
Werrong Beach - Legal
Approximately 40 km south of Sydney near Stanwell Park is Werrong Beach, set in the Royal National Park. Gazetted in 1879, this was Australia's first National Park and only the second in the world.
From Sydney take the Princes Highway south to the F6 Freeway, and follow the signs toward Stanwell Park until you turn left to Otford Lookout. Go past the Royal National Park sign and park beyond the shop. From here walk up the good path to the Werrong Beach and Burning Palms Clifftop Walk. The path then descends steeply to Werrong Beach. The total distance around 1.5 km and steep in places, so it is not suitable for the elderly or the handicapped.
Werrong Beach is a large amphitheatre about 300 metres long, surrounded by cliffs with a grassed area behind the beach.
某日,和老婆去看鯨魚。 來到Stanwell park,見鯨魚唯一黑點,一水柱而已。是日天氣晴朗,於是隨高崗行走, 至一山路入口,一牌上雲: NATURAL BATH。不明就裏,順路而行。路漸陡而林木深,且行且喘。有三五少年順路而上,問其山下風景可佳,均笑而不言。再走2裏,有老翁來,著一短褲,汗流滿身。行數步,又遇一人,四十上下,全裸。該壯男對我雲:wellcome to nude beach. 我大驚,原是如此NATURAL bath. 問:我等可著衣服下去否? 壯男雲:此是NON COMPULSORY Nude Beach.汝等可著衣衫,或光腚,皆遂汝願。 相謝繼續下行,老婆歎雲:澳人果然粗壯。我低頭自不用言。下到海灘,多見50以上老者,身上多皺,胯下丁當,我妻甚失望。四望,一美女大字形裸於沙灘之上,欲往觀,妻牽袖反向而行。流連不久,悵然而還。


謝謝分享~ -潛潛潛- 給 潛潛潛 發送悄悄話 潛潛潛 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/13/2010 postreply 19:10:36

頂,這麽好的語文水平。 -不知道我是誰- 給 不知道我是誰 發送悄悄話 不知道我是誰 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/13/2010 postreply 19:30:27

hahaha, 澳人果然粗壯。。。。:) -rnd- 給 rnd 發送悄悄話 rnd 的博客首頁 (48 bytes) () 07/13/2010 postreply 19:34:46

大象的更粗壯,嗬嗬嗬 -煎餅- 給 煎餅 發送悄悄話 煎餅 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/13/2010 postreply 21:29:08

無圖無真像 -mr-leaf- 給 mr-leaf 發送悄悄話 mr-leaf 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/13/2010 postreply 19:40:10
