Lynette has a possum in her yard and it's making her crazy. She goes to Bree for a gun to kill it, since poison and traps haven't worked. Bree tells her that's illegal and suggests that Lynette go buy an air rifle instead.
Lynette is obsessing over that darned possum. Instead of going to the party, she's outside in the tree laying in wait with the air rifle after setting out candy as bait for the possum. Tom tries to talk her out of this, but she seems to feel like this possum is trying to take something from her and destroy something of hers, similar to what the cancer is doing.
嗬嗬,建議你還是適應和負鼠同居的日子吧 (圖)
(164 bytes)
03/03/2009 postreply
這裏有一個比較有效,而且絕對合法的方法來防止負鼠騷擾你 (圖)
(627 bytes)
03/03/2009 postreply