這次說一說Zeus是如何把正牌老婆Hera騙到手的。說明一下,希臘神話中Zeus, Hera,到了羅馬神話裏就是Jupiter和Juno了。
有一次,天上下著滂沱大雨。這時,Zeus變成一隻可憐的小杜鵑鑽到了Hera的懷裏, Hera無限地憐愛小杜鵑的時候,雲雨交加起來。。。。。。待到雨停日出,Zeus現了原形,並許諾一定娶她為妻。Hera非常喜歡吃醋,鬧出許多悲喜劇來。
Jupiter & Juno on Mount Ida, Barry James, City Art Galleries, Sheffield, England
Jupiter and Juno on Mount Ida, c. 1804-05, Irish School, Etching and engraving with, use of mezzotint rocker (black ink) 30 x 35 cm, Crawford Art Gallery, Emmet Place, Cork, Ireland
Jupiter and Juno by Annibale Carracci
Zeus and Hera on Mount Ida, 1775 by Andreas or Andries Lens; Original size (cm): 109.5x133; Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria; Medium: oil on canvas