天邊的薔薇2013-09-12 14:20:16回複悄悄話
It is so so touching, touching my heart. Paragraphy # 3 sounds like my background except I love my parents so much.Is it a true story or based on a true story? The girl may have had depression without knowing it herself then. If she had someone who was close to her at that time get her evaluated and treated, she definitely can avoid such a tragedy!!! 99% of suiciders are depression sufferers. Not like people think that they can not accept frustrations and want to die. It has something to do with lacking certain brian chemicals, which leads to all the negative thoughts and eventaully committed suicide......People who are full of immagination, who are sentive, emotional and normally perfectionists tend to be the case.文科女生 have such a type of personality. Artists, writers and actress are similar as well. Good article!!!
Blue.Crab2013-09-10 08:46:41回複悄悄話
回複 '薔薇啊薔薇' 的評論 :
如果你想要找一個傾訴的對象, 一個奪目的舞伴,你可能會有一個比較滿意的結果。
高見! What you said were very true at least in my college years. I went to school in Shanghai and studied international finance, and I knew a lot of fine arts major female schoolmates. English and French majors were among the worst.
好高興你來!這是一個完全真實的故事, 也許我可以創作更曲折,更吸引眼球的小小說,但我覺得那樣將會失去引人深思的基石,所以我的這個故事係列描寫的都將是真實存在過的人物和情節。
好多朋友看了故事, 都懷疑盈芝有抑鬱症, 但我看她不像, 她具有外文係女生的一切特點:洋氣大方, 活潑外向,對愛情, 西方和未來充滿幻想。她隻是在最困難的時候, 沒有一個親近的人可以支持她, 幫助她, 讓她渡過難關,從而導致了悲劇的發生。
如果你想要找一個傾訴的對象, 一個奪目的舞伴,你可能會有一個比較滿意的結果。
高見! What you said were very true at least in my college years. I went to school in Shanghai and studied international finance, and I knew a lot of fine arts major female schoolmates. English and French majors were among the worst.
真遺憾, 你怎麽盡遇到那樣的女生。
我從小在一個純理工科的高校裏長大, 你說的那樣的女生肯定有, 不過我知道的文藝範理工男倒多過理工女。
這個“中用”要看在哪方麵, 如果是保險絲斷了,要讓她們換換等實務, 那麽她們多半不行;
但如果你想要找一個傾訴的對象, 一個奪目的舞伴,你可能會有一個比較滿意的結果。
小草,那是我從網上看來的,代表的隻是社會上一部分人對文科生的偏見, 本來還有寫理科女生的,被我刪除了,因為我怕被砸成肉餡:-)。
haha, 你怎麽能跟文科女生談物理呢, 應該跟她們談: 文學,哲學或者曆史地理。。。