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         日本料理一枝獨秀以營養、衛生、美味為特點獨具亞洲飲食文化特色大受美國大眾青睞。 然而開店老板絕大多數為福建閩商。絕少有日本人。




          閩商是中國福建商人的簡稱。他們很會做生意,敢拚敢闖是出了名的。知名閩商郭鶴年說:華裔就像地球上一群能創造經濟奇跡的螞蟻。  他說的華裔實際上是指閩商。 








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閱讀 ()評論 (7)
天乙貴人 回複 悄悄話 我們這邊白人超市都賣sushi的,找的中國人做,看著很簡單的樣子。不知道肉有沒有零下20度殺菌殺寄生蟲。
東岸老張 回複 悄悄話 精明能幹的福州鄉親發現日餐賣魚一片片地賣,手工製作也沒有什麽難度,自己的語言差不多像日語,關鍵是本小利大,為啥不搞日餐?傻瓜!
藍色的星空 回複 悄悄話 日本料理店不用像粵菜海鮮店要請大廚,活龍蝦,鮑魚要好的大廚才能做好,請大廚費用高,日本料理店麵積小,租金相對便宜,福建人敢拚,很有可能拉麵的湯是味精調製,炸物壽司不好說,開日本料理店成本技術低是很大因素。
行雲流水007 回複 悄悄話 俺家附進的日本餐館大多都是日本人開的,日本師傅。菜品和服務都非常棒。也有一家中國人開的日本餐館,太差了。
dengzc1971 回複 悄悄話 現在日本逐漸走回發展中國家梯隊,日本媒體上也說不少日本廚師乃至護士都想去歐美賺錢,幾倍的工資差距,隻不過語言不行,門路不多,也不像中國移民有衝勁,真正成行的有但不多。
扭曲時代 回複 悄悄話 我家附近的sushi 店是一個日本家庭經營了二代人的,我的鄰居女孩子長大了,也在那做part time 的waitress ,增加點她讀研究生的零花錢,她母親是日裔。另外在Kirkland 附近的也是日本夫婦經營的。兩家都非常地道。
elfie 回複 悄悄話 We have a Japanese guy who opened a Ramen shop, quite popular. It's not nicely furnished, just a hole in the wall type of restaurant. Very small inside, with a few tables. I have to mention we are not a big city, just a military town in the Southeast. So yeah, there are Japanese chefs in the U.S too and they're not fancy people, just like anyone else here. There was a sushi bar in Georgia where I used to go, even the waitresses were all Japanese. They shouted Japanese when customers came in. The sushi chefs were all Japanese too. Actually I don't go to a Japanese restaurant run by Chinese people. Once I found out it's owned by Chinese, I'd never go back again. In our city even the places like Miyabi Jr. are run by pacific islanders like Samoa, not the Chinese. Only Chinese takeouts and Japanese takeouts like Osaka Express are run by Chinese people from FuJian. And
I loath those people. Literally. Because I worked with them 23 years ago as a new immigrant. They're not the people that fit with my taste. They are crude, uneducated people from the rural areas of China. And there's nothing that matched my own background. My family was intellectuals, living in big cities. So the experience was unpleasant, to say the least, to be put together with them, even for a short period of time. They only know how to make money and nothing else. Some of them never lived a life besides cuddling in the small kitchen and flipping the wok. I can't describe how simple their minds are. One guy didn't even know how to perform as a man on the bed because he spent most of his teen and adult life chopping veges. He was smuggled in as a teenager and stopped at that age mentally forever. He did crawl onto my bed one morning but stopped short of doing anything else but laying down there. Poor thing. He knew he wanted something but what that is was unclear to his simple mind. Is it love, intimacy, or whatnot? Or to find a partner to make money together? He didn't have the ability to sort it out at 26 years old.