ALMOST half of Australians believe that China will become a military threat to Australia within 20 years, prompting record support for the US alliance. According to the 2010 Lowy Institute foreign policy poll, 46 per cent of people think China will be a threat, with 19 per cent of them rating the possibility as "very likely". And 55 per cent of the 1001 people surveyed named China as the world's top economic power, compared with 32 per cent for the United States. The reality is that China is Australia's number one trading partner, but its economy rates number four, behind the EU, US and Japan. While 73 per cent of people regard China's growth as good for Australia, 57 per cent said the Government had allowed too much investment from China, and 69 per cent said China's aim was to dominate Asia. Of those surveyed, 55 per cent wanted Australia to join with other countries to limit China's influence. While Australians saw America's economic power as waning, they were still strongly supportive (86 per cent) of the Anzus Treaty and a military alliance with Uncle Sam. That was up from 63 per cent just three years ago. Lowy Poll Project director Fergus Hanson said the results showed people were positive about China's economic growth but fearful of its military aims. "The two sides of the China relationship play in to the rising support for the US alliance that is evident in the poll," Mr Hanson said.
半數澳人認為20年內和中國必有一戰…… zt (圖)
ALMOST half of Australians believe that China will become a military threat to Australia within 20 years, prompting record support for the US alliance. According to the 2010 Lowy Institute foreign policy poll, 46 per cent of people think China will be a threat, with 19 per cent of them rating the possibility as "very likely". And 55 per cent of the 1001 people surveyed named China as the world's top economic power, compared with 32 per cent for the United States. The reality is that China is Australia's number one trading partner, but its economy rates number four, behind the EU, US and Japan. While 73 per cent of people regard China's growth as good for Australia, 57 per cent said the Government had allowed too much investment from China, and 69 per cent said China's aim was to dominate Asia. Of those surveyed, 55 per cent wanted Australia to join with other countries to limit China's influence. While Australians saw America's economic power as waning, they were still strongly supportive (86 per cent) of the Anzus Treaty and a military alliance with Uncle Sam. That was up from 63 per cent just three years ago. Lowy Poll Project director Fergus Hanson said the results showed people were positive about China's economic growth but fearful of its military aims. "The two sides of the China relationship play in to the rising support for the US alliance that is evident in the poll," Mr Hanson said.
• 無知的aussie鄉巴佬 -靈境- ♂ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 17:10:19
• ……你這不是在罵我麽? -天外飛磚- ♀ (40 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 17:11:11
• 國內的都是獨生子女,怎麽戰呀 -絕不浪費青春- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 17:40:41
• 不是有我們先打入敵人內部麽? -mr-leaf- ♂ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 17:51:10
• 你是哪裡的鄉巴佬? -似曾相識- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 17:54:54
• 他到哪裏都是鄉巴佬 -絕不浪費青春- ♀ (5 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 17:56:29
• 危言聳聽! -大牛哥- ♂ (198 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 17:13:01
• 問題就在這裏。中國給人一種不可信賴的感覺,就這就夠觸發戰爭 -天外飛磚- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 17:59:10
• 你給人一種不可信賴的感覺,不要拖所有中國人落水 -似曾相識- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 18:01:10
• 哪裏的人可以信賴?次貸危機不是中國搞得哦.......你太幼稚了 -su3violin- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 18:06:02
• 你好啊,我以為你不來澳壇了呢。 -mr-leaf- ♂ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 18:13:27
• 同好。最近比較忙,哪個坦都沒上。難得您還惦記著 -su3violin- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 19:04:18
• 是啊,是阿,惦記著 -mr-leaf- ♂ (0 bytes) () 05/30/2010 postreply 19:06:15