
來源: 馬立木 2010-08-10 07:26:53 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2200 bytes)
First, I reckon it is not easy at the moment that you can buy a brand new property with 800K at Wollstonecraft. Secondly I have already factored in the depreciation allowance in my calculation. Thirdly, be aware of the danger of the deprecation as stated below:

Truth #2: The dangers of depreciation
Buying a property based on depreciation benefits is dangerous and deceptive. Depreciation is an accounting term used to describe the wear and tear of an asset that occurs over time. In practical terms, depreciation on a property refers to the carpet wearing down, the walls becoming chipped or stained and the furniture dating.
In most new properties you are allowed to claim a tax deduction for the depreciation of the fixtures and fittings and in certain circumstances you may also claim a building write-off of either 2.5 per cent or 4 per cent of the
property (not land) value too.
Slick marketing companies sell the notion of the taxman paying off your property using depreciation and building write-off deductions, but this sales pitch is quite deceptive because you don't avoid paying tax with depreciation, you just defer it.
Commonsense suggests that depreciating an appreciating asset like property will give you a tax deduction today, but you'll have to repay it in the form of capital gains tax at a later date when you sell.
'Bracket-creep' issues can catch out many taxpayers too. If you earn $50,000 when you buy the property you will only be able to claim a deduction for depreciation at 43.5 cents in the dollar, but if your income rises to $60,000 when you sell then you'll need to repay the depreciation at 48.5 cents in the dollar.
If you don't ever plan to sell the property then at a minimum you should recognise that your depreciation tax deduction represents the wear and tear on your asset that will need to be eventually refurbished in order to continue attracting quality tenants.
Finally, beware any financial model that allows for depreciation benefits but does not include a maintenance budget. You cannot have depreciation without an expectation of repair costs - even new properties still need tap washers replaced.


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