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(2011-03-28 07:41:18) 下一個













鄭衛把文件都準備好後,去教室找到小四,然後兩人一起到圖書館找了個偏僻的角落坐下。鄭衛把梁主任的原信和他改過的信都拿了出來。小四也沒看他都改了些什麽內容,隻是仔細看了看梁主任的簽名,然後找出同顏色的筆,在一張紙上先練習了幾次,然後再在鄭衛打好的信上簽名。第一次可能有點緊張,簽的不是很象。鄭衛立即又拿出好幾張同樣的信來,說:“四哥,你隨便簽。不行我再去打印幾張。”結果第二張就簽的極象。鄭衛一看就說:“行了,四哥,謝謝!”小四說:“那你就快去寄了吧。”鄭衛高興死了, 邊喊:“回見!”邊飛快地跑了,那速度都能趕上飛向美國的飛機了。

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海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複於小芷的評論:

Thank you so much.
於小芷 回複 悄悄話 同意大家的说法 喜欢海攀的文章 谢谢你。 我在香港 每天晚上睡觉前一定要看看最新贴出来的 然後美美的满足的关电脑睡觉去:) 没有新帖的日子 生活品质那个下降啊...
海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複於小芷的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複老城的評論:

老城 回複 悄悄話 好!
老城 回複 悄悄話 海攀好佩服你. 每天晚飯後的第一期待就是看你的文章.人物寫得有血有肉.真好.回憶起自己的學生時代.
於小芷 回複 悄悄話 哦,可能有编码问题,我这边看你那个侄字,是很... 我现在发现我自己的回帖裏麵的侄也成了很...
海攀 回複 悄悄話 轉貼:與朋友一起討論的幾個問題:

海攀 2011-3-29 06:42
smartman 2011-3-29 01:38

紫星軒: 本文原來是貝殼少有的幾篇具有可讀性的文章。不過,可惜了,已經,。。。

1. 文筆上,本文作者的文筆流暢,且有生活經曆(或許是基於本人生活),文字具有可讀性 ...

Sorry, I have to write in English 'cos typing pinyin is too slow for my software. If you guys has a better Chinese software to recommend, I’d appreciate it.

1. After we begin to like and enjoy reading a novel, it's natural for us to read forward as quickly as possible and find out the final answer. Especially on blog where author posts daily, we might feel impatient to wait every day (I had this feeling, too). But that does not necessarily mean the author is digressing or off the mark. I guess the best judgment to this concern is: after author finishes everything, ask a new reader to read from beginning to end and ask him/her if he/she feel the author inserting many unnecessary stuffs. My feeling so far is -- the author is beefing up his story in a reasonable manner and I myself is convinced so far that overall the author is doing a good job in furnishing details to make his story trustworthy and vivid.

Quite the contrary, my objection (or, if you call it, my complaint) to the author is: he did not provide enough details on his characters to make them trustworthy. Actually, I hope or I'd like to ask him to provide more details, even if at the cost of making his novel lengthy. Specifically, I would really like to ask the author for more details on Ms. Liu Juan. What background does Liu come from? Why is she a perfect figure in the novel, which is usually unbelievable in our daily life. I mean, I have never met a girl, beautiful and smart and always topping her classmates in best colleges and always self-disciplined. As is well known, beautiful girls are distracted or allured by lads ever since they were young and are seldom focusing on studying. Why is Liu an exception? The author never explained or implied the reason. I am puzzled or not fully convinced. That is why I said, I like Yang XiaoJing, who is depicted very vividly in the novel. The author said he liked both Yang and Liu. But I am not convinced why he likes Liu because the author omitted details on Liu and did not make Liu’s image complete in the novel.

To author: don’t mistake my feedback as a complaint. It is just a tiny spot on the perfect jade in your novel.

2. The powerful of literature/novel is to tell readers the story is likely to happen in our daily life (that is the first definition of “Novel” by the famous Greek Philosopher Aristotle). When someone commits a mistake or a crime, the novel needs to describe the process. Why did someone do something wrong? What drove him to it? The reason could be personal (in that case, we may condemn the figure) or by the society (in that case, we might think the society forces a good woman become a prostitute so that we have sympathy for the figure and demand the society for a change) or others or multiple. In one word, the novel has to tell us explicitly or implicitly why someone did something unusually or wrong or evil. That is the power of novel. I think it worthwhile for the author to spend several chapters to describe why Zheng invented such a trick and how Xiao4 fell into assisting such a wrong-doing. I like reading the details that makes his novel complement.

3. The detailed description of Zheng’s ill-invented trick does not mean the author appraise this figure or his action. Actually, the author called him 混混 . Obviously the author dislike his actions and his behavior.

Before Wang Suo (the Beijing novelist) became famous, we always or usually thought the main character in a novel should be a hero or a decent gentleman or at least a honest person of integrity. Wang Suo wrote in his novels his major character as an average or below average person. Which is fine. We have accepted the fact that the major figures in novels could be anyone, hero or criminal, good or bad or evil. If the author choose his major character as a criminal, it does not mean the author praises or supports him/her. It is just a different angle of life the author to write in his novel. That is why I disagree on “作者反而津津樂道,讓這篇小說的價值大打折扣。” The author needs to provide details in his novel. It is NOT 津津樂道。

flicker 彩虹炫 | 編輯 刪除 舉報 海攀 2011-3-29 07:14
Hello, Smartman:

Your English is so good even reading it I felt tired :) Yes, you are a smart man!






海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複於小芷的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複於小芷的評論:

於小芷 回複 悄悄話 还真没猜到郑卫是这種方式出国的
於小芷 回複 悄悄話 送 女進最好的學校。他還要把父母接到北京看一看,讓他們開開眼。等姐姐們的孩子長大了,他也要把 兒 女們接到北京來上學┅┅ 应该是侄女吧。。。
肥肥的夢想 回複 悄悄話 “那你就快去寄了吧。" 哈哈,開心