
賈平凸 (熱門博主)
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258 An Open Letter to Senator Barack Obama

(2007-10-05 05:37:13) 下一個

259 給奧巴馬議員的公開信譯文


在剛剛發表一篇關於08選戰的博客文章愛報不報:OCT 4th, 奧巴馬, bumper stickers後,一件讓我驚愕事實使我不得不給你寫這封公開信。





民主所要求的是把平等的權利和機會賦予每一個公民個體,而不是每一個公民種族。如果是後者,美國憲法早就該改成“每5 個總統必須有1個非裔,每10個總統必須有1個拉丁裔,每20個總統必須有1個亞裔”了。大錯特錯!前者才是民主的真諦。我們不會因為美國總是沒有非裔或拉丁裔的總統而在意。但是,當任何一個美國人因為他或她的任何人口學方麵的屬質而遭遇不公,我們會很在意的。



無論何時等你做到了, 你肯定不是為了你自己。你是為了美國人民。

2007年10月4 日

Dear Senator Obama,

I am writing you this open letter because a shocking concern punched me after I posted a blog article recently.

Having looked at different sources of opinion poll results, news releases and blog articles, I remain in the conclusion that you have a better chance to lead all Americans in 2009. What shocked me happened immediately after this article was headlined by the webmasters of the blog site. The post attracted more than 30,000 page views and a couple dozen comments over night. The comments are overwhelming disapprovals to my conclusion. It was very unfortunate that most of the disapprovals concentrated on one same note that Americans are not ready for an African American President.

Democracy has been so much deeply rooted into the American life that every one believes democracy is what America is about. Regardless of racial and ethnic identities, Constitution grants people the equal rights in every aspect of American life. In fact, race and ethnics should never be democratic notions. They are at most demographic domains. It was merely a have-to that American democracy started its way from demographic issues more than 200 years ago.

However, it is at least to me a shame that democracy of 21st century America still has to fight its way with demographic issues in front Americans’ eyes, and inside the Americans’ minds. If I remember correctly, Senator, you started this presidential quest in Springfield, IL with a Lincoln style statement that Americans are one people. I was greatly encouraged at your sayings. It was an excellent kick-off that every one in this country is to benefit from.

The demographic impact on democracy was gradually shadowed on you soon after. In a PBS debates in June, you and other democratic primary candidates were asked the same issue about race. Senator Clinton responded “ at this stage and see an African American, a Latino, a woman contesting for the presidency of the United States . ” Senator Clinton was wrong. She was wrong that she was not able to see the divide between democracy and demography. It is a shame that American politics still misuse the demographic issues when it comes to democracy.

Democracy is about equal rights and opportunity for every individuals, not every races. If the latter is right, why don’t Americans revise the Constitution that there should be one African American of every five US presidents, one Latino of every ten, and one Asian of every twenty. NO. It is the former. We do not care that there is always no African Americans or Latinos presiding the white house. But if any American individual who are still discriminated for whatever his or her identity, we care the most.

As I can see, the racial issue is working against you. It is by and large due to a long standing misfortune of the American media. From day one of this race, the media has been mixing up the two different concepts as what it has done in all past. The media names you the African American Candiate for Democratic Primary as every one in the world can see. Why is that? The media in mainstream does not benefit by thinking anything rightly, it benefits by thinking things popularly.

Media will continue to make this an issue, and this issue is against you. It will be your responsibility, as you said in the PBS debate, to fight your way out of it. We trust that you are able to make it for 2008. As what Lincoln did one and half century ago in the same land where you stand, you will demonstrate to every Americans what democracy is in real

Whenever you do, you are not for you. You are for the American people.

- A person who does not love you, but believes in you.


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閱讀 ()評論 (20)
truelove123 回複 悄悄話 Saint OBAMA
ddti 回複 悄悄話 真凹!
賈平凸 回複 悄悄話 noso老兄:你好!我就這麽點油水,加不加都在這了。你想耗幹我啊?謝謝提醒。
賈平凸 回複 悄悄話 ilikegame: 我不止一次看到你開罵了。你知道嗎,看過我的文章的人,隻有蠢蛋才相信我相信了美國民主。就像我對你的態度,如果我相信了你是蠢蛋,我就無法改變你了。請給我個機會來改變你吧!
賈平凸 回複 悄悄話 謝謝大家給我的評語和指正。

goingunder: 你這好像叫潛水員吧:)謝謝!改了。
openargue: 你說得很現實,事例很到位。我自己有句常說的話,當理想遇到現實,往往是理想讓位於現實。但是現實確實在被理想的謙讓之後,慢慢改變。
kickok1975: 你75年的?年紀還小,應該注意學習。
牛百葉:你參加american idol的投票倒是個好材料。
ilikegame 回複 悄悄話 隻有像作者這樣的蠢蛋才相信美國的民主!BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
noso 回複 悄悄話 小賈加油~

信就別真發給他看了。: P
selang2 回複 悄悄話 u must be in denial

race is a real factor here, regardless of that all those noble ideas of being racial equalities.
springrose 回複 悄悄話 凸,你想告訴Obama什麽?隻是提醒種族這件事對Obama的重要性嗎?這需要你提醒嗎?

