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海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:

它仍然是小說,盡管來源於真實的生活經曆。謝謝你來看書。You are the man!
海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複nyjg的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複錢廣大叔的評論:

imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複十年退休的評論:
You hit the nail on the head! Exactly the knowledge and experience will turn the vision into reality. Good luck!
Let's wish Zheng(real person) draw some plan to beat Jim in the near future - before I retire :-). Chemical biology may have brighter future in China. Get some funding from motherland and build some labs bigger than Jim's.
十年退休 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:
planning and vision are important, but knowledge is at least equally important. I made two moves initiately with not much knowledge and experience, and caused me 50k, and more important a golden opportunity which might be worth 400K at present value. Anyway, I know much more now, especially, know how to calculate and balance risk. The rest is upon fate.
imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複十年退休的評論:
You are still on target :) Most important is the planning and vision...
十年退休 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:
Admire guest 十年退休, I will try to make it 5 :)

Pls don't admire me. I registered this ID in 2008 to wish me to retire in 10 years. Obviously, I don't yet retire.
imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複海攀的評論:
Sorry, just read the story during the long weekend. I guess I just vented out a little, but too late. Since people, including me, believe this is a true story, they tend to get excited and play the roles of in the story with their own imaginations. Maybe we are too lonely and our lives too drab on this continent and become addicted to this virtual life. Admire guest 十年退休, I will try to make it 5 :)
nyjg 回複 悄悄話 回複海攀的評論:
"中國學生總是沉默的苦修者。鄭衛有了這一次突破,以後會越來越敢說。" If Dave elaborate a little bit more and explain why he feels that way, other than saying do step B first and then step A, Jim will be impressed (Jim may not change his mind...)
錢廣大叔 回複 悄悄話 分歧在各人立場不同,所以說屁股決定大腦。
海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複nyjg的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcwxc2010的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複gm07的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複葫蘆娃爸爸的評論:

Not exactly.
海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複gewex的評論:

imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcwxc2010的評論:
Zheng is angry for good reason. His cowardice prevents him from doing the right thing. Jing could become a big loser because her signing the prenupt. A prenupt proves Jim’s fundamental distrust and disrespect of her. When he finds a girl like Lisa willing and Jing’s freshness fades and culture and background difference becoming intolerable, it is Jing’s turn swallow the bitter pill.
nyjg 回複 悄悄話 I am glad to see that Dave comments on other's work (regardless what his initiative is). This will be a great turning point. Dave will gain more self-confidence esp he's right about 和子's procedures. He may be more active/involved in this type of open discussions.
wxcwxc2010 回複 悄悄話 回複葫蘆娃爸爸的評論:
that is exactly Jing wants you guys to think of Zheng, regardless that is true or not:)
gm07 回複 悄悄話 回複gewex的評論:
鄭衛: "帶了一個白眼狼來到美國" 1st marriage

2nd marriage: 她會變成大家的頂頭上司,二老板. 感激吉姆.
葫蘆娃爸爸 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:
Totally agree with you. Zheng was wasting his life and time.
imtheman 回複 悄悄話 Zheng’s language is not that of a gentleman. That may be one of the reasons Jing abandoned him. If he is so angry and hateful with 賤人 and 老洋狗, he should choose to leave even means losing his degree. If he is capable, he could succeed anywhere. Gates and Jobs all quit college. If he does not like his major and feels he can do better in other fields, such as computer and finance, etc., why not give it a try? Find a different college should not be hard if he is from Yale or Harvard, he may just change departments. If Jim really wants to trap him, which is unlikely from the story, that further proves his unworthy. People learn knowledge from teachers but also the moral code. It is a shame for Zheng to beg for a degree in such circumstance. He has choices, but he choose to stay and he is afraid no place else to go.
gewex 回複 悄悄話 楊小靜非常感激吉姆的苦心,這樣的好運氣必須抓住,否則她永無出頭之日。

鄭衛: "帶了一個白眼狼來到美國"