規避人生的十個心靈陷阱 (ZT)
1、草率:失敗者的根源; 2、張揚:淺薄者的朋友;
3、自負:無知者的自我膨脹; 4、固執:蟠踞心靈的愚眛;
5、傲慢:無法支持的尊嚴; 6、多疑:負重心靈的枷鎖;
7、盲從:失去自已的可憐人; 8、偏執:過於自我的執著;
9、僥幸:自我欺騙的放縱; 10、嫉妒:暴露自己的無能。
1, hasty: the root of the losers; 2, assertive: friend of shallow; 3, conceited: self-expansion of the ignorant; 4, stubborn: to Panju mind stupid unobservant; 5. arrogant: dignity that can not be supported; 6, suspiciousness: weight of the shackles of the mind; 7, blind obedience: the loss of their own poor man; 8, paranoia: too self-dedication; 9, a fluke: the indulgence of self-deception;
10, envy: to expose their incompetence.