

(2013-09-14 06:39:05) 下一個


Kelly and I made conversation and I liked him immediately. He could tell he was a sensitive man, full of thought and dreams, and with his amiable demeanor he had a lighthearted sense of humor. We talked the entire drive back to his homestead, grabbing my first Colorado meal: McDonalds. I was exhausted from travel and so when we arrived back to his house, I was not able to process the fact that he lived in the middle of nowhere with goats bleating and chickens clucking in the night at their newfound visitor. Instead, I fell asleep the moment I hit the bed.



Morning flooded into me as I opened my eyes at 9 AM. I got up and looked around: I had a bookshelf and desk combination to my right. There was no room for a chair, so I would just have to sit on the bed to reach the desk. To my back and right were hand designed curtains by Kelly Ogle, embroidered with strange creatures. Down the hall I found two dogs awaiting me, Tyke and Ardy.Tyke was an old dog, deaf and slow. Ardy was a pup, eager to play and greet his new friend. I made friends with them quickly due to my experience with dogs and I stepped outside.


My first breath of Colorado air could be described as dry and arid. The thermometer had already hit 100 degrees Farenheit by 930 AM and in this heat I saw Kelly already hard at work. I went up to him to see him wrestling a goat and a tire, trying to stake his goat down. I would later learn that that goat was Billy, an aptly named Billygoat known for his stubborn and annoying disposition. Kelly finished his chores with the goats and then gave me the grand tour of his homestead and the chores I would be performing.



To the west a garden with five vegetable boxes that housed things like cucumbers, lettuce, chard, and corn rested nicely among the desert background. There was also a greenhouse for tomatoes, rosemary, and other goodies. As I looked eastward there was a grass lawn with two more vegetable boxes and a little doghouse that housed the baby goat, just born this year. As I kept looking east, I found the goat and horse shelter. From there it was fields of weeds and dirt amongst fallen fences, manure, and chip. There looked like a lot of work to be done, and I was right, there was.




  與凱利先生交談後,我立刻喜歡上了這個人。可以看出來,此人很敏感,滿腦子的想法和夢想。他 和藹可親,幽默詼諧,令我輕鬆愉快。我們一路聊天往回開,路上吃了頓麥當勞當晚飯。這趟旅程把我折騰得夠嗆。一進他家,顧不得東南西北,精疲力竭的我,一 頭紮在床上昏睡過去。夜半朦朧醒來,我聽見不遠處傳來山羊咩咩的叫聲,還有雞群的咯咯聲。不知道是否在交頭接耳,偷偷議論家裏新來的客人。


  一覺睡到九點鍾,我才睜開眼。我起床四周打量:在右邊靠牆,有一個書櫃與桌麵組合而成的寫字台。因為房間很小擱不下一張椅子,所以我坐在床沿就正好可以夠 到書桌。在我背後靠右手邊,是凱利先生手工製作的窗簾,上麵繡著奇怪的圖騰。走下樓梯,客廳裏兩隻狗正等著我。一個叫泰克,一個叫阿迪。泰克是一隻上了年 紀的老狗,耳朵聾了,行動遲緩。阿迪是一隻小狗,調皮貪玩。看見了我,它歡跳著迎接新朋友。對狗我有經驗,很快地,我們便成為了朋友。隨後,我走了出來。




  西邊菜園有五個蔬菜箱,裏麵種植著黃瓜、生菜、甜菜和玉米等,背景襯托著不遠處的戈壁荒灘。一個綠色溫室大棚裏,則種植著蕃茄、迷迭香等其他農作物。東麵 有一塊草坪,那裏也有兩個蔬菜箱,還有一個狗窩,裏麵養著一頭今年才出生的小羊崽。再往東看,就是山羊圈和馬廄。那塊空地雜草叢生,倒塌的圍牆,到處都是 糞便和亂七八糟的垃圾。看樣子有大量的工作等著我去做。我來的正是時候。



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