南小鹿 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2020-09-23 08:07:59) 下一個




第二幕第一場,理查二世帶著一幫人來看望重病的約翰,約翰對他說:“啊,不要饒恕我, 我的哥哥愛德華的兒子,因為我是他父親愛德華的兒子。你像鵜鶘一樣啄飲親情血液,喝得酩酊大醉。我的兄弟葛羅斯特是個淳樸善良的好人,在天堂和那些有福的靈魂同享極樂,他就是前例和見證,來說明你對濺灑愛德華的血是毫無顧忌的。和我的疾病一起來加害我吧,你的無情就像衰老駝背的年齡,砍下這一朵久已凋零的花。活在你的恥辱中吧,但恥辱不會和你同歸於盡!從今以後這些話會折磨著你。把我搬到床上去,然後再把我送進墳墓;享受著愛和榮譽的人,才會感到生存的樂趣。”

(注:理查二世的父親黑太子愛德華(Edward the Black Prince13301376年)是英王愛德華三世的長子)


O, spare me not, my brother Edward’s son,

For that I was his father Edward’s son;

That blood already, like the pelican,

Hast thou tapp’d out and drunkenly caroused:

My brother Gloucester, plain well-meaning soul,

Whom fair befal in heaven ’mongst happy souls!

May be a precedent and witness good

That thou respect’st not spilling Edward’s blood:

Join with the present sickness that I have;

And thy unkindness be like crooked age,

To crop at once a too long wither’d flower.

Live in thy shame, but die not shame with thee!

These words hereafter thy tormentors be!

Convey me to my bed, then to my grave:

Love they to live that love and honour have.






Great Duke of Lancaster, I come to thee

From plume-pluck’d Richard; who with willing soul

Adopts thee heir, and his high sceptre yields

To the possession of thy royal hand:

Ascend his throne, descending now from him;

And long live Henry, fourth of that name!




In God’s name, I’ll ascend the regal throne.



(注:Golgotha, 各各他山,意譯為“骷髏地”,乃羅馬統治以色列時期耶路撒冷城郊之山,耶穌曾被釘在各各他山上的十字架上。)


Marry. God forbid!

Worst in this royal presence may I speak,

Yet best beseeming me to speak the truth.

Would God that any in this noble presence

Were enough noble to be upright judge

Of noble Richard! then true noblesse would

Learn him forbearance from so foul a wrong.

What subject can give sentence on his king?

And who sits here that is not Richard’s subject?

Thieves are not judged but they are by to hear,

Although apparent guilt be seen in them;

And shall the figure of God’s majesty,

His captain, steward, deputy-elect,

Anointed, crowned, planted many years,

Be judged by subject and inferior breath,

And he himself not present? O, forfend it, God,

That in a Christian climate souls refined

Should show so heinous, black, obscene a deed!

I speak to subjects, and a subject speaks,

Stirr’d up by God, thus boldly for his king:

My Lord of Hereford here, whom you call king,

Is a foul traitor to proud Hereford’s king:

And if you crown him, let me prophesy:

The blood of English shall manure the ground,

And future ages groan for this foul act;

Peace shall go sleep with Turks and infidels,

And in this seat of peace tumultuous wars

Shall kin with kin and kind with kind confound;

Disorder, horror, fear and mutiny

Shall here inhabit, and this land be call’d

The field of Golgotha and dead men’s skulls.

O, if you raise this house against this house,

It will the woefullest division prove

That ever fell upon this cursed earth.

Prevent it, resist it, let it not be so,

Lest child, child’s children, cry against you woe!






Give me the crown. Here, cousin, seize the crown;

Here cousin:

On this side my hand, and on that side yours.

Now is this golden crown like a deep well

That owes two buckets, filling one another,

The emptier ever dancing in the air,

The other down, unseen and full of water:

That bucket down and full of tears am I,

Drinking my griefs, whilst you mount up on high.)


