I am an old person with older soul, always drawn to the ancient stuff - history, antiques, and lost civilizations. It reached its peak after I read by Sitchin. I am fascinated by prehistoric cultures, extraterrestrial civilizations, alien encounters, ancient records and myths, and unexplainable events. As described in the books, my mind drifted on the ruins in the historical region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris-Euphrates River system, where Mesopotamia originated; it covers present-day Iraq, Kuwait, part of Syria and Turkey. The earliest civilization (about 7000-8000 years ago) is recorded by Cuneiform on millions of Cuneiform tablets that have been discovered;of which, thousands of tablets have been read and translated. Modern people are amazed by the ancient and highly developed culture which includes a well-established school system, library services, and the justice system (the code of Hammurabi, famous). The ruin of the Ctesiphon is a jaw dropping discovery, a magnificent ancient city, only twenty miles away from modern Baghdad, was the royal capital of the Iranian empire. To no one’s surprise regrettably, the entire city was destroyed and turned to the dust in the war, and only the archway of Chosroes , once a part of the royal palace, survived. This huge arch was without supports. Modern day architects and engineers are puzzled how ancient people built it as even with modern technologies, it would be challenging to build nowadays. The half-human half- beast wall pictures still stand through thousands years, telling a continuous story. When you roam the area, you are breathing history.
我有一顆無可救藥的老靈魂, 喜歡一切老舊的東西。 有著沉甸甸曆史沉澱的古物, 失落的文明。 尤其在讀了猶太裔曆史大家西秦的《地球編年史》, 這個熱愛達到頂峰。 史前文明, 地外文明, 外星人, 古曆史記錄, 神話傳說, 謎團事件構成的宇宙讓我著迷。書中描寫的美索不達米亞文明及其的發源地兩河流域自然牽引著我的目光。 兩河流域, 覆蓋今天的伊拉克, 科威特的大部分區域, 以及敘利亞和土耳其的部分區域。 別看現在已被戰亂折騰的不成樣子, 在7000至8000年甚至更早之前, 可是個牛到沒朋友的地方。 該地區發掘出了上百萬的楔型文字的泥板, 記述了政治, 宗教, 法律, 商業等一係列的社會活動。 從破譯的幾千塊泥板記錄中, 我們看到了成熟的學校教育係統, 收藏豐富的圖書館體係, 完善的法律條文機製(其中最著名的就是哈謨拉比法典)。 還有一個考古大發現就是距離現代巴格達隻有20裏的西泰封, 作為一座古老輝煌的王城, 雖已毫無懸念的被戰火破壞殆盡, 但幸存的巨型拱門也足以讓現代人驚歎, 無梁無柱的建築結構, 還能屹立幾千年不到, 讓無數建築師, 工程師抓破腦袋也想不通是如何做到的。 石牆上留下的栩栩如生的半人半獸壁畫和拱門一起靜立,穿越千年的時光, 講述一個神奇的故事。 遊蕩其間, 一呼一吸間, 盡是曆史的塵埃, 讓人心醉。