?悉尼晨鋒報消息,此案是由法律講師、國家與省級政府間法律問題專家、前國家黨官員帕普(Bryan Pape)提交的。他將親自在法庭上辯論此案。帕普曾擔任大法官20年,2000年轉到新英格蘭大學任教,他長期以來對憲法有關問題很感興趣,尤其關注各級政府之間的財政關係問題。
在2005年的一篇論文中,帕普寫道∶“聯邦議會通過動用其強取與發放權,已經把自己的許可權擴大成淩駕於各省之上的絕對權力。 ”3月18日,帕普說,他無意介入關於是否有必要用大筆金錢來刺激經濟以應對全球財政危機的辯論之中。“我不是經濟學家,”他說,“問題是∶你是不是還要有憲法?”他說,政府可以很容易地發放獎金,但是他們做事的方式有問題。
Bryan Pape makes High Court challenge to stimulus
March 19, 2009 08:55am
PAYMENTS to 8.7 million Australians are in jeopardy after the High Court agreed to hear a challenge by former Nationals office holder Bryan Pape.
The Federal Government is due to start paying the bonus, under the Tax Bonus Act, in April as part of its $42 billion economic stimulus package.
But Mr Pape, who worked 20 years as a barrister before joining the University of New England in 2000, will argue the payment is unconstitutional and the Government has no power to offer the bonus.
While the Commonwealth would argue that its taxation powers gave it the right to provide the payment, labelling it the Tax Bonus Act did not make it an act of taxation, Mr Pape said.
"Saying so doesn't make it so, and the first question will be is it a law with respect to taxation?" he said.
"I say it is not. I say it is a gift, and that is not a law with respect to taxation, the way it has been framed."
The Government will argue it is protected by four other powers under the constitution - the appropriations power, the nationhood power, the external affairs power and the interstate and overseas trade and commerce power - Fairfax newspapers reported.
Despite being former chairman of the Nationals New England electorate, Mr Pape denies he is acting politically to stymie the Government's stimulus package.
Rather, he says he is testing arguments raised in a 2005 academic paper, in which he claimed the Commonwealth was misusing its appropriations powers.
"It really stems from a paper I gave to the Samuel Griffiths Society (dedicated to upholding the constitution) in 2005," he said.
"That's when I canvassed most of these issues, and surprisingly a suitable vehicle came along to test this issue."
The High Court hearing, at which Mr Pape will argue the case himself, is scheduled for March 30 and 31.
The Australian Taxation Office has advised the High Court that if it is to stop printing cheques, it needs to be told by the close of business on April 2, Fairfax reports.
Is Mr Pape confident of winning the case?
"One can never be confident going to the High Court," he said.
I really do think that these people that is not happy with the stimulis package should give it back to the australian government. I bet you you they dont .
Posted by: maureen of adelaide 8:53pm today
Comment 100 of 100
Bryan Pape ,I have never heard of you .Are you possibly looking for fame or notoriety? Get back under which ever rock you crawled out from under. Some people actually need this and I think the theory behind the stimulus package does have merit. Also note the ratio of yes to no votes on the pole it sounds about right approximately 25 percent of people dont need it.
Posted by: M.C. of Adelaide Hills 8:37pm today
Comment 99 of 100
My Wife and i got nothing in the last Stimulus package as we don't have little kids anymore or are not a pension, so why are we who have paid our taxes since we were 16 years of age be punished by someone who is trying to make a name for himself, all be it a bad one, he does not speak for anyone in Australia just himself, so i would suggest he worry about his life and leave us to live ours, Kevin sack this guy and he will find out just how tough things really are, this guy makes people in our situation very angry and disappointed, how much are the liberals paying him
Posted by: Trevor Ryles of Paralowie 8:09pm today
Comment 98 of 100
I work with helping people in financial difficulty and I can't beleive Mr P how arrogant you are! So many people are looking forward to the relief of being able to put it towards debt, or to prevent losing thier homes, clothing children etc. It is alright for you, I bet you have no financial worries. These peoploe work hard and they deserve a break, most of this money is going straight back into the economy and helping people keep their jobs. Maybe MR P you should fight a real cause , like getting criminals off the street and stopping drink drivers and con artists! Protect the people not your ego.
