

朗讀者-海外精英 第一期

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     這個孩子叫Pauly Plewa,從6歲開始玩摩托車。他雖然年紀小卻非常熱愛這行業而且很投入敬業,每天淩 晨4點就起來訓練然後再去上學,僅僅上學路上就要花3小時,對他來說,把腿當飯桌吃飯,車上寫作業是習以為常的事情。 


     Pauly 16歲時榮獲加拿大青年越野摩托車界冠軍。 







     不幸的他當時就沒有了生命征兆;但幸運的他,又被從死神身邊退了回來。高位截癱,醫生對他定過死亡判決!這意味著 ,他將終身癱瘓,再也不可能站起來,再也無法能走路,也不會再穿鞋子了! 望著他父親那雙絕望的眼神,醫生隻好改口說,這樣吧,讓我們一起努力和試試,還是有2-3%的希望能站起來的……。這些話,仍然和那張死亡判決書沒什麽區別!這一切,對一個16歲花樣般年齡的少年來說何等的殘暴啊! 



     但是,他和他的家庭是頑強如打不垮的堡壘。他是個堅強的孩子,還有著堅強的家庭。終於有一天,Paul對他的父親說,“爸,我要走路!無論以何種方式,用手也可以,用拐杖也可以,我要走路!” 他父親當時就落下了眼淚!在他父親心裏那是望塵莫及的事啊! 可是,愛子的父親還是堅定地點了點頭,說,“孩子,我支持你,從現在開始,我7天24小時和你在一起,直到你康複。” 















     2015年CBC報道了這位越野摩托車明星Pauly Plewa自脊髓損傷3年以來首次跑步的消息。 

     他積極組織參與了Wings for Life World Run(生命之翼世界跑比賽)以支持有關脊髓和脊髓損傷的研究,並提高人們對脊髓損傷的認識與關注,讓更多的人不要經受他所經曆的痛苦。 


















     • 連續3年的比賽-3項冠軍賽,14場比賽獲勝,並獲得33站冠軍。

     • 他的事跡激勵著很多人,隻要還活著,就要不斷地超越自己,遇到最好的自己。 


【感恩之心  助人之事】






     一個信息可能會改變一個人的生命軌跡 ,一個愛心分享就能讓這救命信息傳遞!感恩中華醫學對人類健康的巨大貢獻!感恩把健康與智慧帶給了世人!







Intro by: Mandula

Tranlated by: Yiren

Chinese Recital: Xiaochen Feiyang

English Recital: Salina


加拿大傳奇男孩的故事  英文  Salina.mp3From 彧蛇詩歌情04:27



     His name is Pauly, a Polish Canadian boy. He has liked motorcycles since he was very young and won his fame among youth mountain bikers when he was 16 years old.  He was just one step away from the world championship of cross-country mountain motor cycling. The age 16 is the best time in every one’s life.  Alas, it was very unfortunate that Pauly fall off his bike during an altitude training.  The doctor issued a death notice for him but miraculously, he recovered. Sadly, he could not accept the cruel fact of his tragedy after waking up, he fall into the bottomless chasm of misery. However, with the persistent love and encouragement from his father, he eventually walked out of it and started his long journey fighting against illness and death.


      “I want to walk! I want to walk! No matter in what way, hands or crutch, I must walk!”


     These were the first words from bottom of Pauly’s heart to his father after staying in bed for three months without any sensation in his body below the chest. 


      “I need movements, I want my life!”


     In the following two years, young Pauly challenged and inspired himself once again. Under the care of his father, he finally came out of his bed miraculously.  He succeeded not only in his recovery but also in his efforts of becoming a member of the Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Team. He will be one of those representing Canada in the Olympic Games in the coming year.


     When I saw Pauly, I could not believe my eyes. He is such a bright, pleasant young man with brilliant sunshine, vernal glamour and self-confidence.


     With excited tears, I pray for God to let him possess the happy life that he is looking forward to.    


     I hope that more loving people would care and help him.


A Boy Who Wins Tearful Applause

by: Ning Peng

Tr by: Yiren


A Polish Canadian boy, his name is Pauly. His life could have nothing to do with me. He was a patient of a doctor whom I interviewed. This got me a chance coming across him. He stayed in my memory ever since then. And now, he is the hero in my story. 


He could be a mountain motor bike champion of the world if he wasn’t caught in that tragic accident, which overturned and changed his life completely.


