
Yanis Varoufakis 歐洲不缺好腦子 缺敢說真相的嘴

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YouTube  2024年10月19日


隻是一些故事,你不需要知道發生了什麽,隻要讀一讀或聽一聽,就知道它們是從宣傳生產線上出來的,而這些宣傳隻是華盛頓加強對中國的新戰爭的一個功能,所以我認為中國在人們心中的形象比在政府心中的形象要好得多,政府實際上甚至不相信他們的宣傳,但他們必須相信遵守底線,請允許我直截了當地說,如果你是一名政客,想為自己謀得一份好工作,比如說你是歐洲意大利希臘某個地方的部長,你知道你的部長生涯最多隻能持續五六七年,十年,你是一名職業政客,然後你想升職,你想去布魯塞爾找一份輕鬆的工作,比如歐盟理事會,歐盟大使,也許成為歐盟專員,也許在盧森堡的歐洲投資銀行找到一份工作,你知道,如果你反擊反??華宣傳,如果你在媒體上站出來,說來吧,大家,反華宣傳夠多了,你就不會得到這份工作,一旦你不再是部長,你就會失業,也許你會失去你的部長職位或你的部委,所以中國人必須明白,這不僅僅是宣傳的作用是讓人們相信中國是一隻大灰狼,但事實並非如此。你隻需要知道,如果你反對宣傳,如果你不相信宣傳,你的職業生涯就會受到威脅。人們的想法和政府的想法有著根本的區別。普通人的想法,我認為整個歐洲都高度尊重中國人。他們可以清楚地看到,中國人,無論遇到什麽問題,中國在過去的 30 年裏,從第三世界國家,一個非常貧窮的國家,變成了現在處於社會凝聚力技術前沿的國家。他們高度尊重中國。他們可能有點羨慕,因為歐洲正朝著相反的方向前進。所以,這就是我們現在所處的境地。宣傳甚至不需要說服人們,隻需要嚇唬他們,讓他們不要害怕,根據他們所知道的事情采取行動。所以如果你說話你知道,一般的希臘人或一般的意大利人都知道,呃,與中國的合作減少,你看到了意大利發生的事情,一位新法西斯主義總理喬治亞·莫內當選,為了與布魯塞爾建立牢固的外交關係,她必須與美國建立牢固的關係,並向美國發出信號,她希望與他們建立良好的關係,她放棄了意大利和中國之間的貝爾頓路協議,這是一個非常憤世嫉俗的政治舉動,是負麵的,對意大利來說是一個負麵的發展,一個糟糕的發展,一般的意大利人都知道,當我進入內閣時,我們的債權人(不是希臘,我們的債權人)和 Costco 中國(中國當局在 P 董事會)之間已經準備好了一項協議,但這是一個糟糕的協議,我也不認為這對 Costco 來說是一個好的協議,因為這些條件和條款是德國強加的,他們希望 Costco 接管港口佩羅斯,但不想讓 Costco 擁有太多的影響力和太多的自由度,我所做的就是與中國政府重新談判,達成協議,這對希臘和中國來說都好得多,港口是新絲綢之路的中心,通往新的貿易路線,通過 SS 運河到達希臘,然後從那裏乘火車到匈牙利和德國,那裏是中國出口到歐洲的主要樞紐,但如果你看看連接佩羅斯港和匈牙利的希臘火車,它們就是個笑話,所以我想好吧,為什麽我們不達成更大的協議,不僅僅是佩羅斯港,讓我們有一個發展鐵路的項目,中國在現代化鐵路方麵有著出色的記錄,從一個與希臘非常相似的國家,因此讓我們把它變成一個大型發展項目,加強絲綢之路,為希臘提供我們無法擁有的技術,柏林和布魯塞爾對我們的政府和你的政府有效地威脅了機器人,我們中的一些人認為,如果我們繼續執行這項協議,中國和希臘都會遭遇各種厄運,他們停止了這項協議,當我辭職時,他們又回到了舊協議,這對中國不利,對我們來說完全是壞消息,但這就是我們人民的自然神論,人們說,是的,當然這就是他們所做的,但我們能做什麽呢,正如我所說的,你們之間存在這種分歧,因此我得出結論,我的答案是人們知道什麽,政府做什麽