Posted by: Mel of 8:05pm today
Comment 97 of 100
I ran as an independent at the 2007 election and i can say these payments are unconstitutional. I am not rich just medically discharged from the army and still fighting. If the government does not follow the rules of the constitution then why do we have to.
Posted by: Stuart Ulrich of Edgeworth 8:01pm today
Comment 96 of 100
why comment it's never published
Posted by: ian of adelaide 7:58pm today
Comment 95 of 100
Just because he dosent need it. Wonder if hes actually got his hands dirty like most aussies. We dont want we need the money to try and tie us over like most aussies we fixed our loan over 18months ago thinking by the trends then we were doing the right thing. So while some people have benefited by the rates going down ours is still stuck at 8.64% counting down the days when we can change back! VANESSA of WORK i agree if this goes ahead shouldnt the people that have already recieved the first payments be made to pay it back why should some get it and others miss out!!!
Posted by: Kylie of craigmore 7:57pm today
Comment 94 of 100
moan! groan! moan! Try working for your money like the rest of us ! you go for it > Bryan Pape hope you win !
Posted by: drecked of nappy valley 7:28pm today
Comment 93 of 100
Either way what a fantastic opportunity for the ALP election ads next year. He delays the tax bonuses so that they come too late, if the stimulus is not enough to work or else he prevents them from working. Great copy for the Labor guys to work with. The opposition were so determined to stop payments to you the voter that they forgot the economy & the latest Republican recession. He didn't challenge any of the Howard "gifts" remember.
Posted by: Paul of Grange 7:22pm today
Comment 92 of 100
stick a sock in BP, some people need it, after all its really only a tax refund for most who dont have any deductions, the way you would with negative gearing, office expenses etc etc, yoiu probably earn WAY TOO MUCH to qualify anyway. To you $900 is probaly like $5 to the people who could rally do with it.
Posted by: Maggie Payne of Adelaide 6:00pm today
Comment 91 of 100
It's one thing to give aged or disabled pensioners a boost but that's it, nothings free and all that's given away will have to be repaid sooner or later. I've seen how some low income pensioners live and it's shameful. There is no way I'd let the people who raised me in a decent home to end their days living in such poverty. It amounts to a slap in the face for all the years they work to raise the next generation of citizens. Shameful
Posted by: MM of Direk 5:42pm today
Comment 90 of 100
What an ego he must have. All it will do is delay money to the economy & businesses at a time when sales are grinding to a halt; for the sole purpose of improving his profile within the University family. You'll never stop the payments, the guidelines/criteria will just be reframed; but some businesses will go to the wall as sales dry up in the meantime. In my role I see this evidence everyday, with March being drasticaly different to even February.
Posted by: Warren Jones of 5:15pm today
Comment 89 of 100
BJ of Adelaide, you do not speak for me so kindly keep your opinion fail to yourself.
Posted by: SandyPaw of Mt Barker 5:02pm today
Comment 88 of 100
Wow, fighting for our rights by stopping a payment a lot of families need to get through these tough times. Fighting for our rights by stopping internet censorship too hard for Bryan? Not enough publicity in a real fight for the rights of Australians?
Posted by: Daniel of Canberra 4:57pm today
Comment 87 of 100
By Joves, I know of several families who are in dire straight at the moment, and the "bonus" would go an awful long way to keeping them going for a while. I hope this arrogant idiot Mr Bryan Pape, can comes to grips with his conscience if he some how wins his case in the high court. Missing out on this "bonus" would take out these 3 families, by way of loss of their homes etc. As for Mr Rudd throwing money at the wrong section of the community last time, he has a 2nd chance to get it right this time, and the on going deficit will have to be paid for by the next generation, like it or lump it, as this is all about survival, keeping what jobs can be kept, and keeping the family home. Poor money management is a terrible thing, why did so many people blow the first lot of handouts on TV`s , pokies etc???????? because they are of the "Gimme it now" generation, and they just dont want to work for the future, or learn the hard way, of the value of a job, money and going without.............
Posted by: Kactus of 4:53pm today
Comment 86 of 100
Good on him for keeping politicians honest, as they say never trust a lawyer or a politician.............just glad I'm not American.
