
To respond Min Zhang's song of game tea

(2023-08-21 06:32:45) 下一個

To respond Min Zhang's song of game tea

                             By Fan Zhongyan

The spring comes from the southeast every year, 

Brook Jian first warms and the ice does slightly tear. 
The strange tea by stream is the most precious, 
Planted in ancient times by Wuyi Lord eximious.

Where did new thunder come from last night? 
Everyone laughed and went to pick tea through cloud. 
The scattered dew buds are so bright, 

Scatter with jade and pearls beautiful trees should.

The harvest is not full a bag for the whole morning, 
But for the essence it should not be greedy. 
There is an elegant system for grinding and baking, 
Square and round tea cakes were made freely.
The Tea of Beiyuan will present emperor may not be thirst,
And tea growers in forest will fight for quality first. 
The tripod made of copper from holy hill,
And the bottle carries water from Spring Zhongling on river.
The green dust flies beside the gold mill, 
And emerald waves rise in jade bowl with quiver.
The taste of game tea ignores  that cream did, 
And the fragrance of game tea exceeds that of orchid.
The degree how can deceive among growers,
Wached by ten eyes and poited by ten fingers. 
Victory is unattainable as if ascending to immortality, 
And losing will be infinitely shameful for his ability.
Sigh at the the natural herb on the rock no preps, 
The function can compare with panacea before steps. 
I can clear up the turbidity of everyone I stays, 
And wake up from the drunkenness of a thousand days.
Qu Yuan tried to recruit the soul with it hereat, 
While Liu Ling became in rage heard of that . 

Lu Tong dared not to sing with his happy?
But Lu Yu had to write sutra after study. 
Among all of powerful phenomena, 
How can we do not know there is Tea Star to fetch.
The Masters of Mount Shang need not take Ganoderma, 
And Gentlemen of Mont Shouyang need not pick vetch. 
The liquor in Chang'an has been reduced by one million, 
And Chengdu has no glory with it's pharmaceutical union .

It's nice to take a sip from immortal mountain, 
Like Lu Tong, to ride the wind to fly away I obtain. 
Don't envy the girl among the flowers who only wins game grass, 

And many pearls are obtained  by the lass.


——(宋) 範仲淹

年年春自東南來,建溪先暖冰微開。 溪邊奇茗冠天下,武夷仙人從古栽。

新雷昨夜發何處,家家嬉笑穿雲去。 露芽錯落一番榮,綴玉含珠散嘉樹。

終朝采掇未盈襜,唯求精粹不敢貪。 研膏焙乳有雅製,方中圭兮圓中蟾。

北苑將期獻天子,林下雄豪先鬥美。 鼎磨雲外首山銅,瓶攜江上中泠水。

黃金碾畔綠塵飛,碧玉甌中翠濤起。 鬥茶味兮輕醍醐,鬥茶香兮薄蘭芷。

其間品第胡能欺,十目視而十手指。 勝若登仙不可攀,輸同降將無窮恥。

籲嗟天產石上英,論功不愧階前蓂。 眾人之濁我可清,千日之醉我可醒。

屈原試與招魂魄,劉伶卻得聞雷霆。 盧仝敢不歌,陸羽須作經。森然萬象中,焉知無茶星。

商山丈人休茹芝,首陽先生休采薇。 長安價減百萬,成都藥市無光輝。

不如仙山一啜好,泠然便欲乘風飛。 君莫羨花間女郎隻鬥草,贏得珠璣滿鬥歸。

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