
試著告訴讀者,生活是多樣的。每一個活著的人,在多元化的人生時空裏, 扮演著某種角色,向著不同的方向展現著自己的千姿百態,書寫著與眾不同的生 命華章。

42. 尤塞瑞恩

(2011-11-05 19:12:46) 下一個
“科恩中校說那筆交易依然有效,一切順利。”丹比少校笑著告訴尤塞瑞恩,既謹慎又滿意 (with a prissy and gratified smile)。
“噢,是的,的確是的,”丹比少校關切地(benevolently)堅持道,“事實上,一切比以前好多了。你真是運氣好(stroke of luck),差一點就被那個女人給殺了。現在,這筆交易可以順利成交了。”
丹比少校興致勃勃地樂觀勁兒突然間消失的無影無蹤 (effervescent optimism vanished instantly),他頓時冒出一身冷汗 (he broke out at once into a bubbling sweat)。“你確實跟他談過一筆交易,不是嗎?”他百思不得其解地問道 (asked in anguished puzzlement),“你們難道沒有達成協議嗎?”
“是一筆卑鄙的交易 (a lousy deal),丹比。一筆令人作嘔的交易 (an odious deal)。”
戴著眼鏡的丹比少校使勁搖了搖頭,滿臉真實又苦惱的神情 (in sincere and bespectacled vexation)。
“那樣一來,他們就得把幾乎所有的人送回國去。大多數人都已經完成了五十次以上的飛行任務。卡思卡特上校不可能一下子要求增派這麽多毫無經驗的補充機組人員,那樣的話,上頭就會派人來查:他就掉進他自己設的陷阱裏去了(he caught in his own trap)。” “那就是他的問題。”
“不,不不,尤塞瑞恩,”丹比少校焦慮地(solicitously)反對道,“這是你的問題。因為;如果你不履行這筆交易,一旦你簽了出院手續,他們馬上就會對你進行軍法審判。” 尤塞瑞恩把拇指擱在鼻尖上朝丹比少校做了個蔑視的手勢,沾沾自喜,洋洋得意地哈哈一笑 (laughed with smug elation)。“叫他們見鬼去吧:別騙我啦,丹比, 他們根本不會這樣做。”
“可是,尤塞瑞恩!”丹比少校叫道(exclaimed),“還有另一份官方報告說,你是在從事黑市交易時被一個單純的姑娘刺傷的, 你涉及破壞活動以及向敵方出售軍事秘密。”
尤塞瑞恩不由得大吃一驚,又是詫異又是失望,“另一份官方報告?” “尤塞瑞恩,他們想準備多少份官方報告就可以準備多少份,對於任何一種特定情況,他們需要哪份就可以選用哪份;這兒點你難道不知道嗎?”
“哦,唉,”尤塞瑞恩垂頭喪氣地嘟噥著(in heavy dejection),麵無血色 (the blood draining from his face)。“哦,唉。”
丹比少校出於一片好意(with a look of vulturous well-meaming), 急切而又熱心地勸道(pressed forward avidly)。“尤塞瑞恩,他們叫你做什麽你就做什麽,讓他們送你回國吧,這對大家都好。”