Posted by: Paul of Adelaide 4:34pm today
Comment 85 of 100
Maybe, and only maybe Mr Bryan Pape might have to use his payment if he doesn't earn too much to contribute toward the legal costs of presenting such evidence to the High Court. Or is it as I suspect, the good old Australian Tax Payer who will more than likely be coughing up for the privalidge.
Posted by: Aj Silver Sands of Sunny Sth West 3:46pm today
Comment 84 of 100
Good on him, I hope he fails
Posted by: Kenry of Timbuktoo 2:05pm today
Comment 83 of 100
It certainly is a gift. A gift to those who are always the target of labor handouts and a gift financed by those whose income ensures that they do not qualify. How about instead of whining about high income earners you thank them. After all it is their hight taxes which finance these obscene handouts and it will be their taxes that are paying the deficit for years to come. 12 Billion dollars in handouts and not a job created. Well done Krudd.
Posted by: Tony of Adelaide 1:53pm today
Comment 82 of 100
shame on you - oakland park of 10:15am today Comment 31 of 76. By the look of your comment I don't think you can afford to be too generous with it!
Posted by: Jacques Meoff of Adelaide 1:48pm today
Comment 81 of 100
There is zero reason why the practical issues facing us today ought to be a function of curly legal arguments. This is mere gamesmanship. We don't need it. Whether we need the handout or not is a different question. It is this man, not his critics, who have changed the subject. What if the US bail-out is found to be unconstitutional and scuttled?
Posted by: Gareth of Adelaide 1:40pm today
Comment 80 of 100
Phil of Adelaide (12:57pm) - if you were stupid enough to spend $900 before it entered your bank account then I have no sympathy.
Posted by: Unsympathetic of Adelaide 1:28pm today
Comment 79 of 100
neil of no where....the problem is the man who's complaining!
Posted by: dan of modbury 1:28pm today
Comment 78 of 100
For crying out loud !! I am so over all this 'to'ing and 'fro'ing over this stimulus package... As for Bryan Pape. leave us poor working plebs alone...$ 900 may not seem a lot, but to many it's the difference between a wish and reality..You have had your 5 minutes of fame..now go away!!
Posted by: WD of SA of Adelaide 1:24pm today
Comment 77 of 100
Dave of Modbury, how about YOU stay on topic. Attack the argument, not the man. The High Court isn't going to say yay or nay based on whether or not they like the guy, but if his arguments are sound or not.
Posted by: Neil of 1:14pm today
Comment 76 of 100
So if he wins in the High Court, I'm sure the Govt will look at other ways of getting the $900 out there. In the end it will cost us the taxpayers more for the court costs and delay the payment so we get the $900 later. So who really wins and who loses here???
Posted by: Steve of 1:03pm today
Comment 75 of 100
I want my $900 - in fact I need it because like many others I have spent it!
Posted by: Phil of Adelaide 12:57pm today
Comment 74 of 100
Can people please remember that not ALL families got the payment. If you both work hard, then you are not entitled to FTB part A, therefore you get NOTHING. Stop blaming all families, this is the only part of the stimulus payments AS A TAX PAYER I'm entitled to. I agree with Dave of Modbury. It's about one small man's ego.
Posted by: Christine of Kensington 12:53pm today
Comment 73 of 100
66 comments (and counting) and not one that is remotely relevant. If the government lacks constitutional power to pass this legislation, then the legislation is invalid. Mr Pape's motives for challenging the law are absolutely irrelevant if his argument has legal merit. If he is correct, then government is doing something it has no right to do. If he is wrong, then government is acting within its constitutional rights. It's not a matter of saying (as some of you have) that 'it should be unconstitutional because I'm not getting one' or 'it should be illegal because I don't like it'. The issue is whether the Commonwealth has constitutional power to pass this legislation.
Posted by: Epic Fail of 12:51pm today
Comment 72 of 100
It's the vibe of the thing.....
