Hey Friends there in Australia, please help.....

I hold a U.S. green card and China passport and I am planning to travel from U.S. to Australia.

Would it be easy for me to get a travelling visa?

Any suggestions for a 2-week stay? Places to go? to see? ......

Thank you!


everyone just read and no answers, -roxybaby1112- 給 roxybaby1112 發送悄悄話 (203 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 20:35:12

I'll check it out. Thank you!!! :) -lazy-cat- 給 lazy-cat 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 20:43:39

Thanks alot. I feel better now. I am going to -lazy-cat- 給 lazy-cat 發送悄悄話 (170 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 20:41:02

OZ版的很垃圾,每個城市寫一點點,建議看OZ旅遊局官網 -非典型性淑女- 給 非典型性淑女 發送悄悄話 (28 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 20:43:24

thanks a lot~ -lazy-cat- 給 lazy-cat 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 20:44:53

o, my suggestion not that bad ba :( -roxybaby1112- 給 roxybaby1112 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 20:51:46

你去唐人街,拿個一日遊團的廣告基本就都有了,不用看那書 -非典型性淑女- 給 非典型性淑女 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 20:55:40

I will be in this forum a lot from now on,,hehe... -lazy-cat- 給 lazy-cat 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 20:52:28

貴ID與壇中一位名人一樣,,hehe~~ -豆腐板- 給 豆腐板 發送悄悄話 豆腐板 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 21:00:56

hehehe..... -似曾相識- 給 似曾相識 發送悄悄話 似曾相識 的博客首頁 (11 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 21:08:13

你以後就不可以亂叫了!哈哈哈哈! -大閑人- 給 大閑人 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 21:10:07

前天晚上,你蘇眉還幫你叫了一把,真肉麻S了~~ -豆腐板- 給 豆腐板 發送悄悄話 豆腐板 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 21:11:23

哈哈哈哈! -大閑人- 給 大閑人 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 21:12:46

哈哈哈哈! -大閑人- -似曾相識- 給 似曾相識 發送悄悄話 似曾相識 的博客首頁 (24 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 21:35:42
