My Little English Corner

A new accent is an adventure. Be bold! Exaggerate wildly!


(2011-09-07 23:12:53) 下一個


為什麽一定要用口腔的後部來發英語音呢? 原因有四點.

第一 不用口腔後部發音就讀不準英語單詞.

第二 不用口腔後部發聲、就讀不順句子.

第三 不用口腔後部發音、發出的英語音便無法作到飽滿圓潤。


那麽, 口腔後部發聲法如何具體練習呢?


一、中文輔助練習 1、進行中文感歎音“噢”的練習。噢的發音部位就是明顯的口腔後部、2、美聲唱法模仿.美聲唱法的發聲技巧和英語發音有一定的相似之處、口腔裏麵也處於打開的狀態 3、模仿老外說中文、不同的發音方法和發音部位使外國人的中文發音與我們國人相差很大,如果我們能夠模仿老外的中文,也就在一定程度上實現了口腔發音部位的後部調整。

二、口腔肌肉鍛造. 要作到用口腔後部發音,口腔後部的肌肉必須鍛造靈活.可以從三個方麵進行、1、繞口令訓練、選取一些有代表性的繞口令、進行口腔肌肉的靈活性訓練、2、練習口語時稍微的誇張也可以使口腔肌肉進一步靈活 3、閉齒訓練. 練習英文句子時可在上下牙齒之間放置一枚硬幣或水果糖等使上下牙齒閉合, 也可達到強行鍛造口腔肌肉的目的.

三、口型操練 英語用口腔後部發音, 輔音的發音規律在口型上呈現為三種明顯的變化規律 咧嘴噘嘴和閉嘴、反複進行三種口型的練習 也可養成口腔後部的發音習慣。

那麽用口腔後部發音, 會產生哪幾方麵明顯的發音效果呢?如下四點:

1: 用口腔後部發音,使口腔,喉腔,鼻腔與腔位處於充分打開的狀態。英語發音有明顯的共鳴感,充其是鼻腔共鳴。

·mind kind find
·Everybody can speak perfect English
·Ask not what others can do for you ,ask


·Time guy about now enjoy amazing
·How about you
·Please feel free to unite me


Smart jerk first important blurt
First come, first served.
English is becoming more and more important.
I’ll never forget your support for me.

4: 用口腔後部發音,口腔內壁肌肉繃緊,致使語速加快,產生了連讀吞音等音變現象,英語的語流粘而含,在語言節奏上,一句話聽起來像一個單詞。

.dinner is on me.
.get out of here.
.what do you do for a living?






那麽該怎麽辦呢?其實很簡單,掌握一種簡單的練習方法 – 口型法



1:咧嘴音 f v s z θ δ ts dz t d n l j

2:噘嘴音 ∫ з t∫ dз tr dr r η h k g

3:閉嘴音 m p b w


A bit more:

Yes, it takes time to get used to back mouth sounding, this is true for other learning activities, learning curve is usually low - high - low, then another loop; realizing this would make people not feeing down-hearted when learning becomes slow;

There is no short-cut in learning: practice makes one perfect, rules should be used as guidance; the purpose of knowing rules is to facilitate one's learning; knowing rules is not the ultimate purpose. The ultimate purpose is to master the skills of using a language for effective communication.

However, rules should not be neglected, although rules should not be focused on in the beginning. This opinion is based the perception that there are no rules initially, rules are generalization and accumulation of common practices of language culture for years / generations (rules are still changing), thus, when we start learning a language we need to start from root - sound, word, sentence, from simple to complex. By and by, we would have already got acquainted to a lot of language phenomena, and we had unknowingly learned a lot of rules and we are using the rules unconsciously.

At this phase the role of rules jumps in. The more the language phenomina that we are exposed to, the more important the role of rules would become, as the knowlege of rules would speed up the learning at this stage. The learners might have had the tendency/inclination of subconsciously seeking hidden patterns (rules) in this language (learning), if the instructor/teacher would have introduced the appropriate/corresponding rules to the learner, he/she would be quite happy as the rules could solve some of their mysteries encountered during the previous learning activities, the rules will shorten their learning circle. The learners will love rules at this time and not regard rules as a burdon any more. (Putting grammar completely aside is not proposed).

There is one short-cut for language learning, if there exists one, it is "easy hard-working". Here the "easy" refers to that the learner has a clear mind of what/how to learn, he/she wouldn't regard the language learning as an unconquerable obstacle, the learning is under his/her contol;

the "hard" means that the learner has to devote time/energy onto it and he/she knows that, and he/she knows how much time/energy to invest to get to certain aim, which would make their learning easier. No pain no gain. The worst scenario is avoided: Lots of pain, no gain. The learner usually is hard to get to this stage by himself/herself initially; the instructor/teacher plays an important role here - -

Words above are my own thinking on language teaching/learning, I would love to hear criticism and different opinons so that we all learn and progress together.

bj#2's comments:
However, I wanted to emphasize the importance of practice.

[I am writing the following paragraphs mainly for the purpose of practicing my English. The content may be too far from the topic. Please don't waste your time reading it if you only want to see discussions on 'back mouth' pronunciation.]

With pronunciation, if one hasn't practiced enough, s/he won't be able to truly understand and master those rules. And I guessed that is why although many people know this "back mouth" theory, even the best teachers are not able to give an instance solution to solve the learner's problem immediately.

Here are some personal experiences. I have been working with algorithms for many many years. When I play with the algorithms in my field, mostly I can play artfully (after so many years of studying and practice).

With English pronunciation, after 1 year's practice, right now I honestly think I know what this "back mouth" pronunciation is and how it works. But I am far from speaking English beautifully/artfully although I always thought I had a little talent in language.

I am also learning dancing starting nearly a year ago. Since it has very low priority on my weekly schedule and I seldom practice it after class, my teacher says I am doing mechanics. He is actually being nice and not wanting to scare me away, for I clearly know that I am not yet doing the correct and accurate mechanics (I feel my English pronunciation is somewhat close to such a mechanically correct stage -- though far from artful).

When being asked what I need to do and how should I do it to dance as beautifully as he does, my teacher says, "practice! I dance 20-30 hours per week, while you do only one hour a week. Not to mention the years I started ahead of you!" This guy is a multi-time national award winner and one of the best teachers I ever know. For every detail I'm not able to do well, he has a solution to improve/correct it. But currently I am still not able to even get close to there. Hopefully in 10 years, I may get out of the mechanistic stage in dancing.

Hope this lengthy writing explains a little on how practice helps the learners to get the essence of any kinds of arts. (My theory: mostly, theories work only through pratice.)

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