陌上美國 Moshang USA



(2023-01-14 11:15:17) 下一個

【簡介】節目最後一集介紹的是,這些不是最近才有的事情,而是顛覆一個社會的長征。 這些勢力采取的早期步驟是,做一些係列操作來破壞一個國家。一旦做到了這些,就可以進入危機的第二階段。我們需要了解情況的真相,希望那些明智的人們意識到,正在發生的事情是由顛覆分子推動的,我們要反擊現在正在發生的所有瘋狂行為。


主講Tom Hafer先生,畢業於MIT,開發攔截火箭和無人機係統的專家;目前指導青少年機器人團隊並多次獲獎。




這不是最近才有的事情,這是顛覆一個社會的長征。 這些勢力采取的早期步驟是,做一些事情來破壞一個國家,例如:




















最後,信不信由你,麻省理工學院有一位教授說,“理性是男性統治的領域,因此我們需要擁抱非理性”。 這種話真的是來自麻省理工學院教授。

是的,所以如果所有這些事情聽起來都很熟悉,請考慮一下誰在推廣它們? 他們為什麽這樣做?並考慮這些人是否值得您的支持。

非常好,非常好的介紹,謝謝。 我非常喜歡所有的事實。這麽長的曆史竟然能在這麽短的時間內重溫一遍,太神奇了。但最後的部分,確實給人很多焦慮。的確,我深感擔憂的是,我們實際上處於第二階段。 我的意思是您提到的所有事情,我們都可以找到現實生活中的確切例子。 您覺得我們能做些什麽來應對這種嚴重的情況?







This isn't simply a recent thing, this is the Long March of subversion. And the early steps that these powers take is to do things to undermine a nation such as, glamorizing drug use, and eventually making drug use legal stoking;

racial division, destroying the nuclear family;

Infiltrate the press, the education system, and the government;

Legalize gambling, keep the poor poor. That's how you want them. They become a source of dissatisfaction;

Teach disrespect for education, for working, for the law, and for normal society;

Attack capitalism, say that all the ills of society are due to capitalism and capitalists;

And create a permanent underclass of illegal aliens, people who are essentially modern day slaves. Because they can't get a real job, and are forced to work in underground economies.


Once you've accomplished that, you can go to stage two, in which now that you have the press on your side, and the media you can suppress all opinions, except your preferred narrative.

you can support candidates who are divisive or inept, you can pay people not to work, you can suppress individual achievement and personal responsibility in the name of equity. So in other words, people who are willing to work hard and study and achieve things, they have no more right to get a good job or a place in a good school, than someone who didn't do those things. That's inequitable.

Reparations for things done long ago, to people who are no longer alive.

Direct government funds to non-productive programs, use the education system for indoctrination rather than for learning;

Provoke your opponents into misdeeds, so don't prosecute anyone for rioting or attacking federal property or federal agents. Until if your opponents, and then prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

And then in the end, state when you have accomplished all of these things, you're ready to see how gullible people really are.

You legitimize reverse discrimination. Ibrahim Kennedy says, "The only remedy for past discrimination is current discrimination, and the only remedy for current discrimination is future discrimination."

See, if you can get people to believe that lawlessness, don't prosecute people who don't pay their subway fares, even though they do it blatantly. Don't prosecute people who tear down statues. Don't prosecute people who use illegal drugs.

Cancellation the platform your political opponents, and if possible get them fired from their jobs.

And even irrationality. In the end, believe it or not, there is a professor at MIT, who says that rationality is the province of male domination, therefore we need to embrace irrationality. This is a real professor at MIT.

Yeah, so if all of these things sound familiar, consider who promotes them? And why they do it? And consider whether these people deserve your support.

Very good, very nice presentation, thank you. And I pretty much enjoy all the facts. The long history. You can review it in such a short time, amazing. But I see that the final slides bring a lot of anxiety. Indeed I deeply worry that, we are actually in the Stage II. I mean all the things you mentioned, we can find exact examples in our real life. Do you think what can we do to to counter this kind of serious situation?

The only thing that we can do is to understand the situation for what it is, and then hopefully the number of sensible people, who realize that those things that are going on are being promoted by subversive elements, will band together. And we'll push back against all of the craziness that is taking place right now.

I'm hoping that your listeners are some of the people, who will help band together and push the crazy people out of education, will subscribe to media sources that are willing to publish the entire truth not just one side of the truth, and will support political candidates who will have moderate positions that support the growth and progress of the nation and of all of the people of America, not pandering simply to select groups in order to accomplish getting 50.1 percent of the vote.

Yeah, that's a good plan thank you.



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