“對飛行組裏那些繼續執行更多飛行任務的人也有好處嗎?” 丹比少校抽動了一下(flinched),不舒服地把臉轉了一下,答道:“尤塞瑞恩,”“如果你逼得卡思卡特上校對你進行軍法審判,並證明你犯有所指控的所有罪行的話,那對任何人都沒有好處,你會長期坐牢,你的一生就給毀了。”
尤塞瑞恩越聽心裏越著急(with a growing feeling of concern)。“他們會指控我犯了什麽罪呢?”
尤塞瑞恩嚴肅地吸了吸兩頰(sucked his cheeks in soberly),“他們能指控我所有這些罪狀嗎?弗拉拉空戰後,他們發給我一枚勳章。現在他們又怎麽能夠指控我作戰無能呢?” “阿費將宣誓作證,說你和麥克沃特在給上級的報告中說了假話。” “我敢打賭,那個雜種準會這麽幹的。” “他們還將證明你犯有下列罪行,”丹比少校一件一件地列舉著,“強奸,參與範圍廣泛的黑市交易,從事破壞活動,以及向敵方出售軍事秘密等等。” “他們如何證明這些呢?這些事情我一樣也沒幹過。” “可是他們手裏的證人會作證說你幹過。隻需說服那些人,除掉你對國家有好處,就可以找到他們所需要的全部人證。從某一方麵說,除掉你對國家會有好處。” “從哪方麵呢?”尤塞瑞恩追問道(demanded)。他一隻胳膊肘撐著慢慢抬起身, 強壓心頭的敵意(with bridling hostility). 丹比少校身子往後縮了縮,擦了擦額頭來。“唉,尤塞瑞恩,”他結結巴巴地爭辯道(with an apologetic stammer),“眼下,把卡思卡特上校和科恩中校搞得聲名狼藉 (bring ... into disrepute),對作戰是沒有好處。讓我們麵對現實,尤塞瑞恩, 不管怎麽說,大隊的記錄確實很好。如果對你進行了軍法審判而最後又證實了你無罪,其他人很可能也會拒絕執行更多的飛行任務,卡思卡特上校就會當眾丟臉,部隊的作戰能力也許就會被毀掉。所以,從那一方麵講,證明你有罪並把你關進監獄,對國家是會有好處的,即使你無罪。” “你說得多麽動聽啊(what a sweet way you have putting things)!”尤塞瑞恩厲聲道(snapped), 怨恨裏帶著刻薄 (with caustic resentment)。 丹比少校的臉紅了。不敢正眼看尤塞瑞恩,他的身子局促不安地扭動著(squirmed and squinted uneasily)。“請不要怪我,”他帶著焦慮而誠懇的神情懇求道,“你也知道這不是我的過錯。我現在所做的這一切,隻不過是試圖客觀地看待問題,為一個極其困難的局麵解套。”
“開小差,溜之大吉。我可以甩開眼前這個烏七八糟的局麵,開溜(start running)。”
“每一分鍾都生活在他們隨時會找到你的危險中?不,不,不,不,尤塞瑞恩。那樣做是卑鄙可恥的(ignoble),災難性的。 逃避問題是永遠解決不了問題的。請相信我,我是在盡力幫你的。”
“那個好心的偵探把拇指戳進我的傷口之前就是這麽說的,”尤塞瑞恩嘲諷地反駁道。 “我不是偵探,”丹比少校回答道, 帶著憤怒,雙頰又漲紅了。
“我是個大學教授,我具有極強的是非感,我決不會欺騙你,也決不會對任何人撒謊。” “要是大隊裏有誰向你問起我們的這次談話,那你怎麽辦?”
尤塞瑞恩大笑起來,帶著嘲諷。盡管丹比少校麵紅耳赤,渾身不自在,此時卻也鬆了一口氣,靠坐到椅子上。他似乎希望看見尤塞瑞恩情緒的這種預示著短暫的緩和的變化。尤塞瑞恩凝視著丹比少校,神情中既流露出有所保留的伶憫又帶著輕蔑(a mixture of reserved pity and contempt) 。他背靠著床頭坐了起來,點燃一支香煙,微笑著,露出一副苦中取樂的神情,懷著一種奇特的同情,盯著丹比少校的臉。這是一張鮮活的,極度驚恐的臉。自從轟炸阿維尼翁的那天,德裏德爾將軍下令把丹比少校拖出去槍斃時起,那種驚恐便永遠地烙在了這張臉上。那些被驚嚇出來的皺紋永久地留在了這張臉上,像深深的黑色傷疤。尤塞瑞恩為這位文雅正派的中年理想主義者感到難過就正像他總為許多有著這樣或那樣的小毛病,遇到這種或那種小麻煩的人感到難過的那樣。
他故作親熱地說:“丹比,你怎麽能夠跟卡思卡特和科恩這樣的人一塊共事呢?這難道不使你倒胃口嗎?” 尤塞瑞恩大的這個問題似乎使丹比少校感到驚奇。“跟他們共事是為了幫助我的祖國,”他回答說,似乎這個回答是顯而易見的。
“你的祖國已經不再需要你的幫助了,” 尤塞瑞恩大心平氣和地開導他說,“所以你現在所做的一切隻是在幫他們。”
“可你應當盡量不去想這類事情。”丹比少校堅持道,“你應當盡量別讓這類事情搞得你心煩意亂。” “噢,我倒也沒有真的心煩意亂過。不過,叫我心煩意亂的是,他們把我當成了傻瓜。他們以為自己很聰明,而我們其餘的人都很笨,你知道,丹比,我剛才突然頭一回冒出這麽個念頭,也許他們是對的。” “可你也應當盡量別去想這種事。”丹比少校爭辯道,“你應當隻考慮國家的利益和人類的尊嚴。”
“我真的是這個意思,尤塞瑞恩。這不是第一次世界大戰。你千萬不要忘了,我們現在是在跟侵略者作戰。如果他們打贏了,他們不會讓我們兩個中的任何人活下去。” “這我知道,”尤塞瑞恩硬邦邦地回答道。他突然惱怒地板起了臉。“哼,丹比,無論他們發給我那枚勳章的理由是什麽,那勳章反正是我自己掙來的。我已經執行了七十次該死的飛行任務,別再對我講那些為拯救祖國而戰鬥的廢話。我一直在為拯救祖國而戰鬥,現在我要為救我自己而戰。祖國已經沒有什麽危險了,而我卻正處在危險之中。”
“他沒有影響我。你知道我可能會幹什麽嗎?我可能會一直呆在醫院的這張病床上,像植物那樣活著。我在這兒可以舒舒服服地過植物般的生活,讓別人去拿主意吧。” “你必須自己拿主意,”丹比少校反駁道,“一個人不能活得像植物那樣。” “為什麽不能?” 丹比少校眼中出現了一絲淡淡的熱情。“像一株植物那樣生活必定是很愉快的,”他若有所思地承認道。 “是糟糕透頂的,”尤塞瑞恩說。 “不,擺脫了所有這些疑慮和壓力的生活必定是非常舒適的,”丹比少校堅持道,“我覺得我很願意活得像株植物,那樣就不必為大事情操心拿主意了。”
“黃瓜,或者胡蘿卜。” “什麽樣的黃瓜?是好黃瓜還是壞黃瓜?”
“噢,當然是好黃瓜咯。” “那麽,你隻要一成熟,他們就會把你摘下來,切成片做色拉。” 丹比少校沉下臉來。“那隻能是壞黃瓜啦。”
丹比少校聳了聳肩。“這是救你自己的一種方法。” “這是毀掉我自己的一種方法,丹比。這個道理你應該明白的。”
“那你會逃走嗎?” 丹比少校露出高傲的神色,剛要反駁,又突然停住了,他那半張開的嘴巴也默默地閉上了。他厭煩地噘起了嘴唇。“我想,我根本就沒有什麽希望,不是嗎?”

