洋蔥炒雞蛋 is one of LD's favorite dishes, but not mine. I don’t like cutting onions. So whenever he craves for it, he will start talking like how good and nutritious the onion is, and how onions protect our heart and blood vine. Ok, ok, I hear you. So last night, I cooked the dish again.
I peeled off the skins, and as I was taking the knife to the onion, my eyes naturally watered. As I cut deeper, I felt more sting in my eyes. Tears came out of my eyes. I had to stop for a while and move myself away from the onion, take a breather before I can cut further. At that moment, a saying sprang to my mind (by an American writer Carl Sandburg): “Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep."
What does it mean? Did he use this analogy to describe our life journey that is full of joys and sorrows? The richfulness of life can only be achieved after we have been through good time and bad time, success and failure. Just like peeling off the onion, if we want to enjoy the pungent flavor, we have to cut it, even though it means we have to endure the teary moments in our life.
Metaphorically it can also mean that a person is like an onion. We have multiple of layers, and to get to the center, i.e. the real self or the heart, we have to peel off layer after layer covered outside. The moment we reach our heart is the moment we discover ourselves, and discovering is just a first step towards nourishing our heart and soul. The process could be hard and sad, but overcoming it can bring us to the full blossom. We will never experience the spice and aroma of the life, the way we won’t feel if we leave the onion as a whole.
紫洋蔥最辣,黃洋蔥和甜洋蔥稍好些。 可以一直冷藏幾個在冰箱,切起來會沒那麽衝。
So in a sense, onion is healthy and sweet too, better than chocolate. :-))) ( Dark chocolate is very good too, but it is not sweet.)
I recently discovered that they actually contain a lot of sugar.
I learnt to caramelize them--just saute a large amount with butter for a long time in a big wok and they turned super sweet. No kidding.
But seriously I love your last sentence "人生就如一隻洋蔥,你的心被包裹在最裏麵,一層層剝開,總有一層讓你淚流滿麵。"
Switching to my chocolate version it would be "人生就如一盒巧克力,你要找的那顆心就在裏麵,一顆顆咬開,總有一顆,會讓你欣喜若狂” (暖mm肯定想說沒心的我想偷心。:))