

(2017-02-02 09:41:26) 下一個


 2017-02-03 BCSSA BCSSA




本次抗議中的暴力行為是中途加入的“約150位的蒙麵煽動者”蓄意發起、實施(目前煽動者身份還未確定)。伯克利是Free Speech Movement即自由言論運動的發源地和堅定擁護者,和平抗議一直是伯克利學生的優良傳統。


事件已結束,校園恢複正常。警方和校方全程實時向全校成員通報事態的進展,並給予安全提示。大約2月1日晚十點,警方通過手機短信警戒係統發送All Clear解除校園警報,並宣稱第二天2月2日學校事務和課堂將照常進行。







cr. Ben Liu




黃昏,上千名學生聚集於Martin Luther King Student Union (以下簡稱MLK)前抗議Milo Yiannopoulos即將在MLK裏麵進行的演講。Milo Yiannopoulos由學校社團「Berkeley College Republicans」邀請而來,以其反同性戀立場與白人至上主義著稱。雖然Milo的立場與伯克利大多數群體相異,並在來之前的兩個星期受到了全校100多個教授聯名抗議,但是校方在事前發給所有學生的郵件中解釋道:“我們尊重言論自由。作為一所公立院校,我們不能就言論的內容或觀點(不同)而禁止其表達。”這也是對Free Speech的尊重。
















本事件引發了多方的爭論,有人認為伯克利學生通過抗議強行禁止Milo Yiannopoulos的發言是對言論自由的壓製,也有人認為Milo Yiannopoulos的言論傳播的都是對少數群體的恨意,不應該被言論自由保護,也有人認為雙方都有了公正說話的理由與機會。



以下摘自伯克利校方Berkeley News:



Amid an apparently organized violent attack and destruction of property at UC Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Student Union, the UC Police Department (UCPD) determined it was necessary to evacuate controversial speaker Milo Yiannopoulos from campus and to cancel his scheduled 8 p.m. performance. Yiannopoulos had been invited by the Berkeley College Republicans.


介於這是發生在加州大學伯克利分校的Martin Luther King Jr.學生會的一個明顯有組織的暴力攻擊和財產破壞事件,UC警察局(UCPD)確定有必要從校園撤離有爭議的演講家Milo Yiannopoulos,並取消他下午8點的表演。 Yiannopoulos是被伯克利學生社團Berkeley College Republicans邀請的。


At about 10 p.m., campus officials lifted the “shelter in place” order issued earlier in the evening and said Berkeley would be back to business as usual on Thursday. However, UCPD asked the community to be aware that protest activity was still occurring in the city of Berkeley and to avoid streets surrounding the campus.




The violence was instigated by a group of about 150 masked agitators who came onto campus and interrupted an otherwise non-violent protest.




The decision to cancel the event was made at about 6 p.m., and officers read several dispersal announcements to a crowd of more than 1,500 protesters who had gathered outside the student union, where Yiannopoulos was to speak. He immediately was escorted from the building and left campus.




Of paramount importance was the campus’s commitment to ensure the safety and security of those attending the event, the speaker, those who came to engage in lawful protest and members of the public and the Berkeley campus community.




Fires that were deliberately set, one outside the campus Amazon outlet; Molotov cocktails that caused generator-powered spotlights to catch fire; commercial-grade fireworks thrown at police officers; barricades pushed into windows and skirmishes within the crowd were among the evening’s violent acts.




The masked agitators came to campus eastbound on Bancroft Way, and fire damage and other destruction to the Stiles Hall construction site, where a new residence hall is planned, was reported. The group entered campus and immediately began throwing rocks at officers. In an effort to avoid injuries to innocent members of the surrounding crowd who might have been caught in the middle, police officers exercised restraint and did not respond with force.


麵具煽動者從校園來到了Bancroft Way的東邊。據報道,學校正在建立的新宿舍遭到了火災損壞和其他破壞。這些煽動者進入校園,並立即向警察投擲石塊。為了避免對卷入人群中間的無辜人們造成傷害,警察克製自身行為,並沒有使用武力回應。


Agitators also attacked some members of the crowd who were rescued by police. UCPD reported no major injuries and about a half dozen minor injuries. Mutual aid officers from the city of Oakland and from Alameda County arrived at Berkeley around 7:45 p.m. to assist UCPD and Berkeley city police.