“沒有希望了。” “沒有一點希望了,是嗎?”
“沒有,沒有一點希望了,”丹比少校承認道。過了一會,他抬起臉,說出一個尚未成熟的想法來。“如果他們能夠像使其他人失蹤那樣讓我們失蹤,使我們擺脫這些沉重的負擔,那不是件好事情嗎?” 尤塞瑞恩認為那不是件好事。丹比少校憂鬱地點點頭,表示同意,隨後便又垂下了眼睛。兩個人全都覺得毫無希望了。突然,走廊裏傳來一陣很響的腳步聲,牧師可著嗓門嚷嚷著衝進門來。他帶來了一個令人振奮的消息,是關於奧爾的。他又高興又激動、有那麽一兩分鍾連話都說不成句了。他的眼睛裏閃動著喜悅的淚花、當尤塞瑞恩終於聽明白牧師的話時,他不敢相信地大叫一聲,抬腿從床上跳了下來。
“為什麽?”牧師追問道。 尤塞瑞恩猛地轉過身,一把抓住牧師襯衣的前襟,懇求道:“牧師,幫幫我吧!請幫幫我。把我的衣服找來。趕快去找,行嗎?我現在就需要它們。”
牧師堅定地挺了挺肩膀,又咬了咬牙。“別著急,尤塞瑞恩。我會給你把製服拿來的。可那個姑娘為什麽拿她的鞋砸奧爾的腦袋呢? 求你告訴我吧。”
“我打算逃走,”尤塞瑞恩用歡快而清晰的嗓音宣布道。他已經拉開了睡衣領口處的扣子。 “噢,不。”丹比少校歎息了一聲,用兩隻手掌來來口口地輕輕拍著自己那張汗淋淋的臉。“你不能逃走。你能逃到哪兒去?你能到哪兒去呢?”
“德裏德爾將軍調走了。”尤塞瑞恩一邊提醒他,一邊套上褲子; 匆匆忙忙地把襯衣下擺塞進褲腰裏。“現在是佩克姆將軍當指揮官了。”
“上帝保佑我的良心吧。”尤塞瑞恩哈哈大笑。“我要是沒有什麽擔驚受怕的事情就覺得活不下去了。對嗎,牧師?” “我下回見到布萊克上尉時要朝他的鼻子狠揍一拳,”牧師得意地說。他先伸出左臂往空中打了兩拳,又像翻曬幹草一樣笨拙地揮了揮右臂。“就像這樣。” “可這不是丟臉的事情嗎?” “什麽丟臉的事情?我現在這個樣子才更丟人現眼呢。”尤塞瑞恩把第二根鞋帶結結實實地係好後,一下子跳了起來。“喂,丹比,我準備走啦。你看怎麽樣?請你閉上嘴不吭氣,讓我搭上一架飛機好嗎?”
丹比少校默默地打量著尤塞瑞恩,他的臉上浮現出一絲奇怪而淒慘的微笑。他已經不再出汗了,顯得十分鎮定。“要是我真的阻攔你,你會怎麽辦?”他用悲哀的嘲弄口吻問道,“狠狠揍我一頓嗎?” 聽到這句問話,尤塞瑞恩吃了一驚,覺得自尊心受到了傷害。
丹比少校從牧師麵前跳到一旁,猶豫了片刻之後脫口說道: “不,當然不!”他突然急切而有力地朝著門口的方向揮了揮兩隻手臂。“我當然不會阻攔你。走吧,看在上帝的分上,趕快走吧!你需要錢嗎?”
“喏,我這兒也有些錢,”丹比少校掏出厚厚一疊意大利鈔票塞給尤塞瑞恩,熱情洋溢,激動萬分。他又用雙手緊緊握住尤塞瑞恩的手,既是給他鼓勁,也是為了使自己的手指不再顫抖。 “這個時候住在瑞典一定是很愜意的,”他羨慕地說,“那兒的姑娘非常可愛,那兒的人們非常開明。”