Pauly likes motor bike since he was a little boy. He had become famous in the youth mountain bike circle when he was 16 years old, carnival in one’s life. He fell off the bike in an Altitude training. The bike that he l oved so much hit on his back heavily. Time seemed stopped at that moment, which brought him onto a long journey fighting for his life.

Young Pauly was only one step away from the world mountain field motor champion.


What a misery! He lost signs of life on the accident site. However, he was lucky being saved, but with a death notice from the doctor.  High paraplegia! He would never be able to stand up and walk. He would never need any shoes. The eyes of his father are desperate. The doctor could feel his pain. But, OK then. Stand up with the chance of 2-3 percent, which, in fact, was still a death notice. Everyone knew that it was the doctor’s kind, white lie.


“I want to walk!”   


Having lied in bed for three months, Pauly had no sensation below his chest at all. His life, which just started off, had become hopeless.  


But he and his family are strong. After some time of misery, Pauly said to his father, “I want to walk no matter in what way. With my hands or with crutches, I want to walk!” Tears in eyes, his father nodded firmly and said, “I support you, my son. Beginning from now on, I will be with you 7/24 until you recover.” It’s easy to say but difficult to accomplish. For two years, they tried every means they could. For some time, Pauly had to be tied up in order to remain standing. He kept that posture even when he slept and ate. Doctors worried about him and asked him to stop the useless effort.   


However, after two years, he stood up! It was true that he could move his steps on his own! His first step was so surprising and inspiring that it’s as exciting as winning a world championship. One step, two steps. Beginning that day, his medical team, friends, family and all the people who knew him started calling him Miracle Boy!


The big, long scar from the accident deprived him of his beloved motor bike. But Pauly, with his tenacious efforts, created his new life.




“I want sports!”    


As an athlete who had long been trained, Pauly said when he could start walking slowly, “I want sports!” He was clear in his mind that mountain bike matches had become history deep in his memory.


Thinking over and over, Pauly chose wheelchair basketball. He chose to use his hands because he knew his legs and feet wouldn’t be as flexible as before even though he could walk. Thus, he started participating in wheelchair matches


He made it a miracle again. Last weekend, his team won the champion of the Ontario wheelchair basketball match. According to his father, he had been chosen by the Canadian wheelchair basketball team. Maybe soon in the future, he would be the world wheelchair basketball champion.   


Having won prizes in numerous mountain field bike competitions, Pauly is now working towards the world championship of wheelchair basketball.  




“I want my life!”    


I haven’t met with Pauly yet when I talked with his father. His doctor was helping him with his rehab recovery with acupuncture and Qigong therapy of the traditional Chinese medicine. 


His father told me all the stories above. I saw tears in his father’s eyes while he was talking.   


At the beginning, I didn’t know that Pauly was only 19 years old. Nobody told me. But when I asked and got know, I felt my heart got a heavy hit. I couldn’t help tearing. I am a mother. Although he is not my son and I have never met him yet, I could hear my heart breaking into pieces. But at the same time, I am proud of him although tears kept coming out of my sad eyes.    


I was a bit afraid of seeing this boy because I didn’t know how to face him.   


The door of the acupuncture treatment room opened. A handsome Mr. Sunshine walked out with a backpack.   




Was it Pauly? I could not believe my eyes. Was this the boy for whom the doctor once gave a death notice? But I have to believe that it was Pauly, the boy who stood up in a short period of time of only two years!   


If nobody had ever told me, he would appear to me like any other Canadian boys, brilliant and handsome. And like everyone else, he could be chasing after the fashions and movie stars.    


If nobody had ever told me, I would never know that more than 10 cm of his back bones were kept in place with stainless steel studs, and that he had to sleep in certain position otherwise his life would be endangered.  


If nobody had ever told me, I would never know that he had suffered the desperation of death. His father told me that Pauly had decided to believe that everything happened in this world has a reason. He had chosen to accept the fact and accept the challenge of life. No matter now and in the future, he says, “I want my own life!”


Dong Liu, Pauly’s therapist of traditional Chinese medicine, said, “Precisely speaking, I have said only three sentences during the whole treatment process: ‘I am so proud of you’, ‘you will be fine’, and ‘I will pray for you ’.” 


Now, I don’t know what else I can put down here, just like I don’t know what I can say to Pauly. What I can do is tearing all the time. With the sensational tears, I applause for him and for the traditional Chinese acupuncture. And this is all for this Canadian boy whom I came across only once.





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