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2023年5月16日拍攝的照片顯示,阿富汗楠格哈爾省巴基斯坦和阿富汗之間的托克漢姆過境點滿載商品的卡車。 新華社發(賽弗拉曼·薩菲攝)


新華社喀布爾6月28日電 在阿富汗東部托克漢姆陸港,站在十幾個集裝箱旁等待接收從中國進口的貨物,阿富汗商人帕維茲·汗表示,他與中國合作夥伴的生意改變了他的生活條件。




2023 年 5 月 16 日拍攝的照片顯示,人們在巴基斯坦和阿富汗楠格哈爾省之間的托克漢姆過境點。 新華社發(賽弗拉曼·薩菲攝)



邊境城鎮托爾卡姆專員穆夫提·埃斯馬圖拉 (Torkham Mufti Esmatullah) 表示,每天有 400 或 450 個集裝箱在通往巴基斯坦的邊境城鎮托爾卡姆被清關,幾乎相同數量的集裝箱運往阿富汗。



2023年5月16日拍攝的照片顯示,阿富汗楠格哈爾省巴基斯坦和阿富汗之間的托克漢姆過境點滿載商品的卡車。 新華社發(賽弗拉曼·薩菲攝)






Afghanistan's Torkham port gears up trade with China


Xinhua 2023-06-28   

Photo taken on May 16, 2023 shows trucks full of commercial goods at the border crossing point of Torkham between Pakistan and Afghanistan in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. (Photo by Saifurahman Safi/Xinhua)

Torkham in Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province, which connects neighboring Pakistan onward to China, has been regarded as a major border crossing, linking South Asia and Central Asia via the war-torn Afghanistan.

KABUL, June 28 (Xinhua) -- Standing besides a dozen containers at the Torkham land port of eastern Afghanistan and waiting to receive his goods imported from China, Afghan businessman Parwiz Khan said his business with Chinese partners had changed his living conditions.

"Since I began my business 12 years ago, my living conditions have changed, as today I have a car, a house, and life is going on smoothly," Khan told Xinhua.

Torkham in Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province, which connects neighboring Pakistan onward to China, has been regarded as a major border crossing, linking South Asia and Central Asia via the war-torn Afghanistan.

Importing cosmetics from China, Khan said Chinese products are popular among Afghans due to their reasonable pricing, adding that he and other Afghan traders import their goods from China through the Pakistani port of Karachi, and it took about three months to deliver the goods.

Photo taken on May 16, 2023 shows people at the border crossing point of Torkham between Pakistan and Afghanistan's Nangarhar Province. (Photo by Saifurahman Safi/Xinhua)

It costs 200,000 to 250,000 afghanis (2,300 to 2,900 U.S. dollars) to transport one container from China to Torkham of Afghanistan, Khan noted.

The Torkham crossing point is always hustle and bustle, as hundreds of thousands of people are busy with their businesses every day, buying and selling a variety of items to earn a livelihood for their families.

"It takes 20 to 25 days to transport 25 tons or 27 tons of goods from the border town of Hairatan to Pakistan's Peshawar," truck driver Ostan said.

Each day 400 or 450 containers are cleared in the border town of Torkham towards Pakistan and almost the same number comes to Afghanistan, commissioner of the border town of Torkham Mufti Esmatullah said.

"The majority of them are goods from China," he added.

Afghanistan's exports to China include pine nuts, almonds and walnut, the official said.

Photo taken on May 16, 2023 shows trucks full of commercial goods at the border crossing point of Torkham between Pakistan and Afghanistan in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. (Photo by Saifurahman Safi/Xinhua)

However, he admitted that telegraphic transfer (TT) has remained an obstacle in business between Afghan traders and their Chinese partners, as Afghans cannot transfer money due to restrictions imposed by the United States on the Afghan banking system.

"Our request is to cooperate with Afghan traders and exempt trade from politics," Esmatullah told Xinhua.

Nevertheless, the official noted that Afghan authorities have been working to keep the Torkham crossing point open around the clock and reduce tariffs as part of the efforts to expand business activities.

"The Torkham port as a pivotal point is important for Afghanistan as traders' goods including those from China enter the country," said Qurishi Badlon, public relations officer of Nangarhar province.

"Via the Torkham port, we have established good trade relations with China, and therefore we attach more importance to it," he added. ■

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