Posted by: Trevor of Adelaide 12:45pm today
Comment 71 of 100
How can anyone buy the line "I pay my taxes therefore I deserve to get this payment". The payment is NOT a retun of the taxes you have paid, it is the Government BORROWING money to give us all a little bit. This money will have to be PAID BACK at some point, and how will the government achieve this? Well, they'll raise taxes, so we'll be paying back not only the $950 we got from KRudd, but also all the interest that was incurred by the Australian Government in borrowing this money. I have never seen a worse piece of economic policy ever... There is no such thing as free money people!
Posted by: Not So Simple of Adelaide 12:23pm today
Comment 70 of 100
I find it interesting that so many, including the seriously misguided Gazza, want to take the argument in other directions that don't relate to the High Court challenge. Try to stay on topic. This is about one man's ego, as he tries to prove that his assessment of the law is right. I suppose he's like most legal-eagles - he carries his ego around in one of those briefcases-with-wheels that most of them seem to drag behind themselves.
Posted by: Dave of Modbury 12:12pm today
Comment 69 of 100
Bexxie what is a hospital but welfare for when you are sick?
Posted by: Richard of Adelaide 12:11pm today
Comment 68 of 100
My question is, if he is successfull with his challenge with the high court & us Taxpayers miss out on receiving $900, then shouldn't the people who have already received money under this stimulus package be made to give that money back? It doesn't seem fair to me that i should miss out when others have received it.
Posted by: VANESSA of WORK 12:11pm today
Comment 67 of 100
here BJ of Adelaide don't you mean this krudd government is working hard at stuffing the nation up and seems to be very successful at accomplishing it
Posted by: Shane of noarlunga 12:11pm today
Comment 66 of 100
Tom of Magill, how do you think we got a $21b surplus in the first place? Through exports ala mining boom. When the economy picks back up, exports will again pay it off and get the budget back in to surplus.
Posted by: Fascinated of Adelaide 12:09pm today
Comment 65 of 100
here BJ of Adelaide don't you mean this krudd government is working hard at stuffing the nation up and seems to be very successful at accomplishing it
Posted by: Shane of noarlunga 12:05pm today
Comment 64 of 100
And how much will this court case cost the tax payer?
Posted by: Ursula Davies of Adelaide 12:04pm today
Comment 63 of 100
I agree that it is unconstitutional. I made a loss for the first time last financial year and I don't get a cent, despite employing 3 full-time staff who all payed tax. It is a gift. It is a handout. If it is given, it should be given equally and to everyone. Why do those who pay more tax get less? Why do those who push their small businesses through the tough times for the good of their customers and staff get nothing? Why do criminals get the maximum payout? Why do Australians living overseas get a payout at all? It is unconstitutional in so many fundamental ways.
Posted by: Sos of Stirling 11:59am today
Comment 62 of 100
I thikn they should use the money on rebuilding people's future and other projects that get people out of jail.
Posted by: Jeane F of England 11:59am today
Comment 61 of 100
Err BJ -- it's not free. To start with it's being borrowed and to end with we will have to pay it back.
Posted by: Tom of Magill 11:56am today
Comment 60 of 100
Fortunately we have one clever man in Australia ...
Posted by: Jack of Adelaide 11:45am today
Comment 59 of 100
Of Course Families have got it already, Now thats its my turn to finally get some assistance from the Government this man is trying to block it.
Posted by: Marco of Prospect 11:45am today
Comment 58 of 100
Unconstitutional hey? If proved to be so, the new can of worms will be even wrigglier. What will be done to recover the unconstitutional payments already made to millions of families and pensioners? Try asking for it back? The social upheaval this could cause will be interesting to see but I guarantee the only winners will be lawyers (again).
Posted by: Janet of Adelaide 11:44am today
Comment 57 of 100
If we get the money be happy, if not, what can we do about it nothing! As for some of you that have already spent it, sillie people, you should never spend money before you get especially money from the govt!
Posted by: Natalie of adelaide 11:43am today
Comment 56 of 100
History will show that this man is nothing but an habitual challenger. This is by no means a dig at the man because he is highly intelligent but I am sure he does these kind of things just because he can. Trouble is this is no trivial matter and to some people $900 is quite a bit of money and will come in handy. Like one another comment I have read in this forum I think this man wants his 15 mins of fame.