二:當波林勃洛克直截了當地問他:“你願意放棄你的王冠嗎?”(Are you contented to resign the crown?), 理查陷入了漫長的自言自語中,無可奈何地交出王權:“是,不;不,是;因為我是一個無用的人,所以,不,不,一切悉聽尊便。現在,看好了,我怎樣把自己變成一個廢人。從我的頭上卸下這重壓,從我的手中放下這粗笨的權杖,從我的心頭丟棄這君王的驕傲。我用自己的眼淚洗去了我的香膏,用自己的雙手放棄了我的王冠,用自己的舌頭否認了我的神聖地位,用自己的呼吸免除了所有的職責儀式。我摒絕一切浮華與尊嚴,放棄我的莊園、租金、收入,撤銷我的法令、裁定、法律,願上帝赦免所有對我毀棄的誓言!願上帝保佑一切對你所做的盟約永不遭背叛!讓我這個一無所有的人為一無所有而悲哀,讓你這個得到一切的人為享有一切而開心!願你坐在理查的寶位上萬壽無疆,願理查早早長眠於墳坑中!上帝保佑亨利國王,失去王位的理查這樣說,送給他許多年陽光燦爛的日子!還有其他的事情嗎?”


Ay, no; no, ay; for I must nothing be;

Therefore no no, for I resign to thee.

Now mark me, how I will undo myself;

I give this heavy weight from off my head

And this unwieldy sceptre from my hand,

The pride of kingly sway from out my heart;

With mine own tears I wash away my balm,

With mine own hands I give away my crown,

With mine own tongue deny my sacred state,

With mine own breath release all duty’s rites:

All pomp and majesty I do forswear;

My manors, rents, revenues I forego;

My acts, decrees, and statutes I deny:

God pardon all oaths that are broke to me!

God keep all vows unbroke that swear to thee!

Make me, that nothing have, with nothing grieved,

And thou with all pleased, that hast all achieved!

Long mayst thou live in Richard’s seat to sit,

And soon lie Richard in an earthly pit!

God save King Harry, unking’d Richard says,

And send him many years of sunshine days!

What more remains?



No lord of thine, thou haught insulting man,

Nor no man’s lord; I have no name, no title,

No, not that name was given me at the font,

But ’tis usurp’d: alack the heavy day,

That I have worn so many winters out,

And know not now what name to call myself!

O that I were a mockery king of snow,

Standing before the sun of Bolingbroke,

To melt myself away in water-drops!

Good king, great king, and yet not greatly good,

An if my word be sterling yet in England,

Let it command a mirror hither straight,

That it may show me what a face I have,

Since it is bankrupt of his majesty.







They shall be satisfied: I’ll read enough,

When I do see the very book indeed

Where all my sins are writ, and that’s myself.

Re-enter Attendant, with a glass

Give me the glass, and therein will I read.

No deeper wrinkles yet? hath sorrow struck

So many blows upon this face of mine,

And made no deeper wounds? O flattering glass,

Like to my followers in prosperity,

Thou dost beguile me! Was this face the face

That every day under his household roof

Did keep ten thousand men? was this the face

That, like the sun, did make beholders wink?

Was this the face that faced so many follies,

And was at last out-faced by Bolingbroke?

A brittle glory shineth in this face:

As brittle as the glory is the face;

Dashes the glass against the ground

For there it is, crack’d in a hundred shivers.

Mark, silent king, the moral of this sport,

How soon my sorrow hath destroy’d my face.

我發現莎士比亞在幾部戲劇裏都將君王比作了太陽,榮盛時期的理查二世有著一張“像太陽一樣讓人不敢直視的臉”,當他被迫交出王位時,“一道脆弱的榮耀在這張臉上閃爍”,表明他這個舊太陽的光芒即將消失,取而代之的是波林勃洛克這個新太陽。被廢黜的理查則像“一尊由雪堆成的滑稽的國王塑像“,“站在波林勃洛克的陽光之前,化成水滴而溶解。”《亨利四世》第一部裏的哈裏王子暗自“效仿太陽”,“它容許汙濁的雲層遮住了它的美麗,然而當它穿透似乎要扼殺了它的肮髒醜陋的霧障,重新大放光彩的時候,人們因為有一陣子沒見著它,對它格外驚歎。”- 可見他已為將來繼承王位在悄悄錘煉自己了。



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