
心中滿載的滄桑, 隻有找到傾訴的出口才能得以解脫


(2006-05-20 00:26:50) 下一個

最近的一段時間心裏一直堆積著很多事情卻苦於沒有時間靜下下來記於筆端. 其實也就是一個普通的日子卻是我的生日罷了, 對於一個快要告別二字頭的年華來說實在沒有多少值得慶賀的,隻是不慎被關係好的幾個客人知道了, 居然在那天先後來了幾十人跑來向我祝賀, 忽然說的老外實在簡單快樂, 什麽卡片,彩票, 花草, Terry Bear, 衣服, 甚至擁抱和親親麵頰都是可貴的禮物, 一位常客甚至送來了親手做的矩形蛋糕,上麵插上精致的皇冠和蠟燭實在是漂亮極了, 當大家異口同聲的唱起生日快樂,Lydia時真是非常感動,原來人和人的相處就是這般的簡單,無論我們從何處而來, 我們的文化根基是何等的不同,隻要我們互相尊重,彼此關愛, 我們就會分享無盡的快樂. 開店快兩年, 第一次感受到如此的成就感, 不光在於我們從呀呀學步開始學會生存,更在於我們和每個種族,各種文化背景來的人們都能夠相處融洽, 這麽財富是任何金錢都無法買到的.

二十九歲的那一天, 我會心的笑了!

From this moment, I name myself African Violet not only because this is the special gift I got on this special day, but because the story of this amazing flower. The African Violet is originally from Europe, during the colonization age, some European aristocrat tried to bring the plant to Africa, but they failed to grow up in the new land because of the hot weather and dry soil, later on, after generation and generation, through the elaborated effots from both European and African people, this little flower started to grow bit by bit, adopting to the circumstances in African. Up to now, this little purple flower are flourishing in large part of Africa and people start to name them African Violet. In my understanding, they are more like the new immigrants from all around the world coming to this new land, we are tiny, small people, and we come here in a hope to make a better living. This cold though peaceful land may only contain some nutrition that we might not even like, after gradually acculturated to this mosaic, we hopefully can thrive like the fortitudious flowers! Grim.....

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
maxren 回複 悄悄話 每一個政策都不是十全十美的,但北美已經是在這個世界上詮釋自由這兩個字的最接近完美的地方,甚至超過了她的祖先-歐洲.更況論中共政府--一個獨裁,集權,有超過一半的人生活還很貧困,這部分人沒有一點言論自由-不能上訪,連生存的自由都快被剝奪了.你假如是屬於這個階級的話,你還會稱讚中共嗎?