
來源: xiaqiongfufu 2012-12-04 21:16:41 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2988 bytes)
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回答: 回複:蓮葉-請指點。漢至2012-12-03 18:37:56

Thanks for your feed back! I am at a country an honest opinion is hard to come by - long story...maybe some other time.

Please indulge me I am thirsty for some art talk

I have been told a few times that I either should be in the realism camp or the modernism camp.  Is there somewhere in the middle one can be. I am a modern woman who has some knowledge and skills of the traditional way of making art and was made aware of both the old and the new. Somewhere also, in the middle between the West and the East - since I was educated and lived in both cultures. Such as: lotus, a symbol widely recognized in Asian cultures of a grace and peace at the heart, painted in oil, full of light and color with a Chinese format and composition. I know something is not working in this image, but what? I guess thats my battlewhats your thoughts on that?

Many thanks in advance, sorry that I have to write in English. I am at work and the computer does not have Chinese input software. 



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