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【數字電表】那些事兒 01

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-Why smart meter & be smarter,


Smart Meter Information
【數字電表】那些事兒 01

Smart Meters Will Help Ontario Meet Its Energy Needs

Between now and 2025, Ontario must build almost a whole new electricity system.

This includes replacing about 80 per cent of our current generating facilities as they retire over time, and expanding the system to meet our future growth.

從現在至2025 年間,整個安大略將建立一個全新的電網係統。包括目前日益陳舊的80% 供電設施能力的更新,和發展新的供電係統。
Building new supply is vital. So is conservation. Conservation will help us to make the best use of our existing electricity resources and slow the growth in our demand.
建立新的電力供給與節約電力的消耗同樣的至關重要, 這有助我們充分利用現存的電力資源, 減緩日益增長的電力需求。

That’s why Ontario is introducing new tools – like Smart Meters – that can help. Smart Meters will encourage us all to think more about how and when we use electricity. 新型數字電表是達到上述目的的工具手段, 引發人們更多思考如何更加環保地使用我們的電力。

Smart Meters: A New Way To Think About Electricity

Your Smart Meter is a key part of Ontario’s new smart metering system – and of building a culture of conservation across this province. 數字電表將會引發人們的用電新思維,你家那新玩意兒,與傳統小小圓圓的電表一樣,卻是全安省全新電表係統的重要部分,代表了全省一種理念和文化-環保用電

By 2010, every home and small business in Ontario will have a Smart Meter.
至 2010 年,安大略省將全麵實行數字電表係統, 這包括境內的全部居家及中小商戶。

譯自:Source  http://www.smartmetersontario.ca/ 

*譯後:Smart Meter 是個很好的英語詞匯, 簡單生動一目了然, 然而它的漢譯,究其使用的語境,還是直接普通的好,單就翻譯而言,恰恰是“意譯”.-“數字電表” 而聰敏電表倒是反而怪怪的。

By YourSavings
Marketer, Journalist Independent Researcher December 31, 2009
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