

(2011-03-23 19:25:04) 下一個
這文學城啊,要是搞個什麽誰是文學城最無聊的人, 我估計我就會高居榜首啊,為什麽呢,看看我下麵的故事大家就知道了。

一個周五的下午,我正在回家的路上,突然收到一個短信, 短信的內容: honey, I am so sorry, I won't be able to come to your birthday party tonight, my auntie just passed away, I can't stop crying now, but you know how much I love you. D, 我一看號碼,這不認識啊,一定是發錯了人。不過我一看內容,估計就是一愛情騙子,本來跟人家女孩子約好,卻突然爽約,很有可能遊走於幾個女人之間。

1。 發短信不寫名字,所有的女人都是honey,這肯定有好幾女人,

2。 這美國人有幾個為了Auntie 會哭得死去活來的,這一看就是瞎編

3。 而且這都快到晚上了,生日party就要開了,才來電, 多半是不能抽身;


---“ it's ok, you come or not, doesn't matter, I feel sorry about your Auntie, but didn't you tell me she passed away last month, also I really don't know how much you love me " 半天沒有動靜,估計是傻了,不知道自己以前用過這個借口,可能也忘記自己和誰講過。過了半天,又來短信了
---“ honey, you hurt my feeling, you don't trust me, it was my great Auntie who passed away last month,and I love you the most, I can do anything for you.“ 我一看,還編呢,這怎麽這麽悲慘呢,每個月都有Auntie passed away. 於是我又回了一個短信,
---“it must be very hard for you right now, it's really ok, I will have fun tonight, and please tell rest of your Aunties to take care, make sure they are all safe and healthy, please stop texting me."
人家這哥們還當真了, 又一個短信來了,

---“I will tell them, and you know what?" 
--- "what?"
---" you know why do I love you the most?" 
---" I don't know, and I don't want to know either , it doesn't matter" (我心理想了,你愛不愛我關我屁事)
---"oh, honey, why do you act like this , my heart is with you,  I want to be with you for the rest of my life" (還編呢, 我就想知道他到底是不是騙子。於是我又給他回了一個短信
--- “you really care about me? you really love me? then how come you can't give me a call to tell me " happy birthday", 又是半天沒有動靜,估計是跟別的女人在一起,不方便說話,而且能跟我交換好幾個短信都沒有發現號碼是錯的,估計肯定是偷偷摸摸的在發短信,過了半天,又回了一個短信,

--- I can't talk and also I am not in the mood to talk" 這一下子,我確定了這就是一大騙子,這誰能因為Auntie 過世,就連話都不能說的,我決定乘勝追擊,
--- " I am so sorry, you know what, I was just too disappointed, ,cuz you can't come, but since I love uso much, I decided to cancell my birthday party, where are you now,? I want to be with you, to hold you and to wipe your tears. 這個短信之後就再也沒有消息了。


瞧瞧。這自己還浪費了幾個美子的短信費,圖什麽?用兩個字形容我“無聊” 用四個字形容我就是“ 非常無聊”。



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閱讀 ()評論 (15)
麻辣空間 回複 悄悄話 你太油菜了!
海風 回複 悄悄話 這個故事告訴我們,無聊是騙子的克星

shangxin_na 回複 悄悄話 Hahahahahah, you are sooooooooooooo funny!
PCP936 回複 悄悄話 太幽默了,笑翻了...
whywo 回複 悄悄話 haha, 真是無聊透頂...可是, 有象我這樣無聊的, 看這無聊的東西還如此津津有味...
江南白羊 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈。。。好玩。
桃花源 回複 悄悄話 笑S我了。
shaoaifeng 回複 悄悄話 Some of the girls are just buying this. I wish we can help all the woman from being cheated. Girls, please talk to your friend when things are not plesure to you. People around you are seeing better than you.
lebron 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
xiaoyudian 回複 悄悄話 太油菜了
Shashausa 回複 悄悄話 你無聊得很可愛,哈哈
prettysundress 回複 悄悄話 推哏兒了!
sweetbaobao 回複 悄悄話 頂!而且是手腳朝天用力頂!
chineseppan 回複 悄悄話 借點幽默給我,好不好.我們家的電話號碼都用了2年多了,還隔三差五不斷有人找Benjamin Chen,害得我都懷疑這人是不是drug dealer了.而我除了告訴別人這裏不是外,還惹一肚子氣.
脂肪豆 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈哈。。。。笑噴了