
This is what I happened to find in 法律谘詢


來源: mouse68 於 09-05-26 09:14:39 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]

The manager told me that if you clean the apt, the cleaning fee will be $45 for the carpet, then I cleaned everything which was better than before I moved in. Then she charged me $100 because she thought the two "windows" are NOT clean enough. I asked for the receipt of the cleaning, she told me that the windows are cleaned by the staff working for the apartments. She has no receipt.the fee will be $55 even for the two windows.any suggestions are welcome. thanks a lot.


8226; 回複:我該不該付這個費?多謝了。(沒多少錢,隻是覺得不合理) -eyehalfopen- ♂ (220 bytes) (157 reads) 5/26/09
8226; 這個fee恐怕你隻能交了 -xxhhwxc- ♂ (226 bytes) (130 reads) 5/26/09
8226; 回複:我該不該付這個費?多謝了。(沒多少錢,隻是覺得不合理) -cry55555- ♀ (150 bytes) (92 reads) 5/26/09
8226; 很多地方都收這fee那fee的.算了. -我也有話說- ♀ (0 bytes) (11 reads) 5/26/09
8226; I was charged $50 for landlord repeat checking some in my apt -hisun- (279 bytes) (53 reads) 5/26/09
8226; 多謝大家,還有一個問題,如何和owner聯係,manager拒絕我和她的老板 -mouse68- ♀ (0 bytes) (16 reads) 5/26/09
8226; 不要談了.過兩天氣就消了.這不算太過分了.上次我搬出來收了100 -我也有話說- ♀ (81 bytes) (54 reads) 5/26/09
8226; manager已經很客氣了,才加了$55 -splash~- (66 bytes) (45 reads) 5/26/09
8226; 教給你個辦法 -laoniuniu- ♀ (86 bytes) (99 reads) 5/27/09
