
墮落少女 Dead End girl by LT Vargus&Tim McBain

(2020-04-25 12:33:31) 下一個

Dead end girl 是一部懸疑小說,講得是關於FBI 心理師 (Profiler) Violet Darger破案係列六本裏的第一本, 我看了其中三本,每本都很精彩,我最喜歡的還是這本。

Dead End 英文裏有兩層意思,一個是死胡同,另一個是墮落的意思,書裏麵的死者Sierra是一個站街女加癮君子,她的無頭屍體被發現在一個死胡同,題目可謂一語雙關。這本書最讓我印象深刻的是對殺人細節的描寫,讓我一度懷疑作者是不是殺過人,

這是對凶手殺人的描述, 看了後讓人後背發涼:

... The knife slashing a line in her throat. The flaps of skin hesitating a moment before they pulled apart. Sheets of flesh like a layer of paper shrouding the meat which shrouds the bones. She leaks out everywhere. Red. Blood spurting out with every heartbeat. A wild spray like a garden hose with a thumb held over the opening.  She swoons right away from the blood loss. Eyelids drooping. Muscles gone slack. So scared and small. Her skin icy cold to the touch within seconds. It is fast. Less than a minute from the incision to unconsciousness. Death arrives for minutes after that. It settels over the body as her self vacates the shell. For now and for always....

凶手是個戀屍癖(necrophilia), 喜歡把受害者的頭砍下來,放在自己枕邊直到變臭,他還會給砍下的頭做化妝,變態到極致,看了讓人作嘔, 很佩服作者還能詳細的把過程寫下來:

... The head rests on a wooden rocking chair in the living room area of his studio apartment. It stands upright but tilted to balance its weight on the stumped neck bone and the rounded back of the cranium. The mouth hangs open all the way. Like she reclines on a dentist's chair.... 

... He kneels next to her and opens the make up kit. He loads the makup sponge with the stuff and spreads the first swipe over the flesh. He is painnting her. .. That's all. Like putting a fresh coat on the shed. Covering the wrinkles and flaking places....

...He tries his best with the mascara, knowing it will get a little messy.  The lipstick and eye shadow go on easier. Faster. You look so beatufiful tonight. Like a proper lady....


還有死者Sierra 的媽媽Mrs. Peters也是一個極品,她故意假裝可憐,找到Darger, 借口要看女兒屍體的照片,然後從電腦裏把她女兒慘死的照片翻拍後,偷偷賣給小報記者。


Sierra 的媽媽: “I  heard about it this morning. I had to go to the Website. Had to see it for myself."...

Darger: ...“Mrs. Peters, I am so sorry, I wish you didn't have to see that. Especially not that way.”...

She covered her face with her bony hands.  A long moan escaped through her fingers. “ Oh, my little girl. What did he do to my little girl.

支開Drager, 她好偷拍照片

..."Do you have any ice I am feeling little warm. " "Oh" Darger said, peeking at the rippling liquid in the cup.  "Sure I just have to run down to ice machine." When Drager returned,  Sierra's mother seemed to have set herself back to rights. Her eyes were clear again, her purse hung squarely from her shoulder....


There are so many objects all aroud us, he thinks, and yet this world is utterly, utterly empty.

Grief makes you feel vulnerable. And there are a lot of people that would rather appear apathetic than weak.



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