第四十二章 Chapter 42

Yossarian tells Major Danby that he is breaking his deal with Cathcart and Korn. Danby is surprised and tells Yossarian that Cathcart will initiate court-martial proceedings against him if Yossarian does not accept. They will probably charge Yossarian with incompetence, insubordination, refusal to engage the enemy, and desertion. He tells Danby that he will probably run away.

The chaplain runs in excitedly, carrying news that Orr is safe in Sweden. Orr has rowed all the way; Yossarian realizes that Orr had planned his escape all along and that crashing into the sea was part of a clever plan. Yossarian regrets that he had refused to fly with Orr, when Orr had asked him. Danby tries to dissuade Yossarian from running away, but he has made up his mind to follow Orrós lead. The chaplain is ecstatic and helps Yossarian get ready for the journey . Yossarian decides to go to Rome, pick up the prostituteós sister, and leave for Sweden. Yossarian boards a plane and jumps out with a parachute. Natelyós prostitute is waiting by the plane door and tries to stab Yossarian as he jumps. The knife misses him by inches, and he survives.


Yossarian finally does the honorable thing. In his case escape is more honorable than accepting Colonel Kornós deal. Yossarian is willing to risk everything for the sake of his ideals. His actions becomes a source of inspiration for Danby, just like Orrós. Yossarianós escape route is somewhat uncertain. At the novelós end the reader does not know for sure whether Yossarian will reach Sweden. The novel ends on a note of hope, which is a sharp contrast to the pessimism and despair that runs through most of the novel.

整體分析 Overall Analyses
角色分析 Character Analysis


Colonel Cathcart

The squadron commander who aims to be promoted to general. He constantly raises the number of missions that the men must fly and thereby helps glorify himself. He volunteers his squadron for the most difficult missions. He is willing to use anything, even religion, to get publicity for himself. He asks the chaplain to conduct prayer meetings before each mission, so that he can get his name into The Saturday Evening Post. He is unscrupulous and lies when he appears as a witness during the interrogation of the chaplain.

