
安省滑鐵盧Conestoga Mall 4劫匪眾目睽睽打砸搶

(2023-02-03 14:37:58) 下一個


2023年02月03日 加國無憂  作者:堅果兒  8評論

周四下午,安省滑鐵盧地區的大型購物中心Conestoga Mall發生一起非常轟動的持械搶劫案件,四名男子手持錘子和棍棒在眾目睽睽之下打砸搶。目前警方已經逮捕了三名來自大多倫多地區的嫌犯,仍有一人在逃。


滑鐵盧警方稱,2月2日下午4點左右,他們接到多起報案稱Conestoga Mall商場內的Raffi Jewelers珠寶店遭打劫。


滑鐵盧警局發言人Brad Hickey表示,警方迅速抵達現場,並緊急疏散員工和顧客。這樣做的原因是要確保商場內所有人員的安全。





警察到達現場後,接手了保安人員的逮捕行動。警方稱,有兩名嫌疑人穿過King Street North街,跑到一個工業區,隨後被警方找到並逮捕。

第四名嫌疑人跑到商場停車場,劫持了一輛灰色的本田HRV汽車,車上還有一名司機和兩個年幼的孩子。警方稱,在這名嫌疑人搶走車輛並逃離商場區域之前,車上的一家人被放下車。這輛車最後一次被人看到是在King Street North街向南行駛。





Conestoga Mall商場在事發後保持關閉狀態,已於2月3日早上10點重新營業。


就在兩天前(2月1日),多倫多Vaughan Mills商場淩晨遭人開車闖入。一名嫌疑人駕駛黑色奧迪A4汽車,在商場裏橫衝直撞,並闖入一家未具名的商店,拿走了數量不明的物品。


Multiple people arrested, one injured in reported armed robbery at Conestoga Mall


Three people were arrested and one person was injured after an armed robbery at a jewelry store. As Tyler Kelaher reports, one suspect is at large.03:04

Conestoga Mall armed robbery aftermath

Three suspects have been arrested but one remains at large following an armed robbery at Conestoga Mall. CTV’s Jeff Pickel has the latest.02:59

Armed robbery at Conestoga Mall


Waterloo regional police say they’ve arrested three people and one person was taken to hospital following an armed robbery at Conestoga Mall in Waterloo.

According to police, they were called to a jewelry store at around 4 p.m. Thursday after receiving several reports of an armed robbery in the mall.

Witnesses told CTV News that they saw the incident happen at Raffi Jewellers. A viewer also shared a video which appears to show at least two people wearing all black walking around and grabbing items from the glass cases.

Still from a cellphone video of an alleged robbery at Waterloo's Conestoga Mall. (Feb. 2, 2023)

"Officers quickly arrived in the area of Conestoga Mall and made three arrests," said Const. Brad Hickey with the Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS). "Officers went inside the mall and they did evacuate the mall. The reason for that is we want to ensure the safety of all individuals inside the mall and we also want to ensure there is no outstanding suspects in the mall."

Initially there were reports of gunshots inside the mall but, according to a media release by WRPS, there was no evidence of shots fired. Police believe that it was the sound of breaking glass.


Police said four male suspects entered the store with hammers and batons and allegedly smashed display cases and stole merchandise.

As the suspects fled the store, one was arrested by a security guard while the other three ran away.

Once officers arrived on scene, they took over the arrest made by the security guard.

The guard suffered physical injuries during the incident and was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Police said the two other suspects ran across King Street North to an industrial area, where they were later arrested by officers.


A fourth suspect allegedly entered a vehicle in the mall parking lot which police said was occupied by a family. The driver of the vehicle and their young child were able to exit the vehicle before the male suspect stole it and fled the area.

That vehicle, described as a grey Honda HRV, was last seen travelling south on King Street North in Waterloo.

Police said the suspect still at large as of Friday morning, and is desrcibed as a Black man in his late 20s to early 30s, around 5'10" and roughly 230 pounds. He is described as having long curly hair tied back in a bun, and a short beard.

A Waterloo regional police officer investigating an armed robbery at Conestoga Mall in Waterloo, Ont. (Feb. 2, 2023)


Police said the three suspects, ages 20, 21, and 24, and all from the Greater Toronto Area, were arrested and charged with the following:

  •  Robbery with a weapon
  •  Disguise with intent
  •  Possession of stolen property over $5,000

All three men are being held for a bail hearing.

"Our detectives and patrol officers are canvassing for witnesses [and] video footage," said Const. Hickey on Thursday night. "We encourage anyone who has information, dash cam footage or cellphone footage to please contact police or Crime Stoppers."

Conestoga Mall closed its doors after the robbery and posted a message to social media that it would remain closed until further notice. The mall reopened Friday and representatives said they continues to work closely with police.


The Raffi Jewelers store in Conestoga Mall was also targeted by thieves in January 2022. Waterloo regional police eventually arrested two men from the GTA and recovered $300,000 worth of jewelry.

Other robberies were also reported in April 2022 and May 2022, though no details about what store or merchandise were taken were released by police.

-- With reporting by Krista Sharpe and Jeff Pickel

A WRPS vehicle at Conestoga Mall in Waterloo, Ont. (Feb. 2, 2023)

A WRPS vehicle at Conestoga Mall in Waterloo, Ont. (Feb. 2, 2023)

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