Posted by: Martin of Adelaide 11:37am today
Comment 55 of 100
..thats right Paisly of Port Adelaide, we only need one part in Australia to run things into the ground, to many option otherwise, right?
Posted by: Power Failure of Alberton 11:33am today
Comment 54 of 100
I wouldnt want to be him if he is sucessful in this challenge!
Posted by: Angry Benny of Here 11:29am today
Comment 53 of 100
It does not matter whether or not people need the handout. It is designed to stimulate the economy by encouraging consumer spending. It is purely an economic measure. I don't need the money as such, but i will certainly spend it when I get it. Which is what everyone should do to help the economy.
Posted by: Jebediah of Adelaide 11:18am today
Comment 52 of 100
"Every" Australian wants "welfare" do they "I dont need it of SA" ?? What a stupid comment to make! I'd much rather see the money being put towards something else .. like upgrading our hospitals etc! Sorry .. but not ALL Australians want welfare!
Posted by: Bexxie of Adelaide 11:17am today
Comment 51 of 100
ive spent mine so we better still get it!!! I work 40 hrs per week and im struggling, I deserve this. Not single mothers under 18 years old so on and so forth!
Posted by: gimmme gimmmme gimmmme of pov town 11:16am today
Comment 50 of 100
to Jamie of Adelaide. I was made redundant 4 weeks ago. I've got a mortgage to pay. I have applied for over 30 jobs a week... most don't even reply back. I need that money, and I take offence to people like you who think that everyone on the dole sits around getting hand outs. Your turn will come.
Posted by: D Harvey of Elizabeth North 11:07am today
Comment 49 of 100
Dear Mr Pape Please go away....I need my money and am so looking forward to it. If you are bored, do some community work and see how real people are struggling out there.
Posted by: raylee morran of adelaide 11:06am today
Comment 48 of 100
Seems like he just wants to be in the spotlight, than argue 'the greater good' of his challenge.
Posted by: David Warren of Kurralta Park 11:04am today
Comment 47 of 100
what a scrooge
Posted by: craig of adelaide 11:03am today
Comment 46 of 100
Colin of the South what percentage of these payments are going to prisoners and dead people? In any case the prisoners are entitled to their payment same as anyone else. Their families will get the money as they are not allowed to have over $120 in their jail bank accounts. Dead people? If tax payer died then I would assume there is a spouse or some relative to collect and spend the money. Why do I even have to explain this to you ?
Posted by: Loopy Loo of Wackyland 11:01am today
Comment 45 of 100
If this happens I will be EXTREMELY annoyed. I do the right thing and get my family tax benefit payment annually. I work part time and cannot estimate my yearly income. I will only be given the stimulus payment once I have lodged my 2008-09 tax return. So if PRISONERS get their payment and I don't where is the common sense!!!
Posted by: Joanne of Brighton 11:01am today
Comment 44 of 100
I guess Mr Pape put it in words when he said "It was a vehicle to test his theory on commonwealth law". "stuff the people who will benifit" , he is really saying, "my theory is more important than the money going to families".
Posted by: phill ritter of China 11:00am today
Comment 43 of 100
I categorically speak for all Australians when I say that we all want our free money now. This hardworking Rudd Federal Labor Government undoubtedly has all the answers.
Posted by: BJ of Adelaide 10:59am today
Comment 42 of 100
I know hes right, but im blinded by $900 now. I wonder if this silly government of the day had never said a word on this stimulus how few people have even noticed how much they 'need' $900 and continued living day to day.
Posted by: Nicholas of Adelaide 10:54am today
Comment 41 of 100
why would it be ok to let the govt break the law and the biggest one in this land is the Australian Constitution? He may as well use his money and talent to test it so that govts obey the laws made, just like regular people in this land.
Posted by: Geoff of adelaide 10:53am today
Comment 40 of 100
We are one of the most highly taxed nationson earth. Income tax, gst, stamp duty, petrol taxes etc. When i earned a cash bonus at work i lost half of it to the tax department. I say give some back to the people! Mr pape exlcuded of course.
Posted by: maca of 10:53am today
Comment 39 of 100
dont get in the way of the guliable and a vote grabbing cash payout !!
