


(2013-10-21 06:52:02) 下一個

貓劇(CATS)準備結束在本地的演出,轉戰其他地方.五朵金花打扮亮麗來了個"Girl's Day Out",上市區去高雅一番,搭上最後一班車看了這出貓劇.五個女生一起出遊已經足夠激動人心,看劇不過是錦上添花,其實大家對演出並不苛求.來以前做足了功課,所以呢議論還是要七嘴八舌發表一通的. 


在耳熟能詳的歌曲和歡樂的舞蹈中有名有姓性格鮮明的眾Jellicles貓依次出場,個個貓性十足,或妖嬈或性感,或純潔或好奇,或剛毅或頑皮,活貓活現.小偷貓Mungojerrie & Rumbleteazer,火車貓Skimbleshanks,魔術貓Mistoffelees,演員貓Gus,壞貓Macavity 每隻都帶來不同的驚喜,整個貓劇也很自然融入了芭蕾,魔術,雜技,搖滾,歌劇,戲劇等元素,顯得精彩紛呈,高潮迭起.

我最喜歡Rum Tum Tugger的表演和演唱,當然這個角色本來設計就討喜,是個超帥的自我感覺超好的花花公子形象,服裝也一流.他是貓裏麵的偶像明星.他的裝扮風格讓我立刻想起謝賢,李詠等人,莫非這兩人穿衣打扮行為風格借鑒了這隻貓?如果國內排演貓劇,我推薦鄧超演Rum Tum Tugger同時建議他表現更加自戀些就更符合這個角色的性格.


老貓Old Deuteronomy光在台上站著,不時受人膜拜,不唱也不跳,我都嫌他無所作為.中場休息的時候貓們全退下隻有老貓還在台上閑逛,我正疑惑不解,待他找了個地方坐下後,才發現他不但在劇中要接受貓們的膜拜,出了劇還要給人類簽名.原來他才是真正的大牌啊. 

就是這隻老貓,Jellicles貓的掌門人,壽比南山,老婆就娶了99個.他如此長壽難道是要應貓有九命這句話嗎?貓真的可能有九命嗎? 事實可能是這樣:正因為貓總是被神秘和魔法似的氣氛籠罩著,所以才引出了九條命的神話。無可否認,貓和狗及其他動物相比,過著似乎有魔法保護的生活。但這可能是由於貓具有恢複平衡的本能反應和靈敏的平衡感, 而並非因它有任何超自然的能力--不過,這都是劇外的話了。 

整出劇其實是圍繞哪隻貓上雲之路(Heavyside Layer)這個主題展開的.在我看來,候選的貓也就是比較的年邁的那幾隻,老貓Old Deuteronomy暫且不管,誰知道他還要繼續活多久呢. 剩下的就是有德行和愛心的媽媽貓Jennyanydots,肥肥的上流人士貴族貓Bustopher Jones,曾有輝煌曆史的才華橫溢的歌劇貓Gus以及那隻窮困潦倒的老貓Grizabella.





這樣看來,我回到家見到我親愛的小狗,豈不是也該照貓敬犬,脫帽敬禮,跟它唱上一段“你好嗎,我尊敬的狗"? 畢竟,狗兒和貓兒也沒有什麽不同.  

最後附上Memory的歌詞.原版Elaine Paige已經唱得動人心弦,我的偶像Barbra Streisand的演繹就更加深沉美妙,也更加駕輕就熟.

Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight
The withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember
The time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

Every street lamp
Seems to beat a fatalistic warning
Someone mutters and the street lamps gutters
And soon it will be morning

I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin

Burnt out ends of smoky days
The stale cold smell of morning
A street lamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning

Touch me
It's so easy to leave me
All alone with my memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me
You'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has begun

Musical CATS Review

Musical CATS would end their season in Toronto and continue their tour in other cities.  Four other CATS lovers decided to go to downtown and watch the show before it was too late. Five girls going out together alone had already created enormous excitement; watching the show was just like icing on the cake. 
The stage sets, the actors’ singing and the performance were not as good as those (that were) in the original play we watched at home; however, when I heard the first sound of the opening music, I entered into the happy life of the Jellicles cats right away. Along with the familiar music, Jellicles cats all came to stage. The cats were voluptuous or sexy, pure or curious. Thief cats Mungojerrie & Rumbleteazer, train cats Skimbleshanks, magic cat Mistoffelees, theatre cat Gus, bad cat Macavity, each brought a different surprise. The whole show was wonderful, not short of climax at all. It merged the elements like ballet, magic, acrobatics, rock, opera, and theater into the show seamlessly. 
I loved the singing and the performance of Rum Tum Tugger the best. He was the rock star among the Jellicales cats. However, it was a bit disappointing that the highly expected singing of Memory was not as satisfactory as we had hoped. 
Old Deuteronomy, the leader of the Jellicle cats, was just standing on the stage for the first half of the show. The only thing he did was accepting worship from other cats. He didn’t perform any singing or dancing at all. This was a rather easy part I thought. It turned out that it wasn’t as easy as I thought. During the recess, while all the other cats retreated to take a rest, the Old Deuteronomy stayed on the stage and accepted worship from human beings— he gave them autograph. Now I realized he was the real star here.
The theme of the show was to make what was known as “the Jellicle choice” and to decide which cat would ascend to the Heavyside Layer. In my opinion, four cats who were older than others should have been the candidates. Old Deuteronomy was excluded since he seemed like he would live forever. The first choice should have been Jennyanydots, the kind and loving old Gumbie cat. The second one should have been the “twenty-five pounder” fat cat, Bustopher Jones, who was respected by all as the upper class “St. James’s Street Cat.” The third choice should have been the talented theatre cat Gus who had a glamorous and successful theatre career. The last choice was Grizebella, who had lost sparkle and now only wanted to be accepted.
Which one would eventually ascend to the Heavyside Layer? 

At the end of the show, Grizabella, who had experienced harshness of the world, received the forgiveness and respect from all the other cats. She was chosen to ascent to the Heavyside Layer and would come back to a new life. Such decision lifted the climax of the play. While the audience indulged themselves in the melody of Memory, the two-and-a-half-hour show came to a happy ending. 
Through this show, I realize that we should not judge someone’s life by their successful achievements. In my opinion, life is the result of a series of choices. Like Grizabella, she chose to leave her comfort zone while she was young and glamourous. She went out to explore the world, and she ended up experiencing a lot of hardships. At the end of the day, she was still full of hope for tomorrow and believed that she  had touched the true happiness—just like what she sang in the song,” If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is, look, a new day has begun.” She put all the hardships behind and embraced them as an experience of life and the memory of yesterday. Not just all the cats, even me, a human being, admired her courage and insight. 
I  hope we can live a brave life like that of Grizabella’s, keep our curiosity for life all the time, explore and live out the richness and fullness of our   lives. I also hope that we, human beings, can respect each other and accept each other’s different views. Just like what the cats finally did. . 
At the end of the show, the Old Deuteronomy, the leader of the Jellicle cats presented a song to the audience, “You bow, and taking off your hat, ad-dress him in this form: "O' cat!" since “A cat's entitled to expect, these evidences of respect.” Because, “Cats are very much like you.” 
I was wondering, when I came home and saw my dog, whether I should  I also “bow, and taking off my hat, ad-dress him in this form: “O’ doggy!” since “A dog's entitled to expect, these evidences of respect.” Because, “Dogs are very much like a cat.” Well, this might not be true according to the same song which says, “Again I must remind you that a dog’s a dog, a cat’s a cat.” 
All of us really enjoyed the show and the time that we spent together alone—without kids and husbands. For sure, we will plan another “Girls Day Out” very soon!
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