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【虎年說虎】美國黑熊與非洲獅子、孟加拉虎同居一室 情同手足

(2010-02-13 09:05:40) 下一個

一個不尋常的三重奏令人們驚詫不已地發生了,且迄今為止長達八年之久——孟加拉虎西爾汗(Shere Khan)、非洲獅子裏奧(Leo)和美國黑熊八路(Baloo),同居一室,和睦相處,情同手足。





起初,以兒童教育和救助動物為宗旨的諾亞方舟中心沒有這筆遷徙經費,三位迅速成長的獸中之王一直居住在不便於和公眾接觸的兒童場所。現在,黑熊八路(Baloo)體重已接近1000磅,老虎西爾漢(Shere Khan)、獅子裏奧(Leo)也已經各350磅體重,動物中心的人們甚是欣慰地看到他們一家人般的進進出出。







“開始搬遷的時候,老虎西爾汗(Shere Khan)有些鬱悶沉默,是獅子裏奧和黑熊八路親切的引導安慰,使他感到舒服安全;現在,他們已經漸漸地習慣了這所新的莊園了。”


Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! The Jungle Book predators who have forged a lifelong friendship...

They make an unlikely trio, but Baloo the bear, Leo the lion and Shere Khan the tiger have forged an unusually strong bond.

Considering that they would be mortal enemies if they ever were to meet in the wild, it is stunning to see their unique and genuine friendship in these intimate pictures.

Rescued eight years ago during a police drugs raid in Atlanta , Georgia , the three friends were only cubs at the time at barely two months old.

They had been kept as status symbol pets by the drug barons.

Delivered to the Noah's Ark Animal Rescue Centre in Locust Grove , Georgia , the decision was made to keep the youngsters together, because of their budding rapport.

'We could have separated them, but since they came as a kind of family, the zoo decided to keep them together,' said Diane Smith, assistant director of Noah's Ark.

'To our knowledge, this is the only place where you'll find this combination of animals together.'

Living with the zoo's founders for the past eight years, Shere Khan, Baloo and Leo have now moved to a purpose-built habitat where the US public can now witness first hand their touching relationships.

'We didn't have the money to move them at first,' said Diane.

'Now their habitat is sorted and they have been moved away from the children's zoo areas where the public couldn't really get a good look.

'It is possible to see Baloo, who is a 1000lb bear, Shere Khan, a 350lb tiger and Leo, who is also 350lbs, messing around like brothers.

'They are totally oblivious to the fact that in any other circumstance they would not be friends.'

Handled by Charles and Jama Hedgecoth, the zoo's owners and founders, the three friendly giants appear to have have no comprehension of their animal differences.

'Baloo and Shere Khan are very close,' says Diane.

'That is because they rise early, and as Leo is a lion, he likes to spend most of the day sleeping.

'It is wonderful and magical to see a giant American Black Bear put his arm around a Bengal and then to see the tiger nuzzle up to the bear like a domestic cat.

'When Leo wakes up the three of them mess around for most of the day before they settle down to some food.'

Surprisingly for three apex predators with the power to kill with a single bite or swipe of their paw, they are very relaxed around each other.

'They eat, sleep and play together,' said Jama.

'As they treat each other as siblings they will lie on top of each other for heat and simply for affection.

'At the moment they are getting used to their new habitat.

'Shere Khan is being quite reticent about the move, but Baloo, the bear, is very good at leading him on and making him feel comfortable and safe.'

Explaining that the three 'brothers' have always seemed to share a unique bond, Charles said: 'Noah's Ark is their home and they could not possibly be separated from each other.

'You just have to remember who you're dealing with when you are with them, though.

'It's when you forget that these fellows are wild animals that you get yourself in trouble.'

The trio's new habitat had to be constructed carefully, in order to accommodate its occupants.

Jama said: 'The clubhouse had to be very sturdy for the guys, because they all sleep in it together,'

She added: 'We had to include a creek, because the tiger and the bear both like to be in water.'

給各位來訪的朋友拜年, 並祝您情人節快樂!

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