陌上美國 Moshang USA



(2022-01-28 14:03:34) 下一個

紐約市周五上午,為兩名因公殉職的警察中的第一位舉行了莊嚴的最後告別儀式。黎明前,警察已經在聖帕特裏克大教堂外,為紐約警察局警官傑森·裏維拉(Jason Rivera)舉行葬禮。數百上千人到場,聚集的人群延續長達幾英裏。


星期五是傑森執行任務的第二天。 他才22歲,去年才加入的紐約警察局,而且也是去年10月才新婚。他的遺孀多米尼克為丈夫發表了催人淚崩的悼詞,他們的愛情故事始於小學,生命中大部分時候一直在一起,卻永失所愛。這個讓人心碎的發言,真情感人。尤其描述去醫院,希望他再睜開眼最後告別的那段,比所有的電影都更讓人心顫。








Friday morning, Jan 28th, NYPD officers gathered to memorialize officer Jason Rivera. Thousands of mourners lined miles of streets. Jason was only 22-yr old. His widow Dominique Luzuriaga delivered a very touching eulogy. Their love stories started in elementary school. Jason was together with Dominique for most of his short life. Here is an excerpt of the eulogy. In it, Dominique deplored the System for it failed keep anybody safe. The System makes police and their families constantly worried about their own safety. She emotionally called for the peace and safety for NYC. (Moderator in Mandarin with English subtitles) Widow of NYPD Officer Jason Rivera delivered a moving eulogy????https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N84lzZDi6Ck


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laopika 回複 悄悄話 不知那些政客們如何回答家屬的質問
陌上美國 回複 悄悄話 加了英文字幕,歡迎分享到英文平台。導讀參考如下????
陌上美國 回複 悄悄話 Friday morning, Jan 28th, NYPD officers gathered to memorialize officer Jason Rivera. Thousands of mourners lined miles of streets. Jason was only 22-yr old. His widow Dominique Luzuriaga delivered a very touching eulogy. Their love stories started in elementary school. Jason was together with Dominique for most of his short life. Here is an excerpt of the eulogy. In it, Dominique deplored the System for it failed keep anybody safe. The System makes police and their families constantly worried about their own safety. She emotionally called for the peace and safety for NYC. (Moderator in Mandarin with English subtitles) Widow of NYPD Officer Jason Rivera delivered a moving eulogy????https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N84lzZDi6Ck
陌上美國 回複 悄悄話 This article says 5 NYPD officers got shot just last month. Rivera is just the first unfortunate one to have died. But anyone of the 5 could have had a fatal shot.

Then, they had 3 incidents of people being pushed off the subway platform. One killed by the train and another killed trying to save someone who fell off the platform during a gang assault.