Posted by: Craig of Hindmarsh 10:37am today
Comment 38 of 100
pretty selfish really all this expense in challenging the package in order to try and justify his acedemic prowess...
Posted by: Me of here 10:35am today
Comment 37 of 100
why should people sit on the dole and get hand outs but hard working people have to struggle just as much
Posted by: jamie of adelaide 10:27am today
Comment 36 of 100
These minor party wannabes are nothing but trouble makers. The Nationals, Family first (a happy clapper church group under another name) Independents (Mr X included) all of them. But we need them I guess so that it makes the rest of us feel normal.
Posted by: Paisly of Port Adelaide 10:19am today
Comment 35 of 100
He is affecting millions of people to prove a point he made in a paper.
Posted by: vic of Sydney 10:17am today
Comment 34 of 100
I would like to give him a piece of my mind
Posted by: shame on you - oakland park of 10:15am today
Comment 33 of 100
start selling your harvey norman shares now
Posted by: Jim of 10:15am today
Comment 32 of 100
This man doesn't care about anything except testing his stupid theory. How can the govt possibly be stopped? This is also not the first time gifts/bonuses etc have been paid out. Pensioners got payouts under Keating and Howard so what is this man on about?
Posted by: Loopy Loo of Wackyland 10:14am today
Comment 31 of 100
Good I hope he stops it. It seems that every Australian wants welfair.
Posted by: I dont need it of SA 10:10am today
Comment 30 of 100
Mark of Seaford - regardless of anything else, how do you suggest that payments to dead people and prisoners are going to save the country?
Posted by: Colin of The South 10:05am today
Comment 29 of 100
hope you lose and have to pay costs.
Posted by: Gordy Gambino of ex sa born and bred 9:58am today
Comment 28 of 100
I for one need the money. If you don't need it give it back.
Posted by: Jack Thompson of Blackwood 9:58am today
Comment 27 of 100
i do not agree that he should stop these payments to tax payers these people work hard for there money and payed tax for 2007 2008 why should the payments be stoped now is it because people who work should miss out while people who sit at home get it how does it work its not fair he shoud just leave ti they way it is
Posted by: nicole of adelaide 9:56am today
Comment 26 of 100
The stimulus payments are to save the country, aren't they? If they're stopped because of a point of law and the country suffers, then it'll be on Bryan's head. Will that satisfy his academic ego?
Posted by: Mark of Seaford 9:52am today
Comment 25 of 100
Wake up people !!! I am glad to live in a country whereby people with courage such as Mr Pape can challenge a decision by the Government of the day to 'give' us $900 by plunging the country into massive debt.
Posted by: matt of henley beach 9:50am today
Comment 24 of 100
I take it Mr Pape isn't entitled to a payout so he's trying to make sure no one else gets one.
Posted by: bruce of 9:49am today
Comment 23 of 100
And no one apposed the payment in December to Seniors???
Posted by: Adele of 9:49am today
Comment 22 of 100
There is always some sort of snag when it comes to people who work but have no kids getting their money. Why didn't this thing happen when the people on government assistance, or when people with kids got their two lots? Maybe he is right or maybe he is just trying to get his name in the media?
Posted by: Annoyed of Underdale 9:46am today
Comment 21 of 100
To Gazza of Adelaide 9:20am . What you and others seem to overlook when you use the emotional argument of the plight of future generations burdened with debt, is that those future generations are blessed with already having the existing infrastructure that goes into making a city- roads, transport, hospitals,etc. etc.- as these have already been provided for them by this and earlier generations,free of charge. It wouldn`t hurt them to contribute a bit in those circumstances , surely.
Posted by: Rohn of Ascot Park 9:44am today
Comment 20 of 100
how can it be a 'gift' when we eventually will have to work the debt off?
Posted by: waste of more tax payers money of 9:44am today
Comment 19 of 100
He must be an affluent gentleman - or else someone is backing him to cover the legal costs.
Posted by: Penelope of Canterbury of Melbourne Eastern Suburbs 9:35am today
Comment 18 of 100
It's just one big bribe anyway. We all need to get ourselves through this so called economic crisis or we'll be expecting handouts left right and centre whenever there's a slight hurdle in the economic forecast. Go Bryan!!!
