樣失衡的現象,也應一並處理。 全文如下: Top school's secret weapon: 95% of students of migrant heritage Anna Patty and Andrew Stevenson September 13, 2010 The best performing school in the state, James Ruse Agricultural High School, is also the selective school with the most students from a migrant background. New figures obtained under freedom of information laws show that 95.2 per cent of students list a language background other than English in their entry application. Only 41 students from an English-speaking background are studying at the school - an average of seven in each year. Children of migrants fill almost 80 per cent of the places offered at the state's top 10 selective high schools, which are all ranked in the top 20 HSC performers. On average only 20 per cent (or 320 students each year) are from an English-speaking background. The dominant cultural group is Chinese, with the most applicants and the highest success rate in the entry test. Last year, 2361 applicants were from a Chinese background and 1242 were successful. The second most represented group was Vietnamese followed by Korean. In total, 3912 students were awarded a selective school place last year, with 5516 applicants from a non-English speaking background - 42 per cent (1828) of whom were successful. The co-director of the Centre for Population and Urban Research at Monash University, Bob Birrell, said the successful students largely represented middle- to upper-middle-class families from Asia who put a heavy emphasis on education and professional achievement. He said selective schools were not providing assistance to the vast majority of families. ''In NSW we are entrenching advantage within one particular ethnic group. If the NSW government was serious about equal opportunity, it would put some geographical boundaries to ensure better access to [top] schools. A specialist in schools systems from the University of Melbourne, Richard Teese, said that the pooling of high achievers in selective and private school systems had raised the performance bar beyond the reach of students in mainstream schools. ''When you pool resources like that you multiply their impact and you give the students who have access to that distinctive advantages over everybody else,'' Professor Teese said. ''You are setting up a situation in which you [create] extremes of advantage and extremes of disadvantage. If you took those students out of those hot-house environments they would still do well. But by combining their resources you multiply their advantage. It is a zero-sum game: some win, but others must lose.