牛百葉 回複 悄悄話 我會把我的票投給一條會用後腿走路的狗,也不會給這個叫什麽馬的人!
水出閑門 回複 悄悄話 是。要把賈平凸要說的主題看懂了再發言。


Dear Senator Obama,

I am writing you this open letter because a shocking concern punched me when (AFTER?) I posted a blog article recently.

Having looked at different sources of opinion poll results, news release(S) and blog articles, I remain in the conclusion that you have (A) better chance to lead all (THE) Americans in 2009. What shocked me happened immediately after this article was headlined by the webmasters of the blog site. The post attracted more than 30,000 page views and a couple dozen comments over night. The comments are overwhelmingly (OVERWHELMING) disapprovals to my conclusion. It was very unfortunate that most of the disapprovals concentrated on one (THE) same note that Americans are not ready for an African American President.

Democracy has been so much deeply rooted into the American life that every one believes democracy is what America is about. Regardless of racial and ethnic identities, Constitution grants people the equal rights in every aspects(ASPECT) of American life. In fact, race and ethnics should never be democratic notion (NOTIONS). They are at most demographic domains. It was merely a have-to that American democracy started its way from demographic issues more than 200 years ago.

However, it is at least to me a shame that democracy of 21st century America still has to fight its way with demographic issues in front (OF) Americans’ eyes, and inside the Americans’ minds. If I remembered (REMEMBER) correctly, Senator, you started this presidential quest in Springfield, IL with a Lincoln style statement that Americans are one people. I was greatly encouraged at your sayings. It was an excellent kick-off that every one in this country is to benefit from.

The demographic impact on democracy was gradually shadowed on you soon after. In a PBS debates in June, you and other democratic primary candidates were asked the same issued (ISSUE) about race. Senator Clinton responded “ at this stage and see an African American, a Latino, a woman contesting for the presidency of the United States . ” Senator Clinton was wrong. She was wrong that she was not able to see the divide between democracy and demography. It is a shame that American politics still misuse the demographic issues when it comes to democracy.

Democracy is about equal rights and opportunity for every individuals, not every races. If the latter be(IS) right, why don’t Americans revise the Constitution that there should be one African American of every five US presidents, one Latino of every ten, and one Asian of every twenty. NO. It is the former. We do not care that there is always no African Americans or Latinos presiding the white house. But if any American individuals(INDIVIDUAL)who are still discriminated for whatever his or her identities(), we care the most.

As I can see, the racial issue is working against you. It is by and large due to a long standing misfortune of the American media. From day one of this race, the media has been mixing up the two different concepts as what it has done in all past. The media names you the African American Candiate for Democratic Primary as every one in the world can see. Why is that? The media in mainstream does not benefit by thinking anything rightly, it benefits by thinking things popularly.

Media will continue to make this an issue, and this issue is against you. It will be your responsibility, as you said in the PBS debate, to fight your way out of it. We Trust that you are able to make it for 2008. As what Lincoln did one and half century ago in the same land where you stand, you will demonstrate to every Americans what democracy is in real

Whenever you do, you are not for you. You are for the American people.

- A person who do not love you, but believe in you.
kickok1975 回複 悄悄話 賈平凸,你死了那條心吧,他不可能,也不配當美國總統。
openargue 回複 悄悄話 樓下的californiarose,還是看看下麵再說吧,他在第一任上吸毒被抓,後來又尋求第二連任。

californiarose 回複 悄悄話 Please! DC從來沒有把一個毒販子選為市長,而是曾有一位市長吸毒被抓住。
openargue 回複 悄悄話 先不要把民主說得那麽神聖,民主說穿了就是50%+1票。DC能把一個毒販子選為市長,本身就說明美國人心中的民主觀念,離你想象的理想狀態相距甚遠。所以在我們看到一個黑人總統之前,大概更有可能先看到一個西裔總統。
openargue 回複 悄悄話 先不要把民主說得那麽神聖,民主說穿了就是50%+1票。DC能把一個毒販子選為市長,本身就說明美國人心中的民主觀念,離你想象的理想狀態相距甚遠。所以在我們看到一個黑人總統之前,大概更有可能先看到一個西裔總統。
goingunder 回複 悄悄話 A person who do not love you, but believe in you.
A person who does not love you, but believes in you?

賈平凸 回複 悄悄話 i may sound shocked by the 30K page view. it is not true. i spent the entire letter talking about democracy and demography. it is the a couple dozen comments shocked me. please notice this when you read the article.