Posted by: JR of adelaide 9:35am today
Comment 17 of 100
He wants 15 mins of fame... I think there is a song there...lol It would be nice to get some coin, but if we don't...
Posted by: Adam of the hills 9:33am today
Comment 16 of 100
Mr Pape, where was your challenge to all the hand outs given by the Liberal/National Coalition under Howard and Costello?
Posted by: Chris Seyfang of 9:31am today
Comment 15 of 100
Immediately proving my previous comment, we have Gazza of Adelaide saying "it is certainly unconstitutional to burden future generations with debt". It is not. That is not a Constitutional argument. That is a picture of total Constitutional incomprehension.
Posted by: Epic Fail of 9:31am today
Comment 14 of 100
Gazza, the stimulus payments only total $12 billion. The coalition stimulus "plans", of which haven't even been presented but just talked about. Their stimulus package would be only $20b less, and we'd still be in deficit under their plan. But will they endorse a deficit as part of a global economic downturn, to which practically all economists endorse? No.
Posted by: Fascinated of Adelaide 9:28am today
Comment 13 of 100
Well I take it Mr Page as a retired Barrister would be living quite well in his little world of no money problems. Mr Page may I suggest you get yourself a hobby and let the Government do its best to help the average citizen who unlike yourself lives in the world of reality.
Posted by: Peter of Croydon 9:24am today
Comment 12 of 100
One question - who is paying for this court challenge? We certainly have to pay to defend the payments, but who is bankrolling the "prosecution"?
Posted by: Lynda Hopgood of Greenock 9:23am today
Comment 11 of 100
So he wants to take money away from us poorer people and not even for a valid political reason - just to futher his academic career. I NEED that money. Apart from paying too much tax over the last few years (I deserve some of it back), I need that money to fix my car so I can get to work (and pay more tax) and take my partner on much deserved holiday (local) as we both worked our butts off right through Chistmas (just to pay more tax).
Posted by: Blood of Bleeding Stone 9:22am today
Comment 10 of 100
Even though most of us would like our money we are a greedy bunch and this bloke may in fact be right, we didnt elect this government to get this and future generations into a burden of debt to make a global recession seem less of a recession here in Australia. It certainly is unconstitutional to burden future generations with this debt especially considering it will mostly be spent on consumables which will not leave anything for the next generation.
Posted by: Gazza of Adelaide 9:20am today
Comment 9 of 100
Where was this guy when the Howard Govt gave out the baby bonus, first home buyers grants,solar power rebates etc etc etc? Hope costs are awarded against him and whoever is behind him has to foot the bill for this furphy!
Posted by: dice1164 of Real World 9:17am today
Comment 8 of 100
We put the current government in power to do whatever is necessary to keep this country as great as it is and the government is doing what it sees is in the best interests of the country to keep the economy strong during this global financial crisis. I think he is irresponsible.
Posted by: Greg Patrick of Adelaide 9:15am today
Comment 7 of 100
Wish he'd stepped in the first time around and stopped the payments to families.
Posted by: Why now of 9:13am today
Comment 6 of 100
Give me my money!
Posted by: BM of 9:07am today
Comment 5 of 100
Sounds like a Pape smear campaign to me.
Posted by: Waldo of Plympton Park 9:06am today
Comment 4 of 100
well im sure that this former barrister has plenty of money, how about letting the ordinary australians have something in return, there will be some 8.7 million Australians not so happy with Mr Pape.
Posted by: Darrin Russell of adelaide 9:05am today
Comment 3 of 100
A former barrister and completely out of touch with the wants and needs of the everyday person? Not surprised. Is he really using this to prove himself right on a paper he wrote to another bunch of academics?
Posted by: The Gavnor of Adelaide 9:04am today
Comment 2 of 100
Test your theories in private, with your mates.
Posted by: Tim of Adelaide 9:04am today
Comment 1 of 100
• 說說而已,就像二會結束後人大代表的議論一樣 -蕭跑跑- ♂ (71 bytes) () 03/19/2009 postreply 21:15:33
• Not really -天外飛磚- ♀ (0 bytes) () 03/19/2009 postreply 21:18:32