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• #跟帖# pao pao ....! [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2010-10-03 | |
• #跟帖# I fu le U le ..... LOL [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2010-10-03 | |
• #跟帖# 氣是喘得,就是來晚了 。。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2010-03-07 | |
• Guys, I know I have been whining for years, but this [電玩高手] - idiot94(379 bytes ) 2009-12-19 | |
• today I can play BF2... any1 will be on? I am on TS [電玩高手] - idiot94(26 bytes ) 2009-10-09 | |
• #跟帖# 好久沒打了,什麽時候再歸隊根你們打。。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-10-02 | |
• #跟帖# 嗬嗬,歡迎歡迎啊。。。 :) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-08-18 | |
• #跟帖# 據初步估計,到2011年,可能還是這個樣子。。。:) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-08-05 | |
• 奶奶的,費死勁了。。。總算混夠了時間,弄到了這顆星星。。 (圖) [電玩高手] - idiot94(132 bytes ) 2009-08-04 | |
• #跟帖# the connection problem has been bugging me ... [電玩高手] - idiot94(32 bytes ) 2009-07-28 | |
• #跟帖# 我最近及其鬱悶。。。隻差1個鍾頭就可升將軍了, [電玩高手] - idiot94(121 bytes ) 2009-07-28 | |
• #跟帖# these days most servers are inf. only, this one is so rear.. [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-04-18 | |
• #跟帖# li hai!! [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-04-18 | |
• #跟帖# no 3 no 4 de, you what meaning horse you? [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-04-17 | |
• #跟帖# 嗬嗬,關鍵是要練啊 :) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-03-30 | |
• #跟帖# in order to get unlocks, you have to play online. [電玩高手] - idiot94(368 bytes ) 2009-03-29 | |
• #跟帖# 2 packs of C4 direct hit on anything will destroy it. However [電玩高手] - idiot94(238 bytes ) 2009-03-29 | |
• #跟帖# lol... you are playing against AI. When you play against [電玩高手] - idiot94(328 bytes ) 2009-03-29 | |
• #跟帖# 切的東西不一樣的。。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-03-28 | |
• #跟帖# 哦。。。槍也打不好。。別的槍也不行。。打飛機也不行。。:) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-03-28 | |
• #跟帖# 偶現在不靈的。。手發抖,手槍也打不好。。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-03-27 | |
• #跟帖# 恭喜銀棍,今晚可能有空上場和兄弟並肩戰鬥了。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-03-27 | |
• #跟帖# 哈哈,不是我專著,是別的我太蔡鳥。。。:) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-03-18 | |
• #跟帖# 沒玩什麽,鬱悶的很。。。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-03-17 | |
• #跟帖# 有點意思。。這兩天,偶也在考慮重新開始玩BF2,換一個 [電玩高手] - idiot94(72 bytes ) 2009-03-16 | |
• #跟帖# 真的嗎?偶有一個澳洲的狙擊手網友,他那個L96A3舊的 [電玩高手] - idiot94(49 bytes ) 2009-03-01 | |
• #跟帖# 老K,你這些寶貝花了很多銀子吧?至少要20000了吧? [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-02-27 | |
• #跟帖# 考。。你家方圓2000米之內都是死亡地帶亞。。。恐怖!:) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-02-26 | |
• #跟帖# 好像效果一般亞。。。:) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-02-19 | |
• #跟帖# I do not recall I give it to any web though. I always use [電玩高手] - idiot94(103 bytes ) 2009-02-18 | |
• #跟帖# what MM? LP!!! :D [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-02-18 | |
• 老大們,有什麽好辦法對付這些日益猖獗的spam email? [電玩高手] - idiot94(193 bytes ) 2009-02-18 | |
• #跟帖# 對於MM來說,那個更重要呢? [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-02-18 | |
• #跟帖# wow, some1 can chase and corner you??? GOD.... [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-02-02 | |
• #跟帖# 分組project。。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-02-01 | |
• #跟帖# 老大厲害,偶飛這個差得不行。。。:) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-31 | |
• #跟帖# 你們都不玩IL2-Forgotten Battle嗎? [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-31 | |
• #跟帖# 老大,上次大麥給過我一個建議,500就搞定了。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(521 bytes ) 2009-01-31 | |
• #跟帖# 偶也覺得最簡單的就是關閉煙霧效果,其實這樣你不被 [電玩高手] - idiot94(56 bytes ) 2009-01-31 | |
• #跟帖# 感動ing。。。。綠衣黃裏。。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-26 | |
• #跟帖# 回複:剛好10.5inch肯定不行,我開始就是以為可以。 拿到手以後 [電玩高手] - idiot94(19 bytes ) 2009-01-24 | |
• #跟帖# 政委,您這個跟貼。。越看越。。。下流。。。赫赫。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-24 | |
• #跟帖# 偶有罪。。。偶自宮。。。。 [電玩高手] - idiot94(34 bytes ) 2009-01-24 | |
• #跟帖# MM effect .... sigh.. .can't argue with that ... :) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-21 | |
• #跟帖# hehe ... she never visits this forum .. lol [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-21 | |
• #跟帖# lol... you are always curious about everything :) [電玩高手] - idiot94(75 bytes ) 2009-01-21 | |
• #跟帖# i c [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-21 | |
• #跟帖# Sony..PS3 ... ye.. you can boost whatever you like [電玩高手] - idiot94(142 bytes ) 2009-01-21 | |
• #跟帖# xie xie xie xie :) [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-21 | |
• #跟帖# faint... that was from Dell's website... :p ... [電玩高手] - idiot94(0 bytes ) 2009-01-21 | |
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