
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
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(2017-03-31 22:01:01) 下一個
周二買了第一本電子書,張純如的The Rape of Nanking南京大屠殺, 才讀完前言部分,就覺得心裏特別難受。雖然我去過南京大屠殺紀念館,雖然我自認為有足夠的心理準備去讀這本書,但當血淋淋的曆史再次陳述在我眼前,當史料數據再次殘酷地震撼我時,我讀不下去了。我看到的是手無寸鐵的同胞被淩辱、被強奸,被當活物刺殺的場景,看到的是森森白骨,血流成河的南京城,聽到的是百姓在嚎啕在哭泣。為什麽是“南京”,那些犯下磬竹難書、那些至今抵賴不承認的日本軍國主義者,有沒有想過,這“南”字改成“東”字會是什麽一種感受和結局?這段曆史太屈辱,讀一遍就讓人義憤填膺一次。
One historian has estimated that if the dead from Nanking were to link hands, they would stretch from Nanking to the city of Hangchow, spanning a distance of some two hundred miles. Their blood would weigh twelve hundred tons, and their bodies would fill twenty-five hundred railroad cars. Stacked on top of each other, these bodies would reach the height of a seventy-four-story building. 令人發指!
Using numbers killed alone, the Rape of Nanking surpasses much of the worst barbarism of the ages.... Hitler killed about 6 million Jews, and Stalin more than 40 million Russians, but these deaths were brought about over some few years. In the Rape of Nanking the killing was concentrated within a few weeks.
The Rape of Nanking should be remembered not only for the number of people slaughtered but for the cruel manner in which many met their deaths. Chinese men were used for bayonet practice and in decapitation contests. An estimated 20,000–80,000 Chinese women were raped. Many soldiers went beyond rape to disembowel women, slice off their breasts, nail them alive to walls. Fathers were forced to rape their daughters, and sons their mothers, as other family members watched. Not only did live burials, castration, the carving of organs, and the roasting of people become routine, but more diabolical tortures were practiced, such as hanging people by their tongues on iron hooks or burying people to their waists and watching them get torn apart by German shepherds. So sickening was the spectacle that even the Nazis in the city were horrified, one proclaiming the massacre to be the works of “bestial machinery.”  沒有一點人性,變態殺人狂。So sickening and appalling for words.
As the Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel warned years ago, to forget a holocaust is to kill twice. 忘記大屠殺等於二次殺戮。
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閱讀 ()評論 (17)
閑閑客 回複 悄悄話 佩服你!我太弱不敢讀。張純如確實了不起!
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 我也有,不敢讀。暖冬真的很堅強!我們需要更多的張純如一樣的作家。
洋蔥炒雞蛋 回複 悄悄話 我。。。沒有勇氣看。。。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '為寫而寫' 的評論 : 差點漏掉這個留言。我現在在看part I,寫日本曆史,還好。等我看完,看能不能來分享。謝謝寫寫。
為寫而寫 回複 悄悄話 這本書我一直沒有勇氣看...
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複“遊士”:遊士是南京人,或許更有家仇國恨的感覺。理解你對張純如的敬意。看我能不能讀完,再來跟你們分享。謝遊士,祝新的一周愉快!
彩煙遊士 回複 悄悄話 我都不敢看這樣的書,太沉重!張純如的墓地在加州,有機會的時候我會拜謁一下。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '獅子羔羊' 的評論 : 獅子早!讀你的小說is another source of inspiration to read the book.現在政府和南京每年大力舉辦紀念日的活動,做對了。不僅我們不能忘,我們的子孫後代都不能忘。謝謝獅子臨博。
獅子羔羊 回複 悄悄話 敬佩暖冬的勇氣和力量。除了這本書我還讀過由德文翻譯的《拉貝日記》。再就是長輩講述的他們自己的經曆和親眼見證。日本人是對南京人,中國人,對人類犯下了罪的。我等應牢記。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : oncemm好!是啊,原以為自己夠強大,可以讀下來,現在有點猶豫了,還好隻是文字,不敢想象畫麵的。等讀完再向mm回報。mm周末愉快!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm居然有這個勇氣,我從來不敢讀的,太沉重了。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Yes, it is hard to read, not to say to watch it. Too appalling. Thanks for your visit, my friend.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複“覺曉”:謝謝覺曉的支持。羨慕你有時間讀這麽多書,做這麽多筆記的。我有時是心有餘而力不足。謝謝,我一定讀完它。
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 I bought the DVD years ago. Never had the courage to watch it.
覺曉 回複 悄悄話 暖冬真的很堅強。我也去過紀念館。謝謝分享你最近的閱讀。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 謝子喬鼓勵,我確實需要勇氣讀下去,我想我會的。也是一直想讀的,那日看你寫張純如,就更是如此。曆史不能忘。我們借此一起向這位了不起的女子致敬,紀念她!
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 暖冬真勇敢,為你鼓掌!我當年也讀得很艱難,讀一段放一段時間,心情沉重的不得了。可以想見張純如寫這本書的時候,承受了多少痛苦和壓力。等兒子大了以後我還要讓他也讀,不是為了仇恨,是為了銘記。