China Content

well you know that if you counter the anti-chinese propaganda if you come out in the media and say come come on folks enough of this anti-chinese propaganda you won't get this job you'll be out of a job once you're no longer a minister maybe you will lose your ministership or your ministry I've noticed in the last two years the intensification of anti-chinese propaganda in our media
just l stories stories that um you don't need to know what's going on just to read them or listen to them to know that they have come out of a production line
of propaganda and that propaganda is simply uh functional to Washington's intensification of the new
C war against China so I think China has a much better image amongst people generally than uh amongst governments which um actually don't even believe their
propaganda but they have to tow the line allow me to put it very bluntly if you're a politician who wants a good job for yourself right let's say you're the minister of something in Europe in Italy in Greece right and you
know that your career as a minister is not going to last more than five six seven at most 10 years and you are a career politician and then you want to move up you want to go to Brussels to be given a cushy job the some kind of um directorate of the European Union some ambassadorship of the European Union maybe become a
commissioner in the European Union maybe get a job in Luxembourg at the European Investment Bank well you know that if you counter the anti-chinese propaganda
if you come out in the media and say come come on folks enough of this anti-chinese propaganda you won't get this job you'll be out of a job once you're no longer a
minister maybe you will lose your ministership or your ministry right so people here in China must understand
that that it's not so much as propaganda works at convincing people that China is a big bad wolf it doesn't work that way you simply need to know that if you speak out against the propaganda if if you don't
believe the propaganda your career is going to be jeopardized there's a fundamental difference between
what people think and what governments
do ordinary people uh I think across Europe have a high regard for the Chinese people they can see clearly that uh the Chinese people whatever problems China may have pulled themselves up from the BR boot straps in
the last 30 years went from a situation where China was uh a third world country a very impoverished country to a country that is now um at the Forefront of Technology of social cohesion of they have a high regard for for China they maybe they're a bit envious because Europe is going the other in the other opposite direction so
this is where we' come to these days propaganda doesn't even need to convince people it just needs to
scare them from scare them off acting on what they know so if you talk to you know the average Greek or to
the average Italian they know that uh
the diminution in the cooperation with
China you saw what happened in in
Italy a Neo fascist prime minister was
elected Georgia Mone in order for her to
build a strong Rel relationship with
Brussels she had to build a strong
relationship with the United States and
to signal to the United States that she
wants a good relationship with them she
ditched the Belton Road agreement
between Italy and China that was a very
cynical political move that was negative
it was a negative development a bad development for Italy the average Italian knows that when I
moved into the ministry there was
already ready an agreement between our creditors not
Greece our creditors and Costco China
the Chinese authorities on the board of
P but it was a terrible agreement and I
didn't think it was a good agreement for
Costco either because it was the
conditions and the terms were imposed by
Germany that wanted Costco to take the
port of peros but did not want Costco to
have too much influence and too many
degrees of Freedom what I did I
renegotiated with the Chinese government
the agreement for p which made it far
better both for Greece and for China the
port of is Central to the new Silk
Road to the new trade route that goes
through the SS Canal comes to Greece and
from there goes by train up to Hungary
and Germany which is where the main hub
for Distributing Chinese exports to
Europe is but if you look at the Greek
trains that connect the port of peros to Hungary uh they're a joke so I thought all right well why don't we have a bigger agreement not just the port of peros but let's have a project for um developing the railways China has uh a fantastic track record at modernizing his Railways from a state very similar to the one of Greece more or less and therefore let's turn this into a big developmental project which strengthens the Silk Road and gives Greece technology that we wouldn't have Berlin and Brussels came down on both our government and your government effectively threatened both of us that all sorts of um ills would be befall both China and Greece if we continue with this agreement they sto this agreement and then when I resigned they went back to the old agreement which was less beneficial to China and totally awful for us but such is the deism of our peoples people say yeah of course this is what they do but what can we do right that you have this Divergence between as I said and therefore I'm concluding concluding in the way that I G my answer what people know and what governments do

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