
賈平凸 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

526 凸子塵報:12-27,12-15和01-03

(2011-12-28 12:46:07) 下一個

Until the last minute I noticed that the Iowa debate I was looking forward was canceled in fact. I was still anticipating, to a lesser degree since I know Trump’s withdrawal, that the debate would entertain me through this home-stay holiday season. The Sioux City debate that I missed out was the last one of its kind before January 3, 2012.

在聖誕後夜看一場史上最有娛樂性的政治辯論會的計劃落空了。1227日的Des Moines辯論會取消了,但是網上信息沒法完全更新。對習慣於循Google Search查消息的人來說,比如我,就被很低級的愚弄了一下。現在就等13日的愛喝花粥初選了。最愛喝花粥的候選人,一般都是民意稍落後的人。

我回去又看了一遍Sioux City debate的錄像。 PaulRomney GingrichPerrySantorumBachmannHuntsman七個候選人關於自身勝選能力,以及醫療、就業、外交、軍事誰表現好誰表現差並不是我想說的。一個超越單個候選人的潮流。隻談美國的事情的話,2012大選的那個不被人注意的核心問題,the candidate who promise to work the least will get elected

GingrichEducation determines the future of America. So, (but) it is what the parents, not us in Washington, should decide and do about.

Paul: My government will need to tax less and work less by cut executive operations, period.

RomneyMy experience ensures that I can let most American people back to work (so I’m able to work less).

Huntsman: As I have learnt in Utah, we shall reduce personal and corporate taxes by simplifying tax codes.

Bachmann: The first thing my government will not do is to take over the private health insurance industry like the Obama Care. I also agree to Mr. Gingrich that we shall spend less in education, and for that I propose no new taxes ever.

Romney: Well, come to education, there is one only thing that I can’t agree to Mr. Gingrich and Mrs. Bachmann. I like math. There is always an answer in numbers to every question we face.

Paul: Mr. Romney, you are trying to run our nation as if you were running a business. Unlike you, I hate the math. That is why I will gradually eliminate most of our government agencies, in particular the Federal Reserve.

Gingrich: Apart from education, I also worked hard to reinvent our healthcare system. Something I’d shared with Mrs. Bachmann. It wouldn’t work if you only want to amend our current system.

Bachmann: Thanks Mr. Gingrich, you are right. If we are just to amend it,  who would pay you $40M before every Americans get covered?

Romney: That’s true what Mrs. Bachmann just said. The conflict between what Mr. Gingrich said and did comes from his a conflict of interest on our health care reform.

Gingrich: Mr. Romney, we all know that Obama Care of 2010 is all the same to your Romney Care of 2006.

Romney: No. I explicitly said that the mandate on individuals to buy insurance coverage has to stay as a state level legislation, not national level.

以上隻是我寫的一個共和黨辯論會的腳本。真實的辯論沒有按照這個進行,隻是look a lot like it


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