
德國衛生部長 禁止投資者購買醫療機構

(2023-07-30 04:28:47) 下一個

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach

July 23, 2023, Minister wants to stop investors buying medical practices


German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach plans to present a law in the first quarter of next year to stop what he called “locust” investors buying up medical practices.






一項由非政府組織"金融轉型研究"(Finanzwende Recherche,一間成立於2018年,旨在對金融市場進行改革的機構)五月份發布的研究顯示,私募股權公司在2022年購買了174家德國診所,而2021年為140家,2010年僅有兩家。



政府從去年起開始關注這個問題,社民黨籍的衛生部長勞特巴赫(Karl Lauterbach)表示:"我將製止投資者純粹出於逐利的欲望進行醫療診所收購。"他宣布將提交一項法案,"以阻止這些蝗蟲飛入診所"。

德國醫院見利忘義? 追逐利潤還是醫療保障?

勞特巴赫的言論得到了霍斯特·赫爾比格(Horst Helbig)的支持。後者是德國眼科學會發言人、裏根斯堡一家眼科診所的負責人。他認為投資者投資診所純粹是為了盈利。









"金融轉型研究"機構計算得出,投資者可以預期從他們的投資中獲得高達20%的利潤——前提是他們購買足夠多的診所。研究員Aurora Li表示,私募股權公司的商業模式是將多個診所整合在一起,然後進行風險重組(有時借助於貸款),以便日後通過再次出售以獲利。



"重點不在運營利潤上,而是在持續的現金流入上",Aurora Li在接受德國之聲采訪時說。"如果企業對醫生施加壓力,推銷盈利的治療方案並確保持續的現金流入,那對其他金融投資者而言是有利可圖的。隻有擁有眾多醫療診所,才能創造高現金流。"

她進一步指出,如果患者不確定自己的治療是否是受到盈利驅使,這將是非常令人擔憂的。她說:"另一個風險在於,強加給這些醫療機構的商業模式風險很高,有可能導致它們迅速破產。特別是當貸款利率較高從而導致成本增加時。"根據Aurora Li的說法,在這種情況下,投資者可能會選擇關閉診所。



勞特巴赫所宣布的法案尚未出台,但一些醫生協會表達了與衛生部長不同的看法。例如,聯邦醫療中心經營者聯合會(Bundesverband der Betreiber medizinischer Versorgungszentren)指出,沒有政府數據顯示,投資者擁有的診所其醫療質量比其他醫療機構要差。



Minister wants to stop investors buying medical practices


Good and largely crisis-proof business has always been possible with health. For this reason, international investors have been buying up more and more medical practices in Germany for years as investment properties. A trend that health professionals and patients are watching with concern.

They fear that the corporations will encourage doctors to offer unnecessary medical treatments in order to maximize profits. In particular, those that include expensive additional services that are not covered by insurance but are billed privately.

A study released in May by non-governmental organization Finanzwende Recherche – an association founded in 2018 to reform financial markets – found that private equity firms bought 174 German medical practices in 2022, 34 more than in the previous year. In 2010 there were only two.

More than 500 clinics owned by investors

According to research by Norddeutscher Rundfunk, such companies now have hundreds of practices throughout Germany, so that individual chains have a monopoly position in certain regions and cities. The NDR identified a total of 500 hospitals owned by investors. The true number is unknown, however, because there is no requirement to publicly disclose ownership — a fact many health experts want to change.

The Federal Government took the issue into account last year. “I’m putting an end to investors buying up medical practices out of absolute greed for profit,” said the Social Democratic Health Minister Karl Lauterbach. He announced that he would introduce a bill “so that these locusts will no longer come into the doctor’s office”.

Profits or medical care?

When he declared war on investors, Lauterbach got the backing of Horst Helbig. For the spokesman of the German Ophthalmological Society, the scientific society for ophthalmology, and head of an eye clinic in Regensburg, investor clinics are purely geared towards profit.

“The purpose of an investment group is 100 percent to make a profit. They don’t want anything else and at the end of the day they are not allowed to do anything else,” says Helbig. “Of course, even a single clinic owned by the medical profession has to make money, but its main purpose is medical care.”

A study by the independent research and consulting institute for infrastructure and health issues from 2022 seems to confirm this. She found that investor-owned clinics earned at least 10 percent more fees than those owned by individual doctors.

Cementing the two-tier medicine?

In Germany there is a two-tier healthcare system that is financed by contributions from employees and employers to the health insurance companies. Health insurance is compulsory for the entire population. The statutory insurers, which cover around 90 percent of the population, are not allowed to refuse their support to anyone. The other ten percent often enjoy more protection with private health insurance. Overall, the German healthcare system costs several hundred billion euros every year.

Some patients fear that they could become an investment object for financial investorsImage: Benjamin Nolte/dpa/picture alliance

Helbig says he’s noticed the trend of new investor-owned medical practices turning away publicly insured patients and focusing on those that bring profit. “Some patients are lucrative, others cost money. We have found that many patients who cannot be treated profitably are transferred to public hospitals,” the health expert told DW.

Risky business model

This is particularly noticeable in eye clinics, where there are large price differences between the treatments, some of which are not covered by insurance. “Cataract surgery is well paid, whereas emergency procedures of any kind are poorly paid,” explains Helbig. In addition, more complex cataract operations would be transferred to public hospitals, possibly because the cataract is already well advanced.

Pediatricians in crisis mode

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Finanzwende research has calculated that investors can expect a profit of up to twenty percent from their investments – but only if they buy enough practices. The business model of private equity funds consists of bundling several practices and restructuring them – sometimes with the help of loans – in order to later sell them for a profit, says finance transition researcher Aurora Li.

Focus on profit maximization

“The focus is not on operating profit, but on the steady inflow of capital,” Li told DW. “When companies put pressure on doctors to sell profitable treatments and provide a steady cash flow, that can become profitable for other financial investors. And you can only generate high cash flow if you own a lot of doctor’s offices.”

Some surgeries are expensive, so many medical facilities need to plan well financiallyImage: Channel Partners/Zoonar/picture alliance

It is very worrying when patients are unsure whether their treatment will not be influenced by profit expectations. “Another danger is that the business model imposed on these medical practices is very risky and they can quickly go bankrupt. Especially when higher interest rates on the loans translate into higher costs.” Then, according to Li, investors could have the practice shut down.

Medical associations put Lauterbach’s criticism into perspective

The draft law announced by Karl Lauterbach is still pending, but some medical associations assess the issue differently than the Minister of Health. The Association of Health Care Center Operators, for example, pointed to government data that said there was no statistical evidence that mutual fund-owned clinics provided poorer medical treatment.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach wants to reduce the influence of investors on the healthcare systemImage: Tobias Schwarz/AFP/Getty Images

Doctors employed there also published a letter in May angrily dismissing Lauterbach’s claim that her independence could be questioned. “As employed doctors, we practice our profession with the same passion and the same commitment to the patient as our colleagues from private practices or in hospitals.”

Horst Helbig is also not fundamentally opposed to the bundling of practices because of the economic burden. For example, only a few young doctors are able to make the necessary investments. And few are willing to put in the 60-hour work week that is required to start their own practice. “Of course you can demand that the bureaucracy, which in practice really overwhelms you, be dismantled. But I also know that it’s a bit naïve to expect this to actually happen in Germany.”

The article originally appeared in English and has been adapted.

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