Kevin Rudd——從被背叛到工黨的新救星? (圖)

Rudd is late but very welcome August 6, 2010 He may have been buried along with his policies, but the Ruddster is back with the help of Anthony Ackroyd. It took Kevin Rudd seven minutes yesterday to mention Julia Gillard's name but in the Labor Party, no one was quibbling. Certainly, some said it would have been better had he come out as strongly in the first week of the campaign. Back then, the Herald reported there was a desire for Rudd to do a Hillary Clinton. It was a reference to her putting down the daggers after Barack Obama defeated her for the Democratic presidential nomination and her urging all Democrats to unite to fight a common enemy. Clinton was rewarded by becoming the US Secretary of State, the equivalent to the foreign affairs portfolio Rudd covets. Rudd denied being behind the leaks that have caused enormous damage to Labor's campaign, but he is still generally blamed. Helping Labor across the line on August 21 will, to him, be as much about protecting his own legacy. Whatever the theory, there is no doubt his explosion on to the scene will change the dynamics of the campaign. It is not only Gillard who will be overshadowed at times, but also Abbott. Rudd has threatened to hit the hustings on Sunday, the same day Abbott has his campaign launch in Bri*****ane. Abbott will portray Rudd's re-emergence - as he did yesterday - as a reminder of what Labor heavies did to an elected prime minister. But Abbott now faces two opponents - Gillard and Rudd who, despite his many flaws, is brilliant at campaigning and staying on message. Yesterday he echoed Gillard's attack lines but with greater cut-through. In this saga so far, Rudd has been the martyr and the villain. Now he wants to be seen as the white knight. His constant inference is that Abbot will slide into power unless he intervenes. Labor will cut him slack on that if he succeeds. This election campaign may have been uninspiring but it is a long, long way from boring.