Campus officials said they condemn in the strongest possible terms the violence and unlawful behavior that was on display and deeply regret that those tactics now overshadow the efforts of the majority to engage in legitimate and lawful protest against the performer’s presence at Berkeley and his perspectives.




UC Berkeley officials and UCPD went to extraordinary lengths to plan for this event, working closely with the Berkeley College Republicans and putting the appropriate resources in place to maintain security. Officials were in contact with other university campuses where Yiannopoulos had been asked to speak, and they paid close attention to lessons learned. Dozens of additional police officers were on duty for Wednesday’s scheduled event, and multiple methods of crowd control were in place. Ultimately, and unfortunately, however, it was impossible to maintain order given the level of threat, disruption and organized violence.


加州大學伯克利分校的校方和UCPD為準備這次活動做出了巨大的努力,與伯克利學生社團Berkeley College Republicans密切合作,並提供適當的資源,以維護安全。伯克利校方與Yiannopoulos發言的其他大學校園聯係,密切注意經驗教訓。數十名額外的警察值班參加星期三(2月1日)的預定活動,並且人群控製的多種方法都被使用到位。然而,最終不幸的是,鑒於威脅、破壞和有組織的暴力的程度之大,而無法維持秩序。


Campus officials added that they regret that the threats and unlawful actions of a few have interfered with the exercise of First Amendment rights on a campus that is proud of its history and legacy as the home of the Free Speech Movement.




In an earlier message to the Berkeley campus community, Chancellor Nicholas Dirks made it clear that while Yiannopoulos’ views, tactics and rhetoric are profoundly contrary to those of the campus, UC Berkeley is bound by the Constitution, the law and the university’s values and  Principles of Community, which include the enabling of free expression across the full spectrum of opinion and perspective.


在早些時候給伯克利校園群體的信息中,校長Nicholas Dirks明確表示,雖然Yiannopoulos的觀點、策略和修辭與校園中的觀點、策略和修辭背道而馳,但UC Berkeley受到憲法、法律、大學價值觀和社區原則的約束,其中包括允許各種意見和觀點上的自由表達。



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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
Norstar 回複 悄悄話 一幫暴徒組織打砸搶。對打砸搶喝彩。現在又說打砸搶和自己無關。對正確報道的傳媒進行攻擊。
園丁2108 回複 悄悄話 說Milo是反同性戀?可笑。Milo自己就是同性戀猶太英國人。他也不是保守主義,而是真自由主義Libertarian。
飛來寺 回複 悄悄話 加州溫度高,不需要為防寒而蒙麵。所以在公共場合應禁止蒙麵。
labo88 回複 悄悄話 You must be kidding, Libtard.
Napolitano was the head of homeland security. She can't stop 150 retards? She didn't want to.
hearty 回複 悄悄話 樓下諸位不看英文報道,隻會惡意揣測,難道是偷渡客?看不懂英文?
hearty 回複 悄悄話 樓下都不看英文報道嗎?蒙麵煽動者是Black bloc.

The university blamed "150 masked agitators" for the unrest, saying they had come to campus to disturb an otherwise peaceful protest.The attackers, who were not affiliated with the university, were taken into custody by UC Berkeley police.At least six people were injured. Some were attacked by the agitators -- who are a part of an anarchist group known as the "Black Bloc" that has been causing problems in Oakland for years, said Dan Mogulof, UC Berkeley spokesman.

看到了嗎?學校和伯克利市警方都證明,搞打砸搶燒的是150個頭戴黑色麵具的,多年擾亂伯克利治安的名為"Black Bloc" 的黑幫組織。學校公開譴責這幫人故意擾亂(再強調一遍,是擾亂)加大學生們正當的和平示威活動!
labo88 回複 悄悄話 左棍和Nazi沒兩樣,容不得不同意見。抗議的Milo還是gay。
tobuto 回複 悄悄話 150.....沒有一個被逮捕嗎? 打完砸完都平安回家啦?
天隨人意 回複 悄悄話 左棍
清漪園 回複 悄悄話 150名蒙麵煽動者?他們到底是誰?這動靜有點大,如果他們是校外的人,警察和學生都應當澄清,如果他們就是學生,那美國的左派學生真是可恥可悲了,咋能一言不合就去砸銀行和商店?
ahhhh 回複 悄悄話 關鍵是暴徒打人的時候,學生有沒有製止,還是在喝彩?