Doc Daneeka

Serves as chief medical officer for the squadron. He has the authority to send Yossarian home, but he turns down Yossarianós pleas by citing "Catch 22." He tells Yossarian: "We live in an age of distrust and deteriorating spiritual values." He is afraid of flying and has his name forged onto different flight manifests in order for him to collect enough flight time each month. This leads the air force bureaucracy to believe that he is killed in the plane crash along with McWatt. Doc Daneekaós life is determined by bureaucracy and official records.

Hungry Joe

Is sex-crazy and war-crazy. He takes nude photos of young prostitutes which never come out. He has flown more combat tours than any other in the Air Force. He suffers from nightmares whenever he is off-duty, and settles down into "a normal state of terror" when back on duty. He dies in his sleep. Unlike Yossarian, Joe eagerly awaits each new mission.


Yossarian describes McWatt as "the craziest combat man of them all, probably because he was perfectly sane as still did not mind the war." McWatt loves flying his plane as low as possible . He takes frightful risks which lead to the deaths of Kid Sampson and himself.

Major Major

Due to a computer error he is promoted to major. Though successful in his career, he is shunned by all the soldiers in the squadron and becomes a recluse. Major Major avoids meeting anyone in his office by jumping out of the window.

Milo Minderbinder

The mess sergeant who runs a huge black market operation. He even accepts money from the Nazis to bomb his own squadron and comes through unscathed when he proves to the senate investigation committee that this operation profits the capitalist side. He is an entrepreneurial genius and regards war as a mere mercenary business. The scale of his operation is mind boggling. He even sells shares in his company to the airman at Pianosa.

Heller satirizes the vast American potential for individual entrepreneurship in a capitalistic market through the amazing commercial adventures of Milo. Heller also ridicules Miloós pretentious patriotism when he describes how Milo names the planes he uses for his black-marketing operations "Courage," "Truth," "Justice," "Liberty," "Love," "Honor," and "Patriotism." Other airmen are made to fly missions which are put on Miloós record. Milo is not averse to removing parachutes and life saving devices from combat aircraft. He leaves behind messages like "Whatós good for M&M Enterprises is good for the country." This is a parallel to President Eisenhowerós Defense Secretary Charles Wilsonós statement, "Whatós good for general Motors is good for the country and vice-versa."

Chaplain A. T. Tappman

The shy and unsure group chaplain. He understands the plight of Yossarian and his fellow airmen and tries to help them by speaking on their behalf to the commanding officers. However, he is not successful since Major Major refuses to see him and Colonel Cathcart intimidates him. He is falsely accused of being "Washington lrving." He remains faithful to Yossarian and even helps him escape. He is a sensitive person who realizes that there is too much unhappiness in the world. In the end, the chaplain asserts himself and is even willing to punch Major Danby should he try to stop Yossarian from escaping.

Captain John Yossarian

The antithesis of a conventional hero; but he is not an anti-hero since he is not petty, ignominious, ineffectual, or passive . He is an individual fighting for survival in a system that wishes to annihilate him. Yossarian believes that he is likely to die for the glory of the commanding officers; he tries to escape death by feigning illness and even insanity. He is only partially successful and he has to return to duty after a few days in hospital .

Yossarian is haunted by memories of his fellow airmen who have died on earlier missions. The deaths of Kraft, Mudd, and Snowden have affected him adversely. Throughout the novel, Yossarian appears to be on edge. He loses his nerve on the mission to Bologna and orders that the plane turn back. After Snowdenós death, he refuses to wear his uniform, since Snowden has bled to death in his arms. Yossarian desperately searches for a female companion, but most of his endeavors end in Roman brothels . His relationships with women are brief and unsatisfactory. Toward the end of the novel, Yossarian accepts Kornós deal, but soon changes his mind and stands up for what is right. He needs to escape to keep his sanity. He is already a war hero, having flown over seventy missions, risking his life for his country.

構思分析 Plot Analysis (Structure)

When Heller began his writing career in the late 1940s, he turned his back on traditional methods of story-telling. He seemed to resent the "realism" of the conventional mode of fiction with its rational structure, its assumptions of continuity in plot, situation, and character, and its neat attempts to draw well-defined resolutions. His own experience as an airman in World War II caused him to distrust the cause-and effect relation of surface reality as something merely superficial which captured only outer reality. So in his fiction, Heller developed a structure and style that suited the absurdities in public and private life that he observed around him.

