

Once upon a time 小時趣事

(2022-02-03 13:13:42) 下一個

The TV program called "Let's Dance!" Season 2 started last month. I finally caught up on all the episodes today. I enjoy the show very much! I envy those kids so very much! How I wonder what would have happened if I were able to have such a chance when I was a tomboy! But all that was impossible! 

The show gathers 14 kids who love street dance and 5 masters - Shifu in Chinese - with different styles in a street dance training camp. Through dance instruction and living together, they establish a sincere friendship between teachers and students, improve their dance skills, create their own street dance work, and inherit the spirit of street dance. 

I was born in an extremely poor village in middle-northern China. There were no toys to play with, no books to read. We kids exhausted our endless energy by doing whatever simple stuff we could do, like climbing the threes. Back then there were still big, even giant trees growing in the neighborhood. I still believe till now there are dryads living on the big trees, just like what was shown in the movie Avatar. I heard many stories from mom and other villagers about the mysterious tree goddesses.  I always wondered if I would see a tree child playing somewhere in the tree branches, especially at night under the stars. There were no books to read so all the stories I've known were from people's stories.  

My father lived in a city 1600km away from our village. We four siblings stayed with our mother. We only saw our father once a year around the Spring Festival.  Other than that we never saw him. I remember vividly my mother crying out loud in our home while surrounded by some neighbor women trying to comfort her.  But she just kept weeping. Without knowing anything I'd known she cried because of my father. Lots of things I didn't understand. However, there was a seed planted in my little heart. I did not like to have a man like my father existing in my family, in my life. 

I always wanted to protect my mother. Someday she wouldn't have to cry. She wouldn't need to beg for money from him. I was a very tough girl, but I never thought that I was a girl. I still think somehow my mother must have made a genetic mistake when she gave birth to my older brother and I, although we were five years apart. I should have been a boy, my older brother was in fact a girl. 

Well, I have to stop writing now. It's time for me to practice yoga. Since July I have made tremendous progress on the arm balances and inversions, which was not the focus of my practice in the past years. I feel so cheerful, strong, and younger! It's hard to believe I will be hitting fifty seven in a few months. Let's go and do some yoga! 

電視節目“師傅!我要跳舞了!”第 2 季是上個月開始的,今天我終於趕上了所有劇集。太喜歡這個節目了!太羨慕那些孩子了!好想知道如果我還是個假小子的時候,要有這樣的機會可能會怎麽樣呢!這個節目聚集了14位熱愛街舞的孩子和5位不同風格的大師在街舞訓練營中。通過舞蹈教學和共同生活,他們在師生之間會建立真摯的友誼,提高舞蹈技能,創作自己的街舞作品,傳承街舞精神。
哎呀現在必須停筆了。練瑜伽時間到!自今年 7 月以來我在手臂平衡和倒立方麵取得了巨大進步。這並不是我過去幾年練瑜伽的重點。現在我感到如此開朗、強壯和年輕!很難相信再過幾個月我就要到五十七歲了。練瑜伽去咯! 
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鬆鼠跪魚 回複 悄悄話 回複 'diaozhi' 的評論 : 沒關係。那也是瑜伽;-)
diaozhi 回複 悄悄話 喔噻 - 讓我佩服得五體投地!

也想隻佩服到兩手投地,可我不會瑜伽 - 五體投地實屬不得已!