


(2019-12-30 20:46:55) 下一個
恐懼症的英文是phobia. 英文中所有的恐懼症都以phobia為後綴,用拉丁文表示。


  1. claustrophobia, fear of confined or crowded spaces 幽閉恐懼症
  2. dentophobia, fear of dentists 牙醫恐懼症
  3. glossophobia, fear of speaking in public 演講恐懼症
  4. arachnophobia, fear of spiders 蜘蛛恐懼症
  5. agoraphobia, fear of open spaces that are filled with people 廣場恐懼症(不是對廣場本身恐懼,而是擁擠的人群)
  6. gephyrophobia,fear of bridges 恐橋症 (這很少聽到,但排第六)
  7. hemophobia, fear of blood 恐血症
  8. ornithophobia, fear of birds 恐鳥症
  9. aquaphobia or hydrophobia 恐水症
  10. acrophobia, fear of heights 恐高症
  11. pyrophobia, fear of fire 恐火症
  12. nomophobia, fear of being without mobile phone 手機不在恐懼症(這是一種新型現代恐懼症)
  13. cyberphobia,  fear of computers and digital technology 電腦和數字技術恐懼症(有點和第12相反)
  14. cynophobia, fear of dogs 恐狗症
  15. nyctophobia, fear of darkness 恐黑症

aerophobia, fear of flying  恐飛症

astrophobia, fear of thunder and lightening 恐雷電症

autophobia, fear of being alone 恐孤獨症

arithmophobia, fear of numbers 數字恐懼症(千萬別在銀行工作)

algophobia, fear of pain 疼痛恐懼症

ophidiophobia, fear of snakes 恐蛇症

zoophobia, fear of animals 動物恐懼症

elurophobia, fear of cats 恐貓症

trypophobia 密集恐懼症

mysophobia, fear of dirt and germ  肮髒和微生物恐懼症



onomatophobia, fear of names 恐名症


pogonophobia, fear of beards 恐須症 
nephophobia 恐雲症
selenophobia 恐月症
cryophobia, fear of ice or cold 恐寒症
chrematophobia,  fear of money 恐錢症 (和錢有關的事,處理賬單、稅務等問題都算)

neophobia, fear of anything new or unfamiliar 新事物恐懼症
anthropophobia, fear of people or society 人類或社會恐懼症
socialphobia, fear of social situations  社交恐懼症
atelophobia, fear of imperfection 不完美恐懼症
gamophobia, fear of marriage 婚姻恐懼症
pedophobia, fear of children 恐小孩症
gynophobia, fear of women 恐女人症
androphobia, fear of men 恐男人症
Erotophobia   性恐懼症
homophobia 恐同症 (這個是意識形態問題)

hypochondria, fear of illness 疾病恐懼症
latrophobia, fear of doctors 恐醫生症
koinoniphobia,  fear of rooms full of people 擁擠恐怖症
lockiophobia,  fear of childbirth 生孩子恐懼症

necrophobia, fear of death or dead things 死亡恐懼症

noctiphobia, fear of the night 夜晚恐懼症
nosocomephobia, fear of hospitals 醫院恐懼症
scolionophobia, fear of schools 學校恐懼症
technophobia, fear of technology 技術恐懼症

ophthalmophobia  被看恐懼症

haphephobia 被觸碰恐懼症

nxeophobia, fear of strangers or foreigners  陌生人 和外國人恐懼症
venustraphobia, fear of beautiful women 恐漂亮女人症
以上並沒有涵蓋所有的恐懼症,還有很多稀奇古怪的恐懼症,比如恐樹症、恐草症,恐太陽症, 恐紙症等等就不一一羅列。


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