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Shadows, shadows,moving and black,
Just looks exactly like one grey sack.
Shadows, shadows, Spooky and grey,
Just looks like a monster catching its prey.
The monster is holding the big grey sack,
Going to catch me and have me for a snack.
I screamed , I ran, I broke into a sweat,
The monsters' gonna catch me, oh, I bet!
I swam into DEEP BLUE SEA,
I think, I think, I did a wee.
Then I heard my mother "SCREEEEEEAM"
Oh Max, Oh Max, you silly thing.
I sat up and looked at my little bed
then i knew why my mum had said....
• 哪裏看出來是女孩?? 可以請教一下嗎?? -zhmz888- ♂ (23 bytes) () 08/21/2010 postreply 17:32:49
• 人家自己的女兒啊,怎麽不知道是小姑娘呢? -shuguangt- ♂ (0 bytes) () 08/22/2010 postreply 06:59:01