The dislocation of episodic continuity serves a dual purpose. Some of the events are juxtaposed not on the basis of chronology but randomly so as to highlight their inter-relationship and to emphasize certain ironic contrasts.

Besides, the episodes of the novel are so structured as to create a gradually increasing tension through the sinister events represented in them. Heller gives us several accounts, scattered over various chapters, of the catastrophic events in Yossarianós plane leading up to a death. Each attempt at narrating the gory details serves to intensify the traumatic impact it has on the morale and psyche of Yossarian.

The overall time structure of the novel does acquire some chronological continuity through the intermittent repetition of certain crucial incidents. Recurrent references include the monumental growth of Minderbinderós black-market operations, the death of Snowden, Cathcartós raising of the number of missions, and Orrós repeated ditching of his planes at sea.

主題分析 Themes Analysis


Catch-22 depicts the absurdities and excesses of life in war time conditions; on the other hand , it castigates the insanity and inhumanity of bureaucratic systems both in wartime and in peace. It is not surprising, then that the postwar generation of the 1950s and 1960s identified closely with the attempt to expose the vicious strengths and flaws of any bureaucracy. They saw the book as a tirade against the hatreds of the cold war ethos, the suspicions and persecution of the McCarthy era, and the mindless military and industrial expansion.

An example of Hellerós technique of parodying the contemporary post-World War II scenarios is evident in the portrayal of Milo Minderbinderós black-market operations. Miloós syndicate becomes a symbol for the a moral tactics employed by entrepreneurs in a free market.

Though Catch-22 deals with many contemporary issues of the 1950s and early ū60s, its central concern is with Yossarianós search for a strategy of survival amid the horrors and absurdities of war. The novel is a bitter and savage attack on the illogical and inhumane regulations enshrined by the military bureaucracy in the form of the Catch-22. Yossarian and the men are reduced to a state of near impotence which drives them to varying depths of psychological despair.

Heller's novel depicts not just manós struggles with life, but also his all-pervasive fear of death. All through the novel Yossarian is preoccupied with death. He remarks at one stage: "The enemy is anyone whoós going to get you killed, no matter which side heós on." His own commanders keep irrationally raising the required number of missions. In his desperate bid for life, Yossarian asserts: "Ióve been fighting all along to save my country. Now Ióm going to fight a little to save myself." His desire for self- preservation stems immediately from his fear of death, and his growing awareness that his impending death will serve no worthwhile purpose except to boost his superiors. He becomes painfully aware that his military bosses are bent on sending him to his death; their objective is not at all different from the enemy's.

In the final analysis, Catch-22 may be read as a sort of "bildungsroman." This leads him on to a newer consciousness which forces him to react against the death-principle inherent in war by embracing the all-important principles of life and love.

問題 Questions

學習題目 Study Questions


How does Heller employ time as a structural as well as a thematic device in Catch-22?

What functions do the hospital in Pianosa and the officerós apartments in Rome serve in the novel?

Discuss the importance of Hellerós novel as more than just an anti-war protest? Describe how Heller mingles humor and terror, comedy and tragedy to produce dazzling yet realistic effects in his novel.

Examine, in some detail, the growth of Yossarian as a character who moves from escapism to hope, courage and a sense of responsibility?

What effect does the proliferation of Milo Minderbinder's black- market operations have on the lives of the men in the squadron? What is Heller's intention in depicting the Crazy undertaking of M&M Enterprises?

Examine how Heller satirizes both the military bureaucracy and capitalistic enterprise in Catch-22.

Discuss the role played by the chaplain in the novel. Can he be considered a success in his profession and as a person?

Explain how Heller presents different perspectives on life and death through some of the major characters he depicts in his novel.

Examine Yossarian as an anti-hero or victim-hero in the novel.

Discuss in detail the central dramatic issue in the novel- Yossarianós search for a strategy for survival.

Other books: Catch As Catch Can; Good As Good; God Knows; Closing Time; No Laughing Matter; Picture This; Portrait of An Artist, As An Old Man; Something Happended
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