
試著告訴讀者,生活是多樣的。每一個活著的人,在多元化的人生時空裏, 扮演著某種角色,向著不同的方向展現著自己的千姿百態,書寫著與眾不同的生 命華章。


(2012-04-21 09:19:00) 下一個
Bo Xilai and China’s corrupt secrets
By David Ignatius

The Bo Xilai affair offers a reality check for anyone who’s worried that a rising China will supplant the United States anytime soon: First, the Chinese know that the scandal is just the tip of an iceberg of corruption menacing the country; and second, the leadership in Beijing understands that the scandal could have been much messier if the White House hadn’t kept quiet the past two months.


The story surrounding Bo, the deposed party chief in the southern city of Chongqing, is so improbable and convoluted it would be tossed in the slush pile if submitted to a publisher of espionage fiction. It involves Bo’s scheming wife; a dead Brit who may have been her lover; and a police chief who tried to rat out the boss by defecting to the U.S. consulate and, after singing to the Americans for 24 hours, was tossed out the door.

圍繞在薄熙來,這位被廢黜的南部城市重慶的市委書記周圍的這個故事撲朔迷離,且令人費解。如果把它爆料給一位間諜小說的出版商,它會被扔進一堆爛泥。這個故事涉及薄的詭計多端的妻子 和一個她曾經的愛人,一位死了的英國人; 以及那位試圖鼠窺上司,後來叛逃到美國領事館,與美國人唱了24小時後,被扔出領事館門外的警察局長。

One China expert likens Bo to Newt Gingrich: He’s a charismatic, relentlessly ambitious man whom everyone else in the leadership wanted to stop before he charmed and intimidated his way into China’s most elite group, the standing committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party.


The corruption that surfaced in the Bo case is hardly unique to Chongqing. Kenneth Lieberthal, a China expert at the Brookings Institution, says that similar patronage networks operate across the country. Top party officials use their relatives to collect bribes, through payments to law firms or private equity firms, much as Bo did with his wife. Even the most respected officials, such as President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao, are said to have close relatives whose behavior is questionable.


If the party doesn’t transform itself, it faces a fatal blow, warns Cheng Li, another China expert at Brookings. If the leadership tries to keep a tight lid on, the system could explode.


The Bo affair is one of those moments that allow outsiders to glimpse the dark side of Chinaós economic rise.


You get the same glimmer of insight seeing a district-level official blow $1 million in a night at a casino in Macau, notes one China watcher. How did the relatively junior official get so much gambling money? The answer, says this observer, is that he stole it, through family and friends.


The endemic corruption is one reason many analysts think China faces a period of political instability as it consolidates the fantastic economic gains of recent years. As prosperous as the new China may appear, it’s also riddled with networks of corrupt power and privilege - and managed by a nervous elite that is transferring ill-gained loot to foreign bank accounts before it gets caught.

許多分析家認為中國麵臨政治不穩定的時期,貪汙成風是原因之一。因為貪汙成風鞏固了近年來的夢幻般的經濟收益。隨著新中國可能出現的繁榮,它也充滿了腐敗的權力和特權的網絡 - 由神經緊張的精英管理,在被逮住之前,把獲得贓物轉移到外國銀行帳戶。

Lieberthal notes the anxiety that must now afflict Bo’s network of corrupt allies - any one of whom could be exposed by the investigation that brought down the Chongqing boss.李侃如指出,薄的腐敗同盟網現在一定很焦慮 - 任何一個人可以因調查而曝光,連累到重慶的老板。

Here’s where the United States plays a steadying role for a still-shaky China. When the Chongqing police chief, Wang Lijun, walked into the U.S. consulate in Chengdu in early February, he was carrying the equivalent of political dynamite. He apparently had documents to back up his allegations about Bo and his wife and their cronies. But after debriefing the cop, the State Department contacted senior Chinese officials in Beijing (as opposed to Bo's henchmen in the province), who came to Chengdu and put the talkative police chief on a plane to the capital, where he's now in custody.


The United States could have gone public with the scandal and made trouble for the Chinese, big-time. Instead, the State Department (backed by the White House) decided to treat it as an internal political matter involving a corrupt local police chief. Some Republican legislators are complaining that Washington spurned a potential defector, but that’s silly. Using such a local police chief to play political games would have been a mistake, and administration officials made the right call.

倘若美國公開了醜聞,那會給中國帶來大的麻煩。相反,白宮支持國務院的決定,把它作為一個內部的政治問題,涉及一位腐敗的當地警察局長。一些共和黨議員抱怨說,華盛頓是在唾棄的一個潛在的叛逃者。但是, 這種抱怨是愚蠢的。用這樣的當地警察局長玩政治遊戲,將會是一個錯誤。美國政府官員做出了正確的決定。

This supportive American role continued through February, during a visit to the United States by Xi Jinping, who is slated to be China’s next president. The Obama White House kept silent about China’s internal turmoil, knowing that Xi’s visit was a crucial rite of passage and that it was important to start building a good relationship with the man who’s likely to lead China through the next tumultuous decade.


China needs a good relationship with America more than it sometimes appears. Taking short-term advantage of China’s woes would be stupid, especially when the country is making a transition to a new and, hopefully, more open leadership.


(譯者:如果美國庇護了王力軍,習的美國之行就會泡湯;薄一定會“入常”, 以他的性格和能力,在未來的十年會影響到中美關係的未來。美國不庇護王符合美國國家的短期和長遠利益。注意:習的美國之行對中美兩國未來的重要意義)

(譯者:無論如何, 中國的腐敗現象已經威脅到了國家政治和經濟穩定了。千裏之堤,毀於蟻湯。主政者無為而治-不折騰雖是最高境界.現在該怎麽辦呢?